• 所有分配策略中使用广泛、最稳定因此适用几乎所有情况。

    It is the most widely used and most stable of all allocation policies, and therefore is suitable for almost all cases.


  • 如果想要处理带有数据事件,那么会生成一个附加可定制大小稳定,以分配事件的数据部分。

    If you are working with an event with data, an additional customizable, fixed size pool is generated to allocate your data part of the event.


  • 有人我们可能威胁到经济稳定的情况下实现增长更别提增长财富分配的美梦了。

    We could not grow, it was said, without threatening economic stability –much less grow and distribute wealth.


  • 有人我们可能威胁到经济稳定的情况下实现增长更别提增长财富分配的美梦了。

    We could not grow, it was said, without threatening economic stability - much less grow and distribute wealth.


  • 南极洲以及空间研究过程中发现成功领导者典型地扮演着双重角色,分配工作以及保证成员情绪稳定

    Antarctic and space studies have found that successful leaders typically perform a dual function of divvying up work and trying to ensure the crew remain emotionally stable.


  • 分配周期性较频繁稳定时间修复减少产品缺陷

    Use periodic and frequent stabilization periods to fix and reduce the backlog of defects.


  • 可以看到大小最初分配开始增长最终稳定某一范围内。

    You see the size of the heap grows from the initial allocation and eventually settles around a range of values.


  • 2007年1月德意志银行收购MortgageIT时,一个主管曾愉快地表示美国出借人分配抵押资金市场产品提供稳定来源”。

    WHEN Deutsche Bank bought MortgageIT in January 2007, an executive purred that the American lender would help to provide “a steady source of product for distribution into mortgage capital markets.”


  • 亚洲最大国家之间权利分配利益结盟——从而产生了稳定战略体系”——大环境下的一种偶然结合结果

    It was the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances in the distribution of power and the alignment of interests among Asia's biggest countries, which produced a stable "strategic system."


  • 驾驶舱内的车手情况前面后面电路分配不同大小的刹车制动功率分配方式以使车辆不断减少的情况下稳定行驶为目标。

    The amount of braking power going to the front and rear circuits can be 'biased' by a control in the cockpit, allowing a driver to stabilise handling or take account of falling fuel load.


  • 研究人员发现一般而言,第一个孩子将总数45%分配同伴,这个比例在不同的年龄组性别中基本保持稳定

    On average, researchers found, the dictator gave 45% of the money to the partner, a proportion that remained constant across age-groups and gender.


  • 驾驶舱内车手视情况前面后面电路分配不同大小的刹车制动功率分配方式使车辆不断减少的情况下稳定行驶为目标。

    The amount of braking power going to the front and rearcircuits can be 'biased' by a control in the cockpit, allowing a driver tostabilise handling or take account of falling fuel load.


  • 吉尼系数(测量所得分配公平与否统计指标)2001年起开始稳定下降国际标准来看仍然偏高

    The Gini coefficient, a standard statistical measure of inequality, has fallen steadily since 2001 (though it remains very high by international standards).


  • 降雨量年际分布比较均匀年内分配相对稳定

    Annual rainfall is distributed more evenly, the distribution of relatively stable during the year.


  • 均衡梁平分配载荷改善操控稳定

    The loading of balance arm is distributed averagely, which improve the operating stability.


  • 为了造成这种结果,一个办法沿翼展重新分配空气动力负载或是设法利用机尾水平稳定翼所产生的涡流。

    One does this by redistributing the aerodynamic load along the wingspan or by incorporating the vortices coming off the horizontal stabilizer.


  • 实收资本股东权益比例趋势小幅下降应付股利占可供股东分配的比率很稳定,在20%左右;

    Ratio of issued capital to equity decrease in a narrow range. Share interest due to pay account 20% stable to asset which could be distribute.


  • 利益分配影响动态联盟稳定运行关键因素之一,是联盟各方绩效得以发挥的重要保证

    Profit distribution is one of the important aspects which grant stable run of the dynamic alliance and it ensures every leaguer enterprises to act voluntarily.


  • 基于离散滑模控制理论设计船舶电站双机并联系统稳定有功分配控制器。

    The discrete time sliding mode controller design for stability and active power distribution of a two-generator parallel running system is discussed in this paper.


  • 实验表明这样的系统工作稳定可靠偏振编码一样相位编码也用于自由空间量子密钥分配

    The set up is stable and secure and it is proved that the phase can be used as coding in the free space QKD just like the polarization.


  • 情侣更短时间内稳定的方式完成了分配任务。双方大脑出现同步现象,一同步他们的合作行为有关。

    Lovers finished assigned tasks in less time and in a more stable manner. They demonstrated increased interpersonal brain synchronization 1, which correlated with their performance of the tasks.


  • 在不同收入阶层婚姻稳定与否,在很大程度上取决于在某个社会离异所导致的代价的高低,财产分配子女抚养问题。

    Much of the variation in marital stability across income classes can be explained by the variation in costs of dissolution imposed by society, such as division of property, and child support.


  • 如果使用恰当的并且分配一定时间使柱稳定一支填装良好的色谱柱完全可以双向使用的。

    Thus, if the proper slurry solvent was used and the time allotted for the packed bed to be stabilized, a well-packed column should be able to work in both directions.


  • 利用预测控制方法,设计出一种改进拥塞控制算法增强闭环系统鲁棒性稳定实现了带宽分配公平性

    An improved algorithm is presented based on generalized predictive control, which enhances the stability and robustness of closed-loop systems, and realizes the fairness of bandwidth allocation.


  • 车身重量得到均匀分配从而提高了驾驶稳定

    Driving stability is enhanced by the even distribution of weight between both axles.


  • 因此联盟集团稳定,对合作产生的价值分配不但影响联盟效率甚至直接影响联盟是否继续存在

    Therefore, alliance's group is unstable. The distribution of value through cooperation may not only affect working efficiency, but also directly influence the existence of the alliance.


  • 方法:我们随机分配2287稳定冠心病患者接受PCI优化药物治疗或者单用优化药物治疗。

    Methods We randomly assigned 2287 patients with stable coronary disease to PCI plus optimal medical therapy or to optimal medical therapy alone.


  • 方法:我们随机分配2287稳定冠心病患者接受PCI优化药物治疗或者单用优化药物治疗。

    Methods We randomly assigned 2287 patients with stable coronary disease to PCI plus optimal medical therapy or to optimal medical therapy alone.


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