• 尽管官员们一度表示准备6月份考虑立法问题现在他们知道新的濒危物种法律何时能够出台

    Although officials at one point said legislation would be ready for consideration in June, they now say they have no idea when a new version of the endangered species act will be introduced.


  • 专责小组欧洲委员会的监督,后者可以任何必要立法问题提出建议,以此规范虚拟货币市场

    The taskforce would be overseen by the European Commission and would be charged with recommending any necessary legislation to regulate virtual currencies.


  • 而这种原告资格认定标准不仅仅一个立法问题也是司法问题必要完善行政诉讼原告资格案例指导制度。

    The standard is not only a legislative problem but also a judicial problem, so it is essential to perfect the regulations of cases guiding in plaintiff's qualification.


  • 现在公司突然声称由于2006年的立法,所以2002年协议无效的,而且只有联邦政府问题拥有监管权力

    Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues.


  • 看来-即使没有任何现成气候立法-管理者责任问题还是迫使美国公司今天不得不更加重视气候变化问题

    It appears thateven without any climate legislation in place — the question of executive liability is forcing the issue of climate change in the American corporation today.


  • 今年早些时候解决温室气体排放问题努力立法机构搁浅后,环保署开始径自对温室气体排放进行规制

    Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency began regulating greenhouse-gas emissions at some energy plants and factories after efforts to address the problem through legislation stalled.


  • 第三种趋势是围绕DR -CAFTA批准进程问题增加了公众讨论从而导致某些情况下知识产权立法考虑到公共卫生需要

    Third, the process of ratification of DR-CAFTA increased public debate around these issues, which in some cases led to IP legislation that considers public health needs.


  • 这项公约表明通过税收图片健康警语、立法禁止销售,健康问题确实可以说服其他部门采取行动”。

    The Convention demonstrates that health can indeed persuade other sectors to take action, through taxes, graphic health warnings, legislation, and marketing bans.


  • 接着说这项立法主要针对近来,拉越多不满18岁女孩单纯因为追求时尚进行隆胸,但却充分考虑手术风险问题而制定的。

    She said: "This legislation is primarily aimed at the growing number of girls under 18 who have breast enhancement surgery purely for fashion reasons and have no idea of the risks involved."


  • 使有能力创下一个无人能及立法记录处理诸如医疗保健教育培训工作安全以及其他受社会广泛关注问题

    This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with such concerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide range of other social concerns.


  • 能源问题上,众院去年通过威克·斯曼马基提出的“排放总量限制与交易”议案,但参院有关立法与此几乎没有相似之处。

    As for energy, the Senate legislation bears little resemblance to the cap-and-trade bill steered through the House last year by Henry Waxman and Edward Markey.


  • 这个问题严重到了国家立法禁止医疗人员查验未出生胎儿性别显然道高尺,魔高一丈。

    So serious is the problem that it's illegal for medical personnel to reveal the gender of an unborn fetus, although evidence suggests the ban is widely circumvented.


  • 立法机构对危机快速响应将缓解意大利面临问题,也会吓坏欧元区领导人,但看来会这个国家赢得喘息空间

    Still, the legislature's prompt response to a crisis that had begun to envelop the country (and to terrify euro-zone leaders) appears to have won Italy some breathing space.


  • 阿伯加斯特Arbogast认为,面对投诉信舆论压力任何立法机构要授权美国联邦通讯委员会FCC成为解决该争执问题的判官都很难国会不会通过

    But Arbogast notes that aside from the pressure of letters and statements, any legislation to give the FCC the ability to act as referee in fees disputes will be difficult to pass in his Congress.


  • 很明显,当国会开始考虑这个问题立法必须清楚情报权限其他人如何解读,”他们写道

    "Clearly Congress needs to also understand how intelligence authorities are being interpreted as it begins to consider legislation on this issue," they write.


  • 我们承诺通过全面能源气候问题立法创造工作机会降低我国外来石油依赖性同时减少污染

    We are also committed to passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation that will create jobs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and cut carbon pollution.


  • 谈判中的当事人决定暂时不考虑是否如何使讨论具有法律约束问题,直到美国减排立法通过

    The parties to the negotiation decided to put aside the question of whether, and how, to make the deal legally binding pending the passage of America's emissions-reducing legislation.


  • 白宫国会共和党人减税问题达成妥协,该方案将周一参议院举行首轮投票,外界预计立法机构轻易通过减税计划。

    The tax cut compromise brokered by the White House and Congressional Republicans was scheduled for its first vote in the Senate on Monday afternoon. Lawmakers expect it to pass easily.


  • 委员会立法通过将会拖欠工资雇佣者判刑,当一些公司财政状况出现问题拖欠工资很普遍的一种现象。

    The committee has also approved legislation making it a crime for employers to withhold wages, a frequent problem at companies that are struggling financially.


  • 2009年至今美国国会通过一项庞大经济刺激计划医疗保障法案两者都充满争议证明通过立法可以解决问题

    Since 2009 Congress has passed a huge stimulus and the health-care bill, both controversial yet also evidence that the legislature can get things done.


  • 本文运用历史分析比较分析实证分析等方法对此问题进行研究以期我国相关立法提供一些参考

    This text will use history analysis, comparing, demonstration analysis to study this question, which provides some references for the corresponding legislation in our country.


  • 真正把握立法精神还需要离婚过错赔偿制度理论以及司法实践可能遇到问题进一步研究探讨

    Want and hold legislative spirit its really, need to divorce fault compensation theory and question that might run into among judicial practice of system make further research and discussion.


  • 然而迄今为止,对于实际承运人方面立法航运实践过程存在相当问题解决,而相关学说不够发达。

    But up to now, there are quite a number of problems to be resolved at the aspect of actual carrier in shipping ACTS and legislation and the related theories are undeveloped.


  • 离婚损害赔偿制度确立我国新修订的婚姻法进步制度理论立法司法存在不少问题

    The establishment of divorce damages system in China is a great progress made in China's new marriage law, but there still exist many theoretical, legislative and judicial problems.


  • 民间文学艺术知识产权保护立法探索过程保护对象的选择领域当今具争议问题之一

    In exploring the process of legislation of protecting the intellectual property of Folklore, one of the most argumentative questions is what should be chosen to be protected nowadays.


  • 探讨特许经营实践中的相关法律问题,对于我国特许经营立法创建良好的法律环境都具有十分有益作用。

    To discuss the relevant legal issues in franchising practice is beneficial to the legislation on franchising and establishment of a sound legal environment.


  • 探讨特许经营实践中的相关法律问题,对于我国特许经营立法创建良好的法律环境都具有十分有益作用。

    To discuss the relevant legal issues in franchising practice is beneficial to the legislation on franchising and establishment of a sound legal environment.


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