• 2009年一位叫作HowtoDressWell神秘艺术发布了一张名为The EternalLove免费EP接下来个月中这个project博客跟进了半打的EP。

    In fall 2009, a mysterious artist called How to Dress Well posted a free EP called the Eternal Love, and a half-dozen more EPs followed on the project's blog in the next six months.


  • 舞蹈引起了当时法国诗人画家注意因为符合他们神秘色彩喜好对于艺术信仰

    Her dancing also attracted the attention of French poets and painters of the period, for it appealed to their liking for mystery, their belief in art for art's sake.


  • 彻底测试自动化重构结合起来会更加有效了,这样重构也神秘艺术变成有用日常工具

    The combination of thorough testing and automated refactoring is especially powerful and has transformed this once mysterious art to a useful, everyday tool.


  • 相信科学领域艺术领域,有一种神秘驱使我们全力以赴地投身其中、激发创意。

    I believe that a sense of the unknown propels us in all of our creative activities, from science to art.


  • 学校长久视为采纳德国方式的象征这场展览了它的神秘,使人们得以直视其艺术的部分。

    The school has long been seen as a symbol of Germany’s road not taken. This show strips away the mythology and looks at the art.


  • 希特认为抽象就像是未知领地,是神秘的”进行几百艺术尝试,并且由些打下了他的现存作品的品牌

    Mr Richter sees abstraction as "mysterious, like an unknown land". The artist has made hundreds of these painterly explorations, and they have become his branded stock in trade.


  • 作为希腊的词根资产,加密技术一种“神秘编写艺术

    Cryptography is the art of "secret writing," as the word's Greek roots attest.


  • 这次展览绝对只是歌颂一位颇具影响力艺术的成就,更是揭开他的神秘面纱,确立他的形象

    This exhibition promises not just to celebrate the work of an important artist, but to pin down an elusive figure.


  • 就像是炼金术一样应用程序找到最佳的硬件软件组合神秘艺术,需要不断实践才能取得有效结果

    Like alchemy, finding the right mix of hardware and software ingredients to optimize your specific application is a black art-and one practiced most effectively in your own lair.


  • 蒙娜丽莎真实身份神秘微笑全世界艺术爱好者为之着迷。

    The true identity of Mona Lisa and her enigmatic smile have intrigued art lovers around the world.


  • 我们科学家难道就不能爱情还给情人艺术家们留给人们一点神秘吗?

    Shouldn’t we scientists leave love to lovers and artists and leave a little bit of mystery?


  • 我们科学家难道就不能爱情还给情人艺术家们留给人们一点神秘吗?

    Shouldn't we scientists leave love to lovers and artists and leave a little bit of mystery?


  • 许多艺术作品,皮奇尼尼高度写实主义雕塑家罗恩·穆克作品,在没有背景的情况下,很容易以为怪诞的神秘现象

    Many artworks, such as those by Piccinini and hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck, could easily be mistaken for a bizarre, seemingly mysterious phenomenon when seen out of context.


  • 巨幅蒙娜揭开面纱之后艺术表示:“真是令人兴奋已如此之大笑容神秘还是丝毫不减原作。”

    Speaking after the mega Mona was unveiled the artist said: "It's kind of mind-blowing how big she is but the smile is still as enigmatic as ever."


  • 他们UI设计想像一般的图形设计,有一个神秘创作过程艺术创作人员穿着黑衣,喝着饮料,很有趣地创作出酷酷艺术

    They think that UI design is like graphics design: the mysterious process by which creative, latte-drinking, all-dressed-in-black people with interesting piercings produce cool looking artistic stuff.


  • 华丽白色劳拉索特卡波美拉尼亚艺术一个神秘的,精神的感觉差不多可以感觉到智慧的眼睛

    This gorgeous white Pomeranian art by Laura Sotka has a mystic, almost spiritual feeling, and you can sense the wisdom in her eyes.


  • 根据调查,频繁更新Twitter让粉丝随时知道动态的名人有可能那些保持神秘的名人艺术生涯

    Celebrities who bombard fans with Twitter updates are likely to have shorter careers than those who maintain an aura of mystique, according to a survey.


  • 而且很多艺术家-埃里克·克莱普顿弗兰西斯培根英格玛·伯格曼品特其他的一些艺术家-存在一种终极的神秘和与生俱来的艺术感觉,他们的艺术天赋好像并非来自这个俗世。

    And, for many-eric Clapton, Francis Bacon, Ingmar Bergman, Pinter and others-there is ultimately a sense of mystery and spontaneity; of art coming from elsewhere.


  • 其实并非所有怪异考虑保密神秘根深蒂固文化笼罩整个艺术世界

    Actually, not weird at all when you consider the ingrained culture of secrecy and mystification that shrouds the art world in general.


  • 汐在接受广州日报》采访时表示:“十分惊讶王小帅能将神秘悬疑故事一部艺术片。”

    "I was quite surprised that Wang could make such a mysterious and suspenseful story into an art film," Han told Guangzhou Daily.


  • 贾平凹作品中的神秘色彩幽默艺术增强了作品可读性象征性,使作品的主题思想更加博大精深。

    The mysterious color and humorous art in Jia Pingwas works enhances the readability symbolic of his works and makes it more significant.


  • 色彩分级艺术有时会让人感觉好像神秘秘密-电影制作者用来获得魔术电影外观的秘密。

    The art of color grading sometimes feels as if it's shrouded in mystery-the secret sauce that filmmakers use to get that magic "cinematic" look.


  • 他们对于艺术作品选用材料主题颜色方向数目大小,皆具有明显或是神秘象征意义

    There are obvious or mystical symbolic meanings in material, motif, color, direction, number, and size etc., which they selected in any artwork.


  • 生命体验视角果戈理鲁迅进行比较研究说明二者之间神秘的共鸣,更能深入地揭示艺术奥秘

    Then, a comparative study in point of life experience may show the mysterious sympathies between them and dispose the arcanum of arts better.


  • 生命体验视角果戈理鲁迅进行比较研究说明二者之间神秘的共鸣,更能深入地揭示艺术奥秘

    Then, a comparative study in point of life experience may show the mysterious sympathies between them and dispose the arcanum of arts better.


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