• 他们沿着海岸走着,突然出来一个大浪,把他们卷到了海里

    They were walking along the shore when a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, sweeping them out to sea.


  • 架构自己突然冒出来吗?

    What about architecture, does it just emerge all by itself?


  • 债务顾问机构形容过去几个前来质询的人突然冒出来道钉

    Debt advice agencies are describing a sudden spike in inquiries in the last couple of months.


  • 死者家属类似类案件上他们总是要突然冒出来的。

    Relatives of the deceased have a habit of cropping up in cases like this.


  • 正要右转时,这辆不知那里突然出来差点撞上了

    I was about to make a right turn . Skarly this car appears from nowhere and nearly langgar me!


  • 我们很多国家或许突然出来的艰险,比如沙漠中的沙尘暴

    We've been to so many different countries, maybe the difficulties come to us in a sudden such as big sandstorm in desert.


  • 偶发目标工作对话突然冒出来目标,不是人们有意识规划准备的。

    The goals that pop up in our work conversations without our conscious planning or preparation are emergent goals.


  • 我们正在犹豫要不要地方坐下来个拿手电筒的小伙子突然冒出来帮忙

    As we hovered somewhat uncertainly looking for a place to sit, a young fellow with a flashlight leapt to our aid.


  • 知道的总会来:那些看起来无法回答问题总会求职面试的时候突然出来

    You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews.


  • 可怕可能管道来游然后上厕所的时候突然冒出来。”说。

    "The scary thing is it could have been swimming around in the pipe and you could have gone to the loo and then it could have popped up," she says.


  • 但是不久之后地面裂开了突然冒出来脑袋带着长长的头发胡子……一个囚犯。

    But soon the ground breaks, and up pops a head with long hair and a beard... it's a prisoner.


  • 最后一句话巨大淡褐色兔子说的,兔子的脑袋小径地底下突然冒出来

    The last words were addressed to an immense biscuitcoloured rabbit whose head had just popped up from somewhere beside the path.


  • 由于担心被逮捕糟,西方名人录顶层人员突然出来断绝交易并且提供秘密内情

    Fearing arrest or more, a menagerie of top members of the Western Who's Who popped out of the woodwork trying to cut deals and offering secrets.


  • MySpaceFacebook社交网站年前突然冒出来之前交友没有用作动词。

    Friending wasn't used as a verb until about five years ago, when social networks such as Friendster, MySpace and Facebook burst onto the scene.


  • 几个月之后这件突然冒出来意识到了错误,我欧普拉可能会这个时刻

    Months later the incident crept into my mind and I realised my mistake, I think Oprah would call it an ah, ha moment?


  • 总之朝深水区的游艇过去,到了那儿潜水员突然冒出来阻止他们游艇得太快了。

    Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat and when he was out there, these divers appeared and I tried to stop them but the boat was too fast.


  • 可能有男人突然出来:“个家,你每天喝下午晒晒太阳”。

    But it is impossible that a man appeared suddenly and said to me: "I lead you to leave and give you a home, you stay drink the afternoon tea and sunning".


  • 对那些突然冒出来令人沮丧新闻头条进行了阐述政客们在采取行动之前揭示问题的严重性

    It also explains the depressing headlines that are cropping up-the politicians are revealing the extent of the problem before taking action.


  • 突然出来高质量产品表明官员执行出口规则热情以往相比正在减少因为担忧引发失业问题。

    The sudden appearance of higher-quality goods suggests that officials are being less zealous than usual in enforcing the export rules, for fear of causing job losses.


  • 据说威廉十分痛恨狗仔队,母亲外出时,他们会突然冒出来长大一些后,据说他避免公共场合出现

    William is said to have hated the paparazzi6 who emerged from nowhere when he was out with his mother and, as he grew older, he reportedly avoided appearing in public with her.


  • 突然门口冒出来逼近,堵住了她的去路

    A group of men suddenly emerged from a doorway and moved menacingly forward to block her way.


  • 航天局科学家们回避这些突然科学杂志出来迅速网络上流行的报道说那个地方也许什么东西生存。

    Space agency scientists waved off reports - which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet - that something might be stirring out there.


  • 有没有试过某个怪诞想法突然知道某个地方出来,而且你根本不知道为什么你会在这个特定时候这种特别想法

    HAVE you ever experienced that eerie feeling of a thought popping into your head as if from nowhere, with no clue as to why you had that particular idea at that particular time?


  • 数字突然前面土地冒出来里面包括顺序排列的从11000数字。

    A bed of Numbers erupted from the ground in front of Sujimoto. It contained the Numbers from 1 to 1000 arranged in orderly rows.


  • 因此突然注意这个特别各种场合不断出来

    As a result, you will suddenly notice that this very word pops up unexpectedly again and again in all sorts of places.


  • 减轻压力,能预见业务需求出现,它们不再突然一下冒出来

    It would also become less stressful and more predictable given that the business needs would no longer come 'from out of the blue'.


  • 这么简单总会羡慕有些球员1718岁时候突然从你眼前冒出来整个生涯中不停地俱乐部和祖国进球

    It's as simple as that. You always admire a player who bursts on the scene at 17 or 18 and carries on scoring throughout his career for the clubs he has played for and for his country.


  • 这么简单总会羡慕有些球员1718岁时候突然从你眼前冒出来整个生涯中不停地俱乐部和祖国进球

    It's as simple as that. You always admire a player who bursts on the scene at 17 or 18 and carries on scoring throughout his career for the clubs he has played for and for his country.


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