• 使用者采取项动作变更焦点关闭视窗时,焦点便会启动应用程序视窗出。

    Focus moves away from the activated application window when the user takes some action to change the focus or close the window.


  • 控制主机控制项本身的HWND,而应用程序视窗任何其他可能包含最上层控制项群组视窗

    The host of a custom control is the HWND of the control itself, not the application window or any other window that might contain groups of top-level controls.


  • 编辑需要启动内置的视窗注册编辑程序

    To edit it, you need to run the built-in Windows Registry editor.


  • 我们可以利用这个小型视窗进入控制面板关闭电脑建立任何一个程序文件文件夹快捷方式。

    We can use the little window of the program to quickly access our control panel, shut down our computer, or set up a custom shortcut for any program, file, or folder.


  • 通过浮动样式格式视窗Writer成为应用风格最简单程序之一

    With floating styles and formatting window, Writer is one of the easiest programs in which to apply styles.


  • 应用程序所选视窗设置页面宽度设为设备当前方位的宽度。

    The viewport settings I chose for this application set the width of the page to the width of the device's current orientation.


  • 可能允许黑客输入种特别编制的网络信息闯入一种视窗系统,操纵全部程序他们任意编码

    The first could allow the hacker to break into a Windows system and run any programs or code they choose by sending a specially designed network message.


  • 程序讨论准备其他视窗软体简易资料交换也都没有问题

    There are no problems with the preparation of teach-in programs or simple data exchange with other Windows software.


  • 一款能够视窗条件下同时运行几个程序的软件。

    new kind of softwareprogram that lets you run and ‘window’ several other programs at once.


  • 需要一个手写笔不过所以高兴看到视窗7更新程序支持键盘太多

    It needed a stylus, though, so it's good to see Windows 7 update the applet to support the keyboard too.


  • 可能允许黑客输入种特别编制的网络信息闯入一种视窗系统,操纵全部程序他们任意编码

    The first could allow the hacker to break into a Windows system run any programs or code they choose by sending a specially designed network message.


  • 如发生当前输出装置正其它程序使用这个对话视窗允许选择其它MIDI输出装置使用。

    This dialog allows you to select an alternative MIDI output driver to use, in situations when the current output driver is in use by another program.


  • 小小的画面抓取软件可利用鼠标直接选取范围抓取,视窗全屏幕抓取提供裁减,预设编辑程序打印

    Small screen crawl software, can use the mouse to select the scope of direct crawl, or window or full-screen crawl and reduction, and pre-editing program and print.


  • 因为程序执行主控台视窗[资源回收筒]中储存删除档案

    Since the program is run from a console window, the deleted files are not stored in the Recycle Bin.


  • 呼叫堆叠视窗检视目前堆叠函式程序呼叫

    Call stack window, you can view the function or procedure calls that are currently on the stack.


  • 对于视窗系统为了查找期望文件或者程序,在启动之前必须打开多个文件夹

    With windowing systems, they must open various folders to find the desired file or application before they can launch it.


  • 伺服总管中选取预存程序参数时,这些唯读属性会出现在 [属性]视窗中。

    These read-only properties appear in the Properties window when you select a parameter for a stored procedure in Server Explorer.


  • 同学可以双击视窗中的图示开启这些程序,而程序预设目录即为同学的个人目录。

    You should start these programs by double-clicking their ICONS in the window. Then, the default directory will be your home directory.


  • 侦错工具视窗对话方块会显示关于程序资讯能够输入其他资讯。

    Debugger Windows and dialog boxes display information about your program and enable you to enter additional information.


  • 免费虚拟打印机驱动程序工作作为一个微软视窗打印机,允许性能指标文件实质上任何微软窗口应用程序

    The Bullzip PDF Printer works as a Microsoft Windows printer and allows you to write PDF documents from virtually any Microsoft Windows application.


  • 资料来源视窗拖曳其他资料时,使用者必须手动加入程序码,这些资料表中的变更储存资料库

    Data Sources window, users had to manually add the code to save changes in those tables to the database.


  • 任何程序编辑视窗文字编辑视窗中,只要按住ctrl卷动滚轮可以快速放大或缩小视窗

    In any code editing window or text editing window, you can quickly zoom in or out by pressing and holding the CTRL key and moving the scroll wheel on the mouse.


  • 学习了多种计算机语言那个时期,我可以写文件程序一直数据库基于视窗移植到基于网络的从课上的一直到网络服务

    I learnt many kinds of computer languages during that period, and I can program from file-based to database, from windows-based to web-based and from classes to web services.


  • 寻找编辑视窗文件程序特定位置工具程序

    Tools and procedures for locating and editing particular locations in Windows, documents, and code.


  • 资料来源视窗资料库中的影像系结至应用程序中的控制项。

    Data Sources window to bind an image in a database to a control in your application.


  • 服务供应商透过高度专业程序令广告商网站人们浏览发布商网站,以整模式通过后者的嵌入式视窗呈现。

    With a highly specialised process, an advertiser's website appears as a pop-in in a Full Page AD format when a visitor is browsing the publisher's website.


  • WPF四种主要物件类型存留期事件相关,分别是一般项目、视窗项目、巡装载应用程序物件。

    There are four main types of objects in WPF with respect to lifetime events; elements in general, window elements, navigation hosts, and application objects.


  • WPF四种主要物件类型存留期事件相关,分别是一般项目、视窗项目、巡装载应用程序物件。

    There are four main types of objects in WPF with respect to lifetime events; elements in general, window elements, navigation hosts, and application objects.


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