• 什么冲动故意破坏艺术

    What impulse? It 's called vandalism.


  • 须弥山石窟是一拥有130个石窟的佛教圣地。它所受到威胁主要来自基础暴露破坏艺术的行为文物场所保护的经费不足。

    As for Xumishan, a Buddhist enclave with more than 130 grottoes, the main threats are exposure to the elements, vandalism and limited resources to protect the cultural site.


  • 关于涂鸦艺术行为还是一种蓄意破坏行为的争辩在继续

    The debate over whether graffiti is art or deliberate damage is still going on.


  • 避免手稿遭到更多破坏艺术博物馆研究团队的人员查看原稿字迹时需要极其谨慎地选择所用技术

    To avoid further damage to the manuscript, the research team at the art museum has had to be extremely selective in the techniques they used to see the original writing.


  • 有人指责好莱坞变成了一个尊重艺术价值商业怪兽战中使用高科技技术破坏最基本表演原则

    Some argue it turned Hollywood into a commercial beast with no regard for artistic merit. Star Wars, it is said, used technology that undermined fundamental principles of acting.


  • 发病后造成毁容以及神经破坏曾多次出现在艺术品中,上图即为一位麻风病人的脸部肖像画

    The significant disfigurement from skinand nerve damage has led to the stigmatization of people with leprosy throughouthistory.


  • 艺术新闻报纽约报道——美国芝加哥联邦上诉法院拒绝复审一个艺术的诉讼案件,他采用生命野花作品遭到破坏要求索赔。

    NEW YORK. The Chicago federal appeals court that denied an artist’s rights claim for damage to a work made of living wildflowers has refused to rehear the case.


  • 我们要求法律起诉所有破坏我们国家生活艺术文学社团,并且禁止违犯一要求文化活动

    We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.


  • 谣言传开后,投诉潮水般涌向迪斯尼,迪斯尼极力否认带有暗示的建筑一位心怀不满艺术蓄意破坏

    Disney was flooded with complaints once word of the similarity spread and strenuously denied rumors that the suggestive edifice was a work of sabotage by a disgruntled artist.


  • 报道同时指出欧盟即将明年英国爱尔兰荷兰奥地利开征艺术可能会进一步破坏这些国家的市场,因为这样会鼓励收藏家们其他地方出售他们的艺术品。

    The report also shows that an EU art tax due to be extended in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Austria next year risks further damaging those markets by encouraging vendors to sell elsewhere.


  • 看来是这些玛雅金字塔建造者,可能认为必须掩盖这些壁画—“你们不能停止工程的进展”——然而壁画的制作者仍然明显地愿意破坏这些特殊的艺术

    The Mayan builders may have had to cover the muralsyou can’t stop progressbut they were apparently still reluctant to destroy such exceptional artwork.


  • 不过其他一些活动倒有可能危害这些艺术品,例如某些博物馆产生的无意义损害以及那些激动人心展览所造成的破坏

    A lot of harm can potentially be done, however, by news stories that pointlessly undermine museums and sabotage exciting exhibitions.


  • 在译著中常有一些话语未获得应有身份从而破坏了小说翻译艺术完整性

    Doing so will leave some of the discourse unidentified and thus impair the artistic integrity of the translation.


  • 知道这种破坏不算行为艺术或许哪个邻居觉得我们可以音乐开得响一些

    I'm not sure if it's vandalism or maybe it's one of the neighbors who think we may be cranking up the music a little loud.


  • 不过艺术造成破坏不仅仅人类的行为,湿度温度起伏可能会对水墨画带来毁灭性打击、导致雕像产生裂痕

    But it is not just human beings that are hazardous to art collections. Humidity and temperature fluctuations might ruin an ink work or render cracks in a sculpture.


  • 玻璃上镶嵌反射薄膜可以保护艺术免受紫外线破坏

    Reflective film within in the glass will protect artworks from the sun's damaging UV rays.


  • 因此尼采现代性批判颠覆真理道德绝对价值破坏真理和道德的话语霸权开始,艺术、审美的无限推崇而告终

    So Nietzsche's criticism to modernity begins with subverting the absolute value of truth and moral, destroying their words hegemony, and gives art the limitless high praise at the end.


  • 自然鬼斧神工一经艺术法则破坏,马上就会变得糟糕脆弱不堪。

    Works of nature are, they think, made worse and altogether feebler when wizened by the rules of art.


  • 我国面对民间文学艺术表达任意使用破坏乃至失传而亟待法律保护状况,法律缺少具体保护的措施

    The current situation is that such expression has been used arbitrarily, damaged and it is in urgent need of protection in law, however, there lacks specific protection measures in law.


  • 龙门石窟洞窟雕刻品表面黑色油烟渍形成由来已久。它严重破坏了石窟的环境风貌,影响对石窟艺术研究和观赏。

    The misted smokes on the carvings in Longmen Grotto Cave had been formed for quite a long time, and cause serious damage to the environment and effect of this valuable art works.


  • 我们越来越重视人对自然所造成破坏也许风景艺术这个中间起到一定作用

    It is also increasingly important to understand the damage we are causing to creation and maybe landscape art can play a role in this.


  • 从中总结出教育时代环境因素人们艺术本能各种不利影响破坏

    Summarize education and environmental factor of era various instinctive adverse effects of arts of people and destroy from it.


  • 通过扣留艺术目的惩罚肮脏的破坏文化

    By withholding beauty, artists aimed to punish a culture of destruction for its own sordidness.


  • 每个不同他们独特艺术作品增加破坏象征团结

    Each work of art is different but unique to them, which adds to the unity the wall's destruction symbolized.


  • 涂鸦究竟艺术还是破坏市容

    Is graffiti art or just a destructive nuisance?


  • 拥有土地并且破坏任何人梦想拥有艺术最美的一件。

    I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art and anybody could ever want to own.


  • 柬埔寨中国印度东南亚一个重要十字路口,以未受破坏自然水稻栽培文化艺术热情好客闻名于世。

    Cambodia is an important crossroads for China, India and Southeast Asia, and is known around the world for its unspoilt nature, cultivation of rice, culture, art, and warm hospitality.


  • 柬埔寨中国印度东南亚一个重要十字路口,以未受破坏自然水稻栽培文化艺术热情好客闻名于世。

    Cambodia is an important crossroads for China, India and Southeast Asia, and is known around the world for its unspoilt nature, cultivation of rice, culture, art, and warm hospitality.


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