• 偶像力量如此有效所以偶像应该保持积极公众形象

    As the power from idol is so effective, so the idol should keep the positive image to the public.


  • 公众参与有赖于积极公众参与文化培育市民社会发展壮大

    The public's participation relys both on the positively cultivation of the culture of public participation and the citizenized society's development and expansion.


  • 十分愿意去事,同时还有额外积极公众压力——就是你们这些读者两点激励着坚持下去。

    It's something I really enjoy, and there's the added bonus of positive public pressure (that's you, the readers) that has motivated me to stick with it.


  • 因此最后并非一些模糊特质(纪律)使坚持自己的这些习惯而是两个激励秘诀积极公众压力享受乐趣

    So in the end, it's not some vague quality (" discipline ") that allows him to stick to these habits, but rather the two secrets of motivation: positive public pressure and enjoyment.


  • 俄罗斯东正教主教基里尔首位俄罗斯民众发表讲话公众人物所有国家大事异常积极

    The first public figure to address the Russian people was Kirill, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, who is extremely active in all state matters.


  • 应该批准此类犯罪严惩法律积极得到执行动员公众舆论此类行为决不宽容

    Laws requiring severe punishment for this crime should be passed and energetically enforced, and public opinion should be mobilized to become fiercely intolerant of it.


  • 虽然这些山寨组织仅有少部分打算公众提供有用信息,但阿桑奇对于全球化公民社会积极贡献似乎获得了更广泛认可

    If just a few of the copycat organisations manage to provide useful information to the public, Assange's positive contribution to global civil society might be more widely acknowledged.


  • 而且不要认为公众RFID”的了解程度一样,应该积极走出去向人们主动解释如何保障个人隐私

    Also, don't assume the public knows what you know about RFID. Go out of your way to explain how you are safeguarding the public's privacy.


  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省多达百分之八十的专门调查小组报告已经认同越多活跃公民积极参与响应范围公众问题调查就有效

    In British Columbia, no less than eight recent task force reports have identified more active citizens as the key to responding more effectively to large scale public issues.


  • 这些问题可以引发公众关注思考进而影响他们行为积极改变。

    This will arouse the awareness and thoughts of the public and thus bring changes to their behaviors.


  • 迄今华盛顿决策者公民的诉求给与了积极回应他们理解尊重公众要求不诚实需要

    Thus far, many policymakers in Washington have responded favorably to their constituents' requests, saying they respect and understand the public's need for dishonesty.


  • 工作重点之一就是告知公众我们做什么让雇员们积极参与建设一个更大科学社区的活动中来。

    One of my priorities is to expand and publicize the work that we do, to promote the active involvement of the service's employees in the larger scientific community.


  • 这本《公民手册目的鼓励更多的更积极活跃公民的出现,他们兴趣的公众问题具有积极性,渴望自己生活之外获得完全不同的经历。

    The citizens Handbook is meant to encourage the emergence of more active citizens - people motivated by an interest in public issues, and a desire to make a difference beyond their own private lives.


  • 格外成功的英国独立党鼓吹退出欧盟政策在过去现在都得到明显不信任欧洲的英国公众积极响应。

    Particularly successful were the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), whose policy of withdrawal from the EU found and finds a ready echo among a distinctly Eurosceptic British public.


  • 节目制作方表示来自公众积极反馈有助于这些缺乏信心的嘉宾重建自信

    Positive responses from members of the public help to build the self-confidence of the insecure subjects, according to program makers.


  • 说:“显然个人人际交流能力力量的源泉,也就是他和与美国公众的交流、调动积极因素改变国内民众情绪的能力。”

    The strengths are clearly his personal ability to communicate with people, to communicate with the American public and to motivate and to change the mood in the country.


  • 一些节水行动积极卖力公司强烈意识到了眼前的危机。水资源逐渐不足公众对于用水过多的指责它们造成双重伤害。

    Some of the companies at the forefront of water-saving campaigns are also acutely aware of their vulnerability to the growing scarcity of water, and to charges that they are guzzlers.


  • 巴马现象并非在所有的问题上起到积极的作用,反例之一就是促使公众的期望值过高

    And the Obama phenomenon would not always be helpful, because it would raise expectations to undue heights.


  • 回想着本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)写给母亲的信,解释为何投入如此时间公众服务中:“我不怕出来,做一个积极工作的有用的人比做一个行尸走肉般的有钱人强。”

    I think about what Benjamin Franklin wrote to his mother, explaining why he had devoted so much of his time to public service: "I would rather have it said, he lived usefully, than, he died rich."


  • 集团面对日益激烈市场竞争态势,面向社会公众做出积极承诺

    This is the group facing increasingly fierce market competition situation, and make a positive commitment to the community.


  • 否认这些指控保持积极好斗公众形象

    He has denied the charges and sustained an upbeat and combative public image.


  • 我们同行员工客户投资者广大公众共同努力,成为迅速广泛地应对气候变化积极活跃的领军企业。

    Becoming an active business champion for rapid and extensive response to climate change with our peers, employees, customers, investors and the broader public.


  • 正在积极帮助管理压力注意研究人员,当中包括马克·哈博士,英国伦敦大学学院流行病学系的公众健康

    Being active can help manage stress, note the researchers, who included Mark Hamer, PhD, of University College London's department of epidemiology and public health.


  • 调查显示公众对于城市基础设施改善的态度非常积极的

    The survey showed attitudes toward urban infrastructure projects are very positive.


  • 调查显示公众对于城市基础设施改善的态度非常积极的

    The survey showed attitudes toward urban infrastructure projects are very positive.


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