• 科学研究环境保护联系密切。

    Scientific research and conservation are intimately connected.


  • 专长数学地球科学化学

    Her speciality is maths, earth science, and chemistry.


  • 凯瑟琳大帝艺术科学赞助人

    Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.


  • 数学一度被视为各门科学基础。

    Mathematics was once dubbed the handmaiden of the sciences.


  • 我们所有结果发表科学刊物上

    All our results are published in scientific journals.


  • 科学期刊广泛地发表各类文章。

    He published widely in scientific journals.


  • 是什么使青少年们对科学失去了兴趣?

    What turns teenagers off science?


  • arts一词通常人文社会科学

    The term 'Arts' usually refers to humanities and social sciences.


  • 正在科学项目多媒体演示

    I am making a multimedia presentation for my science project.


  • 科学唯物主义就这样战胜无知迷信

    Scientific materialism thus triumphed over ignorance and superstition.


  • 全部精力投入到了科学革新中

    He devoted his energies to the reformation of science.


  • 科学也许能够超自然现象提供一些解释

    Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.


  • 化学19世纪初期杰出实验室科学

    Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.


  • 英语数学信息技术自然科学必修课

    English, Maths, ICT and Science are compulsory subjects.


  • 积极地推动诸如道德之类科学观念传播

    He actively promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas about matters such as morality.


  • 一种有趣的科学现象没有什么实际用途

    It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.


  • 亚伯拉罕马斯洛心理学描述存在科学”。

    Abraham Maslow described psychology as "the science of being."


  • 绝种生命形式进行克隆的想法仍然属于科学幻想

    The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.


  • 定期科学杂志撰稿。

    He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'.


  • 科学正在研究饮食抗癌作用

    Scientists are investigating the effects of diet on fighting cancer.


  • 科学家们成群离开这个国家

    Scientists are leaving the country in droves.


  • 科学不断发展新的专门用语

    Scientists are constantly developing new terminologies.


  • 科学很快就会有新的重大发现

    Scientists are on the brink of making a major new discovery.


  • 大学资助金极度偏重科学的。

    University funding was tremendously biased toward scientists.


  • 科学告诫人类慎重对待这项技术。

    Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique.


  • 使得科学推测还有其他星系存在

    This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.


  • 科学没有有力证据证明电线致癌

    Scientists say there is no convincing evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer.


  • 学院正在接待来访俄罗斯科学

    The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.


  • 科学中采水样

    The scientists are taking water samples from the river.


  • 科学仔细察看行星照片,寻找生命迹象

    Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定