• 去年五月第三寻找黑匣子海底搜寻活动失败告终

    A third search of the ocean floor to try to locate the black boxes had ended in failure last May.


  • 2004年12月中第三感染开始以来,报告了49起病例

    Since the third wave of infection began in Viet Nam in mid-December 2004, 49 cases have been reported.


  • 第三袭击包括妇女男孩在内洗劫者他们偷走所有值钱的东西放到车里

    The third wave was made up of looters and included women and young boys. They stole everything of value, piling it into cars.


  • 第一种,我们看到可能的第二上升,然后1.3450遇到阻力。这样然后开始第三下降。

    The first EURUSD wave count places us in a possible 2nd wave up with resistance at 1.3450, which should then ignite wave 3 down.


  • 也许第三生物技术倡导者可行方法着重宣传新型绿色化工边远地区创造大量就业岗位

    Perhaps the most promising approach for advocates of biotechnology’s third wave is to emphasise the potential for a new, greener chemicals industry to create jobs in remote rural areas.


  • 建设第三基础设施的浪潮(今天主要电子基础设施)中,拥有国外资金越多,那么情况好。

    The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you're going to be.


  • 与克林顿同时获得本届最佳朗诵专辑提名约翰-利思戈,主演了一度热播的电视连续剧《太阳第三波》;史蒂夫-马丁凭借朗诵小说公司里的快乐》也获得此项提名。

    Other unlikely Grammy nominees unveiled Tuesday in Hollywood included funnyman Steve Martin who also won a nod for best spoken word album for the recording of his novel "The Pleasure of My Company."


  • 第二第三阶段脑电出现我们醒时夹杂着我们所知简短快速脉冲纺锤

    In the second and third stages, slow brain waves - which occur when we are not awake - were interspersed with brief rapid pulses - known as spindles.


  • 弗兰在本届世界杯共奉献进球,其中都是世界包括德国争夺第三名的比赛中的脚凌空抽射

    Left South Africa with five goals, four of which were superb strikes from distance, including a cracking volley in the third-place play-off against Germany.


  • 接着兴起下一广告模式:付费内置搜索结果、付费的信息服务清单以及某些特定人群第三付费

    Then came the next wave: paid inclusion in search results, paid listing in information services, and lead generation, where a third party pays for the names of people interested in a certain subject.


  • 女士对于诸如小洛克·菲勒墨守成规,尼尔森狂妄自大,抑或是洛克·菲勒第三兄弟纷争等事没有进行遮掩

    Ms Loebl does not conceal the conventionalism of Junior, the megalomaniac tendencies of Nelson, or the feuds between the brothers in the third generation.


  • 股市强劲反弹面临下一考验各家公司都即将公布第三季度收益虽然仍然疲弱,但可能投资者预期

    The stock market's strong rally is facing its next test as companies gear up to announce third-quarter earnings that, while still weak, will very possibly be better than investors expect.


  • 音乐喜剧洛基恐怖》名列第三,茱丽叶•安德鲁斯主演的另一部迪斯尼音乐剧玛丽平斯阿姨》排在第四

    Musical comedy The Rocky Horror Show landed the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.


  • 音乐喜剧洛基恐怖秀》名列第三,茱丽叶·安德鲁斯主演的另一部迪斯尼音乐剧玛丽·平斯阿姨》排在第四

    Musical comedy the Rocky Horror Showlanded the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.


  • 新加3月为止个月中2009年第三季度还是低迷楼市一跃成为泡沫数量排名第二的楼市。

    Singapore has gone from being one of the most depressed housing markets in the third quarter of 2009 to being the second-frothiest in the three months to March.


  • 然后得越来越深第二第四阶段不规则振幅的δ等你到达第四阶段开始返回,第三阶段第二阶段。

    Then you get successively deeper, II through IV, slow, irregular, high amplitude delta waves, and then once you reach stage IV you start going up again, up through stage III and II.


  • 世界排名第三的网坛名将玛丽亚莎拉上周四接受核磁共振检查发现右肩有条肌腱轻微撕裂,因此宣布退出北京奥运会

    [Agencies 2008-08-05 09:03 ]--World number three Maria Sharapova pulled out of the Beijing Olympics on Thursday after an MRI scan on her right shoulder revealed two small tears.


  • 2009年四月上升到了第三位,并且到了1372.9105万美元的奖金,这个收入超过莎拉

    She has been as high as 3 in April 2009 and has earned a fraction more than Sharapova with US$13,729,105 in prize money.


  • 第一场比赛目前进行到第三巴尔的摩乌鸦队以106领先印第安纳利斯小马队。

    In the first game, the Baltimore Ravens are leading the Indianapolis Colts 10 to 6 in the third quarter.


  • 弗朗西斯·福特·1972年的史诗巨作《教父》排列第2,比1998年上升1位,麦克科蒂兹1942年的《卡萨布兰卡》第二降到第三

    Francis Ford Coppola's 1972 epic "the Godfather" ranked no. 2, up one notch from 1998, switching places with Michael Curtiz's 1942 favorite "Casablanca," which dipped from second-place to third.


  • 第三第四净化预计2025- 2035年时期,那时那些提升3000股变得危险而不能继续存活

    Third and fourth waves of cleansing are anticipated in the time periods of 2025-2035 where those who ascended to 3000 May become too compromised to continue to live.


  • 湖人22-10的攻击结束第三节,打得自由自在,而且也开始花哨得分场面

    Los Angeles closed the quarter with a 22-10 run, playing free and easy and running up the score with some fancy stuff.


  • 他们说:“第三吧!”就去了。

    He said to them, "Come to me again in three days." So the people went away.


  • 安对他们,你们暂且去第三来见就去了。

    And he said unto them, depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.


  • 安对他们,你们暂且去第三来见就去了。

    And he said unto them, depart yet for three days, then come again to me. And the people departed.


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