• 最高法院法官Sandra Dayo'Connor斯坦经济专业。

    Sandra Day o 'connor, former Supreme Court Justice, majored in economics at Stanford.


  • 布鲁斯·伯克利加利尼亚教育教授,他使用不同字眼来评论这场辩论。

    Bruce Fuller, an education professor at the University of California, Berkeley, used different terms in discussing the debate.


  • 还在伊甸园里开始,我们就开始设法辨别——撒谎,谁没有撒谎,”斯坦会计教授戴维·拉克尔

    "I think since the Garden of Eden we've been trying to figure this out - who's lying and who's not lying," says David Larcker, a professor of accounting at Stanford's Graduate School of Business.


  • 虽然最近几个月来人类研究一直没有停止争论欧洲之间关系但是现在为止,还没有能达到史丹的思想高度如此清楚、公开地阐述一论点。

    Debate over a European connection has dogged anthropology in recent months, though until now no one of Stanford's stature had stated it so un-equivocally and publicly.


  • 上月世界银行行长保罗·沃尔·维茨国际货币基金组织和世界银行新加坡召开的联合年会上宣布这个名为《性别平等明智经济》的计划

    The plan, Gender Equality as Smart Economics, was announced last month by World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Singapore.


  • 作为哈德流域地产大亨纽约百万商贾的后人,罗斯曾就读于格罗顿公,后赴哈佛深造。

    He was descended from Hudson Valley landed gentry and millionaire New York merchants, and went to Groton and Harvard.


  • 他们来自伊比利亚而不是西伯利亚。”上个月考古大会上史丹是这样告诉他吃惊同行的。

    "They were from Iberia, not Siberia," Stanford told startled colleagues at an archeology conference last month.


  • 显然具有解剖知识。”田世。“觉得他以前过手术。”

    "Clearly he has anatomical knowledge," said Tierney. "I have no doubt he's done this before."


  • 塞特技巧就像婴儿步,家庭汽车小心地开半个街区,从不直冲上高速路;

    He learned that skill as a toddler, driving the family caronly a careful half-a-block rather than heading for the highway;


  • 调查负责人杜克库商院(Duke' s FuquaSchoolofBusiness)金融教授约翰·格雷厄姆(Johnr . Graham)表示,目前可能美国经济1979- 81年出现次衰退以来最长时间经济疲软

    'This could be the longest slowdown since the double-dip recession of 1979-81,' said survey director John R. Graham, who is a finance professor at Duke's Fuqua School of Business.


  • 列克星敦肯塔基交际专家劳拉.斯塔(Laura Stafford)研究说明,“异地恋现在流行,而且会越来越普遍”。

    "Long-distance dating relationships are prevalent, perhaps increasingly so," says the study by communication professor Laura Stafford of the University of Kentucky-Lexington.


  • 这项利用植物自我保护机制侦察爆炸物品的研究是由科罗拉多州生物教授·梅德(June Medford)五角大楼共同完成的。

    This defensive reaction formed the basis for research into detecting explosives carried out by University of Colorado biologist Professor June Medford in conjunction with the Pentagon.


  • 然而斯坦近年在招募上成功表明经济领域正在进行一场广泛的转型

    But the recent recruiting success of Stanford shows something broader about how the economics profession is changing.


  • 加州的那些在斯坦研究了健康经济那里也成为她的一个转折点

    The years in California, where she studied health economics and did research at Stanford, were a turning point.


  • 生物领域尔·马林作为一种有效廉价防腐剂广泛应用于解剖实验室

    In the field of medicine and biology, formalin is popularly used in the dissecting room as a effective and low-cost antiseptic.


  • ,1965年出生教授博士生导师研究领域包括信息安全网络安全、密码

    Zhang Futai, male, born in 1965, professor, PhD supervisor. His research interests include information security, network security and cryptography.


  • 搜集裸鼠脏器组织,10%缓冲尔·马林固定常规石蜡包埋,HE染色镜下观察形态改变

    Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse, fixed with 10% dampen formaldehyde solution, paraffin embed, routine he stained and morphology observed by microscope.


  • 里斯特东西可能一点孩子里斯特别人一样享有平等的机会

    He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.


  • 旧金山加州解剖专家伦纳德·海里克的意见

    This is the view of anatomy expert Leonard Hayflick of the University of California at San Francisco.


  • 连续灌胃14周后10 %尔·马林灌注主动脉形态观察图像分析

    After treating 14 weeks, all the mice were filled with 10% formalin and the aortas were stripped for morphological research and photograph analysis.


  • 放弃法兰克研究转向植物研究,后来成为好几所德国植物教授

    DE Bary abandoned a career in medicine in Frankfurt to devote the rest of his life to his botanical studies, becoming professor of botany at a number of German universities.


  • 综述df药理作用、药动临床试验耐受性

    The pharmacological actions, pharmacokinetics, clinical trial and tolerance of tenofovir DF are reviewed in this article.


  • 调查结果对于生物领域也是有有意义的,格拉夫•拉德博士

    The findings also make sense biologically, Dr. Graff-Radford says.


  • 可能东西比较慢孩子斯特别人一样享有平等机会,他什么特殊怎么翻新轮胎

    He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy, Forrest, is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires .


  • 来自美国康涅狄格州毕业罗里达大西洋即将获得该校的教育领导硕士

    I am from Connecticut, United States, and I received my degrees from Florida Atlantic University. I am currently finishing my Masters degree in Educational Leadership at Florida Atlantic University.


  • 洛克马拉分别凯洛格商斯坦营销教授

    Rucker is a marketing professor at The Kellogg School of Management, and Tormala is a marketing professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business.


  • 基因组专家斯坦皮肤病助理教授HowardChang博士研究论文的重要作者EranSegal博士于2004年加入了计划

    Genomics expert Howard Chang, M. D., assistant professor of dermatology at Stanford, and the paper's lead author, Eran Segal, Ph. D., joined the project in 2004.


  • 基因组专家斯坦皮肤病助理教授HowardChang博士研究论文的重要作者EranSegal博士于2004年加入了计划

    Genomics expert Howard Chang, M. D., assistant professor of dermatology at Stanford, and the paper's lead author, Eran Segal, Ph. D., joined the project in 2004.


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