• 来自太空各种宇宙射线通过空气进入大气层,来自太阳大量辐射屏蔽了。

    Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off.


  • 直升飞机灌注海水试图冷却核电站计划一度否决因为核电站上空空气中的辐射等级十分危险

    Attempts to cool the site by dumping sea water from helicopters had to be aborted at one stage because of dangerous radiation levels in the air above the plant.


  • 外部环境致癌因素环境导致罹患癌症危险升高因素空气污染紫外线辐射室内氡等

    External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment that increase risk of cancer such as air pollution, UV radiation and indoor radon.


  • 地面空气发射红外辐射不如明显然而却同它(可见光)一样实际存在着。

    Less obvious but just as real, is the infrared radiation emitted by the surface, and by the air.


  • 辐射来自外层空间宇宙射线),以及土壤空气中的天然放射性物质

    The radiation comes from space (cosmic rays) as well as natural radioactive materials found in the soil, water and air.


  • 此后设施一直空气海洋释放辐射迫使成千上万住户疏散并且摧毁农民渔民生计

    Since then the facility has leaked radiation into the air and sea, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of households and destroying the livelihoods of farmers and fishermen.


  • 例如峰顶空气变得日益干燥补充冰雪反射太阳辐射的降雪日益减少

    For instance, the air at the summit is getting drier, reducing the snowfall that replenishes the ice and reflects solar radiation.


  • 南极地球适合进行这些观察工作地方。首先,这里位于高原地区,大约2英里的海拔高度;其次,空气中的水分很少,不至于对辐射造成扭曲。

    The South Pole is the best place on the planet for these observations, as it's on a plateau that's almost 2 miles high, and the high, cold air contains very little radiation-distorting water vapor.


  • 喜欢户外呼吸一下新鲜空气,放松自己,这双常年电脑辐射眼睛也接触下自然阳光

    Be inspired by nature. I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.


  • 发出辐射空气传播不远不能穿透皮肤

    Tritium emits a weak form of radiation that does not travel very far in the air and cannot penetrate the skin.


  • 整个喜马拉雅冰川同样吸收辐射大量尘埃其它空气中的污染物可能掩盖了黑碳的影响。 “北极地区基本上距离尘埃污染源非常远,冰雪很洁净,因此影响就特别大。”

    Over Himalayan glaciers, large amounts of dust -- which also absorb radiation -- and other pollutants in the air may dampen the effect.


  • 读者:如果辐射得到了遏制,那么反应堆存在多久辐射通过空气或者海洋扩散全世界吗?

    Readers ask: How long will the radiation be in the reactor area after it is finally contained? Will the radiation spread across the globe via air or sea?


  • 如果内核不能得到充分冷却其随后将完全熔毁,从而使能源棒暴露空气导致辐射进一步扩散

    If the cores cannot be cooled sufficiently, a total meltdown could ensue, exposing the fuel rods to the outside air and further spreading radiation.


  • 但是星期四安装空气过滤系统辐射程度降低高点,但是是比较能接受水平

    But an air filtration system installed Thursday has brought radiation down to a high, but more acceptable, level.


  • 压缩阶段产生热量一般辐射建筑物空气中。

    The heat generated in the compression phase is normally radiated into the air outside the building.


  • 地球向太空所辐射能量多少,则在于大气层中空气成分构成,尤其是温室气体含量大小

    The amount of energy emitted by the Earth depends significantly on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, particularly the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.


  • 糟的情况是燃料容器单位有毒辐射进入空气水中

    In the worst-case scenario, the fuel can spill out of the containment unit and spread toxic radioactivity through the air and water.


  • 某些辐射可能通过空气传播美国西海岸

    Some of that radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the United States.


  • 电偶极辐射能够使正在空气每秒数百飘逸原子速度迅速下降每秒毫米

    Using radiation pressure and optical dipole forces, atoms that roam in gases at a few hundred meters per second are now routinely slowed down to velocities of a few millimeters per second.


  • 辐射经常形式深秋冬天夜晚特别是较低地区因为寒冷沉重空气流动下坡收集山谷

    Radiation fog often forms in late fall and winter nights, especially in lower areas, because cold and heavy air moves downhill, and gathers in valleys.


  • 太空人们缺乏呼吸所必需空气,缺乏抑制血液沸腾压力以及辐射大气自然保护

    In space men lack the air needed for breathing, the pressure required to stop their blood from boiling and the natural protection of the atmosphere against radiation.


  • 安全壳内的空气具有相当的辐射工作人员最多只能曝露5个小时否则就超过安全范围

    Its air has been so radioactive, a worker could be exposed only five hours before exceeding a safe limit.


  • 传热模型中,除考虑传导对流换热外,考虑了电池空气进气管之间辐射换热

    Radiation between cell tube and air feed tube and heat transfer by convection and conduction was also included in this model.


  • 传热模型中,除了考虑传导对流换热外,考虑了电池空气进气管之间辐射换热。

    Radiation between cell tube and air feed tube and heat transfer by convection and conduction were also included in this model.


  • 传热模型中,除了考虑传导对流换热外,本文考虑了电池空气进气管之间辐射换热。

    The radiation between the cell tube and the air feed tube and heat transfer by convection and conduction are also included in this model.


  • SW钙土款烧混合过量空气炉头,辐射加热设计。

    The SW Sidewinder Flat Flame burner is a nozzle mix excess air burner designed for radiation heating.


  • 报导安徽省天然辐射空气吸收剂量饮食中天然放射性核素的浓度

    This paper reports absorbed dose rate in air for natural radiation and concentration radionuclides for food.


  • 报导安徽省天然辐射空气吸收剂量饮食中天然放射性核素的浓度

    This paper reports absorbed dose rate in air for natural radiation and concentration radionuclides for food.


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