• 二月智利也遭受了大地震的袭击造成500多人死亡,无数建筑基础设施破坏

    Another massive temblor shook Chile in February, killing as many as 500 people and destroying buildings and infrastructure.


  • 他们把这怪罪于一个歪曲事实的看法——巴基斯坦充满了针对西方国家密谋死亡袭击破坏的基要派分子。

    This they blame on the unfair perception that Pakistan is full of fundamentalists plotting death and destruction in the West.


  • 以色列定居者干扰巴勒斯坦收获橄榄巴勒斯坦人一再发动破坏袭击的最合理的还击。

    The settlers say disrupting the olive harvest is a legitimate response to repeated Palestinian vandalism and attacks.


  • 飓风艾克9月初袭击美国东南沿海地区时,洪水10个引发严重破坏造成50人死亡

    When Hurricane Ike hit the southeastern us coast in early September, the flooding caused much damage and led to about 50 deaths across ten states.


  • 最近一次爆炸发生7月4日,爆炸导致了煤气管道泄漏,而500米外工人正在修补另一次袭击造成的破坏

    The latest bomb, on July 4th, caused a leak 500 metres from where workers were repairing damage from another attack three days earlier.


  • 这个协议遭到了LeT2008年发起的170遇害孟买袭击破坏

    That deal was scuppered by the attack on Mumbai by the LeT in 2008 that killed 170 people.


  • 这次袭击没有造成伤亡或者破坏但是却使以色列可能进一步报复

    There were no injuries or damage, but the attack raised the prospect of further Israeli retaliation.


  • 世界推测破坏天气袭击20个国家之中七个中美洲国家中有四个名列其中。

    Four of the seven Central American countries are among the 20 reckoned to be the most vulnerable in the world to destructive weather.


  • 国务卿赖斯两起爆炸袭击造成229丧生,又炸毁建筑物但是破坏美国肯尼亚坦桑尼亚之间的关系

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the twin attacks, which killed 229 people, destroyed buildings but not the ties that bind the United States, Kenya and Tanzania.


  • 这个村子一定遭受了龙卷风袭击我们看到到处都是被破坏房屋吹倒树木

    This village must have been hit by hurricane, for we saw the ruined houses and the fallen trees all over the places.


  • 因为这些袭击肯定不是破坏目的的,我们还要继续吗?

    Then we would do them. Because they certainly not aiming to do harm. Shall we continue?


  • 地震海啸袭击日本东北地区之后,特别是核电站受到破坏,导致供应链切断很多工厂被迫停产

    That supply chain was disrupted when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan's northeast, damaging a nuclear plant and forcing many factories to stop production.


  • 纽约市所遭受飓风袭击并不多见,但次次骇最近的一次便是1985年的格丽亚飓风肆虐长岛带来了巨大破坏

    Only a few big hurricanes have ever hit New York City. The last of them was hurricane Gloria in 1985, which caused substantial damage on Long Island.


  • 第一问题中,孩子们告知一些破坏蓄意袭击他们的供水系统。

    In the first problem the boys were told the drinking water supply had been attacked by vandals.


  • 虽然休斯敦并未像加尔维斯顿那样受到风暴正面袭击,但“克”仍旧摧毁该市抽水系统,其破坏程度足以整个卫生保健系统造成威胁。

    While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city's water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.


  • 一得知袭击袭击造成的破坏,就立即辞工作纽约志愿者。

    As soon as he heard of the attack and its devastation, he quit his job and left for New York to volunteer.


  • 所言这些后果极有可能不至于变得袭击第三世界破坏衰退那么糟糕虽然从表面症状一样

    As I said, these consequences probably won't be as bad as the devastating recessions that racked third-world victims of the same syndrome.


  • 2005年,破坏极强的百年大旱袭击亚马逊紧接着2010年灾难重现。

    In 2005, for instance, a devastating "once a century" drought hit the Amazon, only to be followed by another in 2010.


  • 美国联邦调查局已经派遣特工协助调查目前尚无迹象表明一起恐怖袭击事件或者蓄意破坏事件。

    The FBI sent agents to assist in the investigation, but there was no immediate indication of terrorism or sabotage, said Judy Orihuela, spokeswoman for the FBI's Miami field office.


  • 位于佛罗里达州弗吉尼亚基尔的迈阿密海军体育馆没有1992年安德鲁飓风袭击完全恢复开发商便将其视为主要开发目标不管曾经遭受破坏

    Miami Marine Stadium in Virginia Key, Fla., has never fully recovered from Hurricane Andrew in 1992, making it a prime target for developers —despite the vandalism and deterioration it has suffered.


  • 上个月日本受到地震海啸袭击,图中一位尼姑调查宫城县女川破坏情况

    A Buddhist nun surveys the damage in the Japanese town of Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture, that was destroyed by last month's quake and tsunami.


  • 这场暴风雨袭击新奥尔良严重破坏路易斯安那州湿地,其中有印度Houma法国的殖民地

    The storm also flooded New Orleans and extensively damaged Houma Indian and Cajun settlements in the Louisiana marshes.


  • 本周二(9月29日)侵袭太平洋海啸,无法与2004年12月袭击印度洋沿岸国家海浪的惊人破坏相比拟。

    TSUNAMIS that struck in the South Pacific on Tuesday September 29th were nowhere near as devastating as the waves that hit countries around the Indian Ocean in December 2004.


  • 人们普遍认为如果没有瓦赫里的影响,那场对世贸大厦五角大楼造成灾难性破坏袭击不会发生

    And it's widely thought that the devastation caused at the World Trade Center and Pentagon couldn't have taken place without al-Zawahiri's influence.


  • 人们普遍认为如果没有瓦赫里的影响,那场对世贸大厦五角大楼造成灾难性破坏袭击不会发生

    And it's widely thought that the devastation caused at the World Trade Center and Pentagon couldn't have taken place without al-Zawahiri's influence.


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