• 费拉罗说,印尼有条件现金转最有价值的地方在于使其他亚洲国家受益

    According to Ferraro, the CCT program in Indonesia is most valuable in that it will benefit other Asian countries.


  • 应该开始思考如果正在积极。

    You should start thinking about migrating that project if it is actively being worked on.


  • 移项把(一个)代数方程一边一边。

    To move (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other side, reversing its sign to maintain equality.


  • 一个取得成功关键因素能否复制遗留系统功能

    A key success factor of the migration project was the ability to replicate the functions of the legacy system.


  • 这些因素对于客户机尤其重要因为用户受到直接影响。

    These factors are especially important in a client migration project because users are affected in such a direct way.


  • 因此跨国公司生产技术区域项目管理提出了较高要求

    So technology and production regional transferring projects of multinational company require higher project management skills.


  • 我们中,我们总结关于如何调整配置文件一般指导信息

    During our migration project, we summarized these general guidelines on how to adjust a profile


  • 通过管理引入澳洲的人数不断增长,他们带来当地紧缺技术

    Increasingly, the people admitted through its managed-migration programme bring skills that are in short supply in Australia.


  • 解方程时进行一系列移项变形,最后求出,即未知量

    To solve the equation means to move and change the terms about without making the equation untrue, until the root of the equation is obtained, which is the value of unknown term.


  • 3列出我们总结的在QA流程需要特别注意的

    Table 3 lists the items that we summarized from our migration project that need to be highlighted in the QA process.


  • 手动更新中的必要步骤,它用于解决自动转换无法实现缺失功能

    The manual update is a required step in the migration project to address the missing features that automatic conversion can not fulfill. There are a few steps required.


  • 我们希望实际使用迁移向导但是涉及到大量手动迁移工作

    We expect that real world migration projects will make use of the migration Wizard, but it will also involve a fair amount of manual migration tasks.


  • 作为项目主管主导管理服务拓展小组引入包括不仅限于

    Act as project lead to drive and manage the transition projects introduced by Scope Management, including but not limited to.


  • PDF涉及现有的 PDF表单转换为LotusForms

    PDF migration projects involve converting existing PDF forms to Lotus Forms.


  • 根据动力调谐陀螺与重力相关特点提出了双轴平台陀螺漂移误差补偿方法

    Methods of error compensation for gyro drift of two axes platform is presented according to DTG characteristic.


  • 上午,参会代表还参观了苏仙区郴州有色金属产业园、永兴工业园部分产业

    On the morning of the same day, representatives paid visits to parts of transferred programs including Suxian District, Chenzhou Non-ferrous Metal Industrial Park and Yongxing County Industrial Park.


  • 模型非线性形式,具有显著均值回复效应,且利率波动利率水平极为敏感

    This model has nonlinear drift, has significant mean-reverting effect, and the volatility is highly sensitive to interest level.


  • 研究表明股票价格扩散具有时滞时,股票支付红利时对期权价格一个调整

    Research shows that stock option price be adjusted for stock the payment of continuous dividends with having time-delay in the diffusion term and drift term.


  • 这种方法允许逐个地尽管可能要求客户端应用程序连接带有不同连接特征代理

    This approach lets you migrate projects individually, although it means that client applications may need to connect to a broker with different connection characteristics.


  • 类似导入/导出函数使用HTTP/CLIAPI需要数据源导出到目标系统

    Similar to the import/export function, transferring the project using the HTTP/CLI API requires that you have imported the data sources on the target system.


  • 研究一类含有迁移项奇摄动抛物方程周期问题,给出了解的存在唯一性、近解及其估计

    The uniqueness of the solution is proved, and the asymptotic expansion of the solution and remainder estimation are also given.


  • 如果Outline面板没有显示正在编辑PHP文件中的任何函数,那么可以纠正这个问题。

    If the Outline pane is not displaying any of the functions in a PHP file you're editing, migrating your project will fix that.


  • 通常pdf包括针对每张表单详细定义的需求自动化的pdf转换工具以及手动更新qa流程

    In general, the PDF migration project includes a well-defined requirement for each form, an automated PDF conversion tool, and manual update and QA processes.


  • 本文的突出特色表现多个著名利率模型基础上,提出一个新的一般模型涵盖了线性非线性两种形式。

    The highlight of this article is that based on several famous interest rate models, a new general model is proposed whose drift can be linear and nonlinear.


  • 我们在全世界EMV方面具有丰富经验这让我们完全能够利用我们的独特EMV专业技能全球声誉成功地领导项目

    Our experience in migration projects all over the world allowed us to leverage our unique EMV expertise and geographical presence to lead this project successfully"."


  • 金雅拓亚洲区总裁陈帝利表示:“我们非常高兴能够RBS合作,RBS也相信我们能力管理他们的各个关键市场。”

    Tan Teck Lee, President, Gemalto Asia added, "We are extremely pleased to be able to work with RBS who have placed their trust in us to manage the migration project across their key markets."


  • 对1990 - 2004年我国国际收支经常项目其中货物服务、经常目的收支状况分别作了简要分析,并根据历史数据预测2005年各项的收支情况。

    This article analyzes the present situation and the development of current account of China's international payments, including goods, services and current transfer, from 1990 to 2004.


  • 对1990 - 2004年我国国际收支经常项目其中货物服务、经常目的收支状况分别作了简要分析,并根据历史数据预测2005年各项的收支情况。

    This article analyzes the present situation and the development of current account of China's international payments, including goods, services and current transfer, from 1990 to 2004.


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