• 不过一些不及这些跨国公司财大气粗但却灵活敏捷中国公司积极挖掘奥运商机

    But some nimble Chinese companies without the heft of the multinational giants are poised to ride the Olympic boom, too.


  • 大学管理者应通过合理设计大学活动积极挖掘大学故事努力营造校园环境构建良好的大学体验

    The administers of a university can cultivate good university experience by designing meaningful activities, compiling instructive university stories, and creating favorable campus environment.


  • 通过教师学生关于初中几何读一读栏目阅读情况与内容评价的调查指出:教师转变观念积极挖掘栏目蕴涵丰富的教育功能

    On the basis of investigation of "reading" column in junior middle school geometry textbook, pointed out: teacher should change their idea, excavated the function of education on the column.


  • 第5,“挖掘需求”,鼓励开发团队成员积极寻求客户没有要求或者可能还没有考虑到特性解决方案

    Chapter 5, "Inventing Requirements," encourages development team members to look actively for innovative features and solutions that the customer did not request or might not even have considered.


  • 失败仔细地剖析为“失误中学习”,因为重点挖掘出当前努力积极方面突出下次努力改进那些地方。

    Failure properly dissected with 'learning from mistakes' as its focus will resurrect the positive aspects of the attempt and highlight what to change on the next attempt.


  • 双方同意大力挖掘经贸合作潜力积极推动两国边界问题早日解决

    Both sides agreed to intensify efforts to tap the cooperation potentials in the field of economy and trade and promote the early settlement of boundary issues.


  • 了解客户满足他们的需求提问积极聆听挖掘客户真实的需求。

    Understand your customers and meet their needs. Question and listen actively to uncover their true needs.


  • 如何挖掘人的潜力最大限度的发挥积极主观能动性每个管理者苦苦思索与追求的。

    Every manager thinks hard about how to tap into his personnel's potential and give the fullest play to their zeal and initiative.


  • 充分激发员工工作积极挖掘员工的潜能,谁就能市场竞争中占优势

    Who can fully excite staff's job enthusiasm, excavate staff's latent energy, who can hold an advantage position in the market competition.


  • 本文主要英语词汇歧义角度分析歧义产生原因及其产生的幽默效果从而挖掘我们生活中的积极意义

    This paper mainly analyses the cause of English ambiguity and its humor effects to excavate its positive meaning in our life.


  • 幼儿园方面,幼儿教师应该积极更新教育理念培养自身良好情感素质善于挖掘课程资源能力。

    To the infant schools, the teachers should learn new theory of education, train their own good emotion, and tap the textbook for latent resources.


  • 根据市场变化调整自身工作思路积极跟进客户动态进行客户深入挖掘工作。

    4 according to changes in the market to adjust their ideas, actively follow up the customer's dynamic, in-depth excavation work for customers.


  • 根据市场变化调整自身工作思路积极跟进客户动态,进行客户的深入挖掘工作。

    4 according to the market changes and adjust their work ideas, actively follow up the customer's dynamic, in-depth excavation work for customer.


  • 这种积极情感激发他们学习兴趣降低他们语言焦虑感挖掘他们的潜力使他们保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩

    The positive affect can arouse students' interest in learning, lower their language anxieties, tap the potential of their language abilities, and help them get better results in learning.


  • 积极建设维护良好互信客户关系挖掘客户长期深度合作商业机会

    Actively build and maintain good customer relations and mutual trust, and tap the depth of cooperation with our customers long-term business opportunities.


  • 本文通过中国传统法文化的梳理,挖掘传统法文化有价值的积极合理思想精华

    This essay, through the analysis of the Chinese traditional legal cultures, tries to dig out their valuable, positive and rational thoughts and essence.


  • 研究,既要挖掘独特性探讨积极方面消极方面。

    When it came to transforming, we should study the special characters of it and its positive aspect and also its negative aspect.


  • 教师学习学校管理具有挖掘功能引导功能沟通功能,因此采取积极措施推动学校管理功能的实现教师学习有序管理。

    Therefore, positive initiatives should be taken so as to push forward the realization of school-management functions and the orderly management of teachers learning.


  • 绩效管理作为现代人力资源开发管理的中枢正是挖掘员工潜能保护员工工作积极有效渠道

    However, performance management, a key point in modern HR development and management, serves as an effective channel to cultivate employees' potentials and protect their initiatives.


  • 洞察市场变化需求积极开拓挖掘潜在的渠道完成区域内的销售指标

    Keep a closer eyes on market change and need, aggressively explore and develop potential new customers. Achieve sales target assigned by region and by area.


  • 扩大农村销售网点,积极拓展配送范围企业内部实施干部员工绩效挂钩,大力挖掘内在潜能等措施都取得了明显成效。

    In order to enhance distribution, the company enlarged country network, developed distribution potential, implemented performance appraisal and developed company' s potentials.


  • 我们应该充分挖掘科技潜力积极培育增长亮点,增强经济复苏内在动力

    We should fully tap into the potential of science and technology, nurture growth drivers and build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery.


  • 我们应该充分挖掘科技潜力积极培育增长亮点,增强经济复苏内在动力

    We should fully tap into the potential of science and technology, nurture growth drivers and build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery.


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