• 新生矿物方解石形成说明在分解过程可以发生固碳反应,减少温室气体的排放

    The calcium ion which induced dissolution turned to calcite then settled as sediment and also accelerated the decomposition process of sulfate mineral by SRB.


  • 平衡气氛定义碳反应表面产生为零时表面

    The non equilibrium carbon potential is defined as the carbon content of steel when the net carbon production rate at surface of steel vanishes.


  • 它们没有中的反应形成二氧化而是形成高活性分子,称之为:自由激进分子

    Instead of reacting with carbon from the sugar to form carbon dioxide, it forms highly reactive molecules called free radicals.


  • 具有多重碳-大分子燃烧涉及到一系列复杂反应

    The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds, involves a more complex series of reactions.


  • 1968年工作于Delaware州Wilmington市Hercules公司的Heck博士报告了一中新的化学反应使用作为两个结合核心成分缺点需要一种昂贵的钯

    reported new chemical reactions that used palladium as the key ingredient for shepherding carbons together, but drawbacks included the need for an expensive palladium salt.


  • 这种STAIR电池的原理图中,空气抽取氧气电池里的锂离子多孔内部发生反应,并释放电流

    Andrews air cell. Oxygen drawn from the air reacts within the porous carbon to release the electrical charge in this lithium air battery.


  • 南非率先努力开发一种新的安全简单反应——严格意义上并非可再生能源不过它是无的,因此越来越受到欢迎

    South Africa is leading the effort to develop a new class of safe and simple nuclear reactor-not renewable energy in the strict sense, but carbon-free and thus increasingly welcome.


  • 二氧化溶解时候形成一种这种酸可以矿物反应生成酸盐,这样能够相对稳定的状态密闭起来。

    Carbon dioxide forms an acid when it dissolves in water. This acid can react with minerals to form carbonates, locking away the carbon in a relatively inert state.


  • 排放将会2015年起生效鼓励EDF这样的公司从2017年开始使反应运作

    The carbon tax would take effect from 2015, to encourage developers like EDF planning to have reactors operational from 2017.


  • 而如果反应建设提炼运输过程上,核能的排放量风能25

    Nuclear power results in up to 25 times more carbon emissions than wind energy, when reactor construction and uranium refining and transport are considered.


  • 完全达到无事实上不可能或者至少很难做到类似坚持使用核融合反应汽车

    Attaining complete carbon neutrality is virtually impossible, or at least so unattainable it's akin to holding out for a vehicle that runs on cold fusion.


  • 一个同位素14也是稳定的,的情形也是这样,因此生命必须有机反应成为可能

    An isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 would also be stable, as would a form of oxygen, so the organic reactions necessary for life would be possible.


  • 对于更大恒星核心压力足以使更重元素进行聚变反应比如元素,它们将创造更多光子

    In larger stars, pressure at the core is high enough to fuse heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon, creating more photons.


  • 橄榄岩玄武岩一样二氧化饱和溶液发生化学反应后能迅速生成矿物质,其中一些含有

    Like basalt, peridotite chemically reacts with carbon dioxide-saturated water to quickly form minerals, some of which contain carbon.


  • 倘若现在该数值过去4%,那么恒星便不能维持合成氧气的各种核反应

    If it were a mere 4% bigger or smaller than it is, stars would not be able to sustain the nuclear reactions that synthesise carbon and oxygen.


  • 通过电池暴露空气中的表面吸入氧气进行反应电池放电

    The oxygen, which will be drawn in through a surface of the battery exposed to air, reacts within the pores of the carbon to discharge the battery.


  • 要弄清事实的真相人们得先弄清楚个尚未明了的科学问题:气候对于排量反应到底有多

    The truth is shrouded by a big scientific unknown: how quickly does climate respond to changes in carbon levels?


  • 通常化合物通常加热沙子(通常石英构成二氧化硅)石油煤炭中提取的放在电气反应得到

    Normally, silicon carbide is produced by heating sand (which is made of quartz, or silicon dioxide) in an electric furnace with carbon made from oil or coal.


  • 控制由于奥氏体铁素体溶解性完全不同产生的反应使得通过热处理获得很大范围的特性。

    Control of this reaction, which arises due to the drastically different carbon solubility of austenite and ferrite, enables a wide range of properties to be achieved through heat treatment.


  • 得到钢铁地球一个地方还有石灰岩它们放入这个反应,你将它运送到世界各地。

    You bring iron ore from one part of the planet, carbon , limestone, you put it into this reactor and you ship this all over the world.


  • ,(空气)通过电池表面反应暴露在空气中的毛孔内排放电池。

    Oxygen drawn in through a surface of the battery exposed to air reacts within the pores of the carbon to discharge the battery.


  • 合成途径中,两个主要反应,即增长饱和作用。

    There are mainly two reactions involved in the pathways, chain elongation and desaturation.


  • 论文主要研究了烷基铝的热置换反应冷凝技术

    The present dissertation deals with the displacement reaction of ethylene and high alkyl-aluminum compounds.


  • 气化反应速率随着转化率增加降低

    And the gasification reaction rate decreases with an increasing of carbon conversion.


  • 光合作用包括了一系列复杂反应其中固定反应光合作用调控核心环节

    Photosynthesis contains a complex series of reactions, and carbon fixation is the core reaction of photosynthesis regulation.


  • 中国方面对此作出反应指出美国人均排放量远远超了中国。

    The Chinese respond by pointing out that the average American still has a far larger carbon footprint than the average Chinese.


  • 中国方面对此作出反应指出美国人均排放量远远超了中国。

    The Chinese respond by pointing out that the average American still has a far larger carbon footprint than the average Chinese.


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