• 为了围绕Portlet内容添加窗口框架需要使用一个有效文档

    A valid document is required to add a window frame surrounding the portlet content.


  • 如果请求满足这些先决条件可以Portlet内容嵌入窗口框架中。

    If the request meets these prerequisites, you can embed the portlet content into a window frame.


  • 宽敞窗口框架凸显着对面山脉所以没有任何理由忽视这些山峰

    Generously sized picture Windows frame the striking mountain range opposite, so there's no excuse for losing sight of those peaks.


  • 但是这里提供示例只是我以后用于更多测试窗口框架初步阶段

    However, the sample presented here is just the initial stage of a windowless frameworkI'll use for further testing.


  • 窗口代码将使用Ajax通过Prototype获取窗口框架显示内容

    The window code also USES Ajax through Prototype to get the content to present in the window frame.


  • 模型GUI分为窗口框架界面元素层、功能结构运行记录层。

    The model divided GUI into four-layers: Windows framework layer, interface element layer, functional structure layer and running record layer.


  • 围绕Portlet内容创建窗口框架门户框架常常提供额外的图标支持更改Portlet模式窗口状态

    A portal framework that creates a window frame around the portlet content often provides additional ICONS to support changes of portlet modes or window states.


  • 这个聚合标记允许窗口框架呈现Portlet内容多个Portlet 聚合一个页面上

    This aggregation tag library enables you to render the portlet content within a window frame or to aggregate multiple portlets onto a page.


  • 检索Portlet标题以便门户能够围绕Portlet内容窗口框架中的Portlet内容上方显示标题

    Retrieving portlet titles so that a portal can display the title above the portlet content in a window frame which surrounds the portlet content.


  • 门户通常会Portlet内容呈现窗口框架并同时提供不同 Portlet模式窗口状态链接

    Portals usually render portlet content into window frames, providing links to different portlet modes and window states.


  • 要首先使用此WindowFrameFilterplugin. xml创建一个JAR文件,才能看到围绕Portlet内容窗口框架

    Before seeing this window frame surrounding the portlet content, create a JAR file with plugin.xml for this WindowFrameFilter.


  • 对于示例,筛选顺序必须大于1000,以便DefaultFilter之后调用因为窗口框架只能完成HTML文档转换创建

    For this example, the filter order must have a value higher than 1000 to be called after the DefaultFilter because the window frame can only be created after the HTML document conversion is complete.


  • 概括起来说我们创建一个标准框架窗口程序其中使用定制视图类型

    In a nutshell, we will be creating a standard frame window application, and force it to use a custom view class.


  • 完成测试框架执行对话框窗口如图4显示

    The finished dialog window at testing framework execution time is displayed in Figure 4.


  • 通过框架,你可以一个浏览器窗口显示多个页面

    With frames, several Web pages can be displayed in the same browser window.


  • 一旦已经应用程序创建了一个框架可以开始添加窗口部件允许用户您的应用程序进行交互

    Once you've created a frame for your application, you can begin to add the widgets that allow the user to interact with your application.


  • 由于屏幕极小,所以选择采用的框架非传统窗口风格的界面

    Because screen size is at a minimum, frames were chosen over the more traditional windows-style interface.


  • 使能够使用HTML框架浏览器窗口分成两个更多框架

    This enables you to use HTML frames to partition the browser window into two or more frames.


  • 这个框架字符串这样的基本类型接近操作系统窗口小部件希望使用这些基本类型)高级模型对象代码愿意使用这些对象)之间进行映射

    This framework maps between primitives like strings that the widgets close to the operating system expect and the higher-level model objects with which your code prefers to work.


  • 这些组件中有控制组件(control component),决定哪个集合应该充当显示聚集一起服务浏览器窗口中的活动框架

    Among these components is the control component, which determines which collection should serve as the active frame in a browser window displaying the aggregated services.


  • 此外,多文件接口(multi -document interface,MDI)——Swing中称为JInternal Frame——等功能不是框架一部分,它位于基本窗口管理器左侧

    In addition, capabilities like the multi-document interface (MDI) — called JInternalFrame in Swing — are not part of the framework but are left to the underlying window manager.


  • shell可能没有复合控件的复合控件(框架窗口);此外还有一个作为父控件的Display,这通常也是默认设置

    A shell is a top-level composite (frame or window) that may have no parent composite; instead, it has a Display as a parent, often set by default.


  • 默认情况下,窗口框架设置true其他容器则被设置为false,不过它们也可以设置为true。

    By default, Windows and frames are set to true and remaining containers are set to false, but can be made true.


  • 当前堆栈框架上下文中会计算表达式,在Display窗口Expressions视图会显示结果

    The expression is evaluated in the context of the current stack frame, and the results are displayed in the Expressions view of display window.


  • Docking框架——与Eclipse相似用户能够使窗口停靠(dock)在其父控件任何一侧以便于能够同时浏览多个编辑器

    Similar to Eclipse the user is able to dock window to any side of its parent, making it easy to view multiple editors at once.


  • Eclipse平台包括了大量窗口视图框架(例如eclipseModelingFramework),以及其它能够用于构建强大客户端应用程序的的扩展

    The Eclipse platform contains a wealth of widgets, views, frameworks (such as the Eclipse Modeling framework), and other extensions that can be used to build powerful client applications.


  • 就是说如果多个窗口框架中的一些应用程序是从不同服务器下载的,那么它们无法相互访问数据脚本

    That is, if applications in multiple Windows or frames are downloaded from different servers, they will not be able to access each other's data and scripts.


  • 工具箱解决方案管理器属性窗口一样可以停靠浮动或者标签的形式显示文档框架中。

    Like the Toolbox, Solution Explorer, and Properties window, they can be docked, floating, or tabbed in the document frame.


  • 浏览实例所有互相关联窗口框架框架构成,网站实例由所有来自同一网站的网页构成,并存在于浏览实例

    A browsing instance is made up of all interconnected Windows, frames and sub-frames, while a site instance is a collection of pages coming from the same site and existing within a browsing instance.


  • 如果这样运行程序的话窗口不会显得好看因为框架窗口没有根据视图窗体大小自动调整

    If you went and ran your application now, the form wouldn't look too good, as the frame window does not get automatically resized based on the form's dimensions.


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