• 在下面的清单6故障处理程序通过相应元素(第36行)定义试图处理故障

    The fault handler in Listing 6 below defines the set of faults it attempts to handle via a corresponding set of elements (line 36).


  • "大纲"用于规范,法律条款,产品计划,演讲稿, 电影剧本, 通信,日记,讨论,聊天系统小说等." 大纲处理器"是指使用户能读,写,识别"大纲"结构的程序.一些示例OPML文档: 播放列表, 规范, 演讲稿.

    Outlines can be used for specifications, legal briefs, product plans, presentations, screenplays, directories, diaries, discussion groups, chat systems and stories.


  • 这个元素允许程序获取节点某些标准来进行然后处理选择过程一个

    This element allows the programmer to take a set of nodes, group it by some criteria, and then process each group formed by that selection process.


  • 中介包括中介处理程序我们示例中列表包含部分描述的中介处理程序

    A mediation consists of a list of mediation handlers; in our case, the list contains only the single mediation handler described in this section.


  • 段代码使用前面一样参数目标对象鼠标处理程序

    This code takes the same arguments as before: a target object and a set of mouse handlers.


  • 门户接收请求时,当前用户确定活动页面页面处理活动的页面所有应用程序

    When the portal receives a request, it determines the active page group and page for the current user, and renders all applications on the active page.


  • 对于DB 2数据库服务器可以部署生成脚本,然后就可以使用DB 2命令处理程序执行部署

    For DB2 database servers, you can generate a script from a Deployment Group to deploy using the DB2 command line processor.


  • 此外如果不想流程输入变量中介入变量可以在流程中使用一个事件处理程序根据需要获取信息

    Additionally, if you don't want to involve the group variables in the process input variable, you can use an event handler in the process to fetch such information when needed.


  • 各种程序生成了不同方程——描述沙漠高原降雨量作用触发哮喘空气污染,或认知功能多任务处理

    Programs produce sets of equations - describing the role of rainfall on a desert plateau, or air pollution in triggering asthma, or multitasking on cognitive function.


  • 补偿处理程序可以定义范围包含活动如果补偿范围内,执行这些活动。

    Compensation handlers can be defined for scopes, and contain a set of activities that are executed if the scope is compensated.


  • HTTP绑定具有自己处理程序自己的消息上下文属性

    The HTTP binding has its own handler chain and its own set of message context properties.


  • 下面处理功能:这些功能存在基本应用程序之外但是对于业务维护管理重要。

    Here your 'e moving into a new set of functions: functions that exist outside the basic applications, but are important to maintaining and managing your business.


  • 可以使用这个特性WPAR环境驻留计算密集型hpc类型应用程序某些进程只能在指定的处理器上运行

    This feature can be used to host compute-intensive or HPC-type applications inside a WPAR environment in order to confine certain processes to a particular set of processors.


  • 通常作为错误处理过程一部分应用程序针对已知模式XML文档进行验证。

    Typically, an application validates XML documents against a list of known schemas as part of its error handling.


  • 提高应用程序互通性候选方案指定需要实作签名算法虽然它们使用任凭签名建立者处理

    To promote application interoperability, the candidate specifies a set of signature algorithms that are required to be implemented, though their use is at the discretion of the signature creator.


  • 步骤3(构建代码)期间处理项目方式类似我们可以导出企业应用程序采用相同的方式。

    Similar to dealing with a set of projects during step 3 (building code), we can do the same while exporting enterprise applications.


  • 处理程序特定活动整体流程关联活动

    A handler is a set of activities that is associated with a particular activity or the process as a whole.


  • EXSLTXSLT扩展XSLT社区开发批准得到了多数XSLT处理程序支持

    EXSLT is a set of XSLT extensions that are developed and sanctioned by the XSLT community, and supported in most XSLT processors.


  • 许多电子商务应用程序都能处理常用需求比如集成互操作性安全性可靠性可伸缩性以及可用性

    Many e-business applications address a common set of requirements, such as integration, interoperability, security, reliability, scalability, and availability.


  • 通过创建选项卡上调用jQuerybind方法可以这个定制事件附加一个处理程序

    By calling jQuery's bind method on your newly created TAB set, you can attach a handler to this custom event.


  • 处理RDF然后存储应用程序使用三元存储(triple store)做到一点。

    Applications that process RDF and then store it use triple stores to do this.


  • 处理程序正则表达式称为 规则(ruleset))。

    The pre-processor works with a set of regexes (called a ruleset).


  • 可以服务器中的任何克隆处理原始应用程序服务器(例中WebSphereportal)的请求

    A request for the original application server, in this case WebSphere Portal, can be handled by any of the clones in the server group.


  • MicrowulfBeowulf集群,它是一通过网络连接电脑运行开源软件并行方式处理单一程序

    Microwulf is considered a Beowulf cluster, a group of networked computers that run open source software and work in parallel to solve a single problem.


  • 例如,WS -Addressing模块包含Axis2引擎提供WS - Addressing支持处理程序

    For example, a WS-Addressing module will contain a set of handlers for WS-Addressing support for the Axis2 engine.


  • Axis2中的每个模块都包含相关处理程序

    Each module in Axis2 contains a set of related handlers.


  • 使用了一组处理程序用来综合计划字母间距间距,断字字符缩放非常细微调整某些字母宽度保证调整后的文字依然很强肌理感。

    They use a combination of letter spacing, word spacing, hyphenation and glyph scaling (i.e. very slightly adjusting the width of individual letters) to produce an even texture in the body copy.


  • 术语WS - Security通常处理加密数字签名规范支持创建安全应用程序

    The term "WS-Security" is usually used to refer to a group of specifications that handle encryption and digital signatures, enabling you to create a secure application.


  • Request2指定urisnoopuri一部分因此这个应用程序应该能够处理这个请求。

    Request 2 specified the URI snoop, which is part of the URI Group, so this application should be able to handle this request.


  • 得的当软件包根源程序处理一三cd国际标准织描绘。

    It's available as packages processed from the source code or as a three-CD set of ISO images.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定