• 主要关注黑人受过良好教育的“中产阶级”的婚姻模式为什么研究对象范围这么

    TIME:Your book focuses specifically on marriage patterns within the black "middle class" of educated professionals. Why focus your research so narrowly?


  • 研究对象范围以及研究对象局限性其他研究进行研究前,对此研究结果谨慎态度

    However, given the small sample size and limited nature of the population studied, naturally these results should be taken with a grain of salt until replicated by other researchers.


  • 经济学昨日分享2009年诺贝尔经济学奖,他们的研究对象不在详细合约法律约束范围行为交易

    Two economists who specialise in understanding behaviour and transactions which are not covered by detailed contracts or law shared the 2009 Nobel prize for economics yesterday.


  • 至于带来什么或者什么不是关心范围也不是研究对象

    As for what she had brought a tree or what the wind is not the scope of my concern, nor is my object of study.


  • 现代词汇学特别是现代词汇语义学突破传统词汇学研究范围,把义位作为研究对象之一

    Modern lexicology , specially the modern glossary semantics breakthrough tradition glosseme study studying range, looking the glosseme as one of its research objects.


  • 考虑到自己所具备的条件为避免研究范围过大过我们选择外语专业作为研究对象

    Considering our conditions, we merely choose the foreign language specialty as the target to research in case the study range is more extensive.


  • 电控喷油器研究对象整个流量范围对其流量特性进行测试对测试结果加以分析总结

    Taking an electronic controlled injector as an example, the test data gained in the whole flow range have been analyzed and summarized .


  • 如何根据研究对象范围精度要求合理表征裂隙岩体介质非均裂隙岩体渗流数值模拟的关键点难点

    It is the key and difficulty to choose right method to characterize the high heterogeneity of fractured rock media on the basis of range and precision of study object.


  • 厘清戏曲本体研究范围对象内涵性质目的方法确立合理的对话基础、推进戏曲本体探讨基本前提

    Clarifying the range, objects, connotations, nature, purpose and methods of opera ousia study is the basic premise of probing into the ousia of Chinese traditional opera.


  • 如何理解界定语义模糊性,直接关涉模糊语义学研究范围对象

    The understanding and definition of semantic fuzziness will determine the scope of research.


  • 结合公司法调整对象范围研究现代企业制度有助于推动现代企业制度建立规范

    Taking the object, scope of the company law into consideration when studying modern enterprise system will be helpful to the construction and standardization of modern enterprise system.


  • 通过这些研究,更合理确定低收入家庭住房福利制度的保障对象保障范围

    Through these studies, I can fix the objects and scope of the housing welfare system.


  • 明确提出研究对象范围程序以及达到研究目标

    It definitely gave the object, scope and procedures of this study, as well as the research objectives to be achieved.


  • 本文分为四个部分:零、引言部分主要明确研究范围对象介绍先贤及时贤对数词研究概况。

    This paper is divided into four sections: INTRODUCTION: It is clear some of the major targets of the scope of the study and on-time sages of the numeral Research.


  • 前者主要涉及中国古代有没有逻辑?中国逻辑史研究对象范围目标指向以及中国逻辑基本走势等;

    The former included whether logic existed in ancient China; the object, range, objective of study and the development of Chinese logic.


  • 构建用户体验模型丰富扩大用户体验感知的范围和概念层面出发,实现对于设计对象的用户研究

    Through constructing user experience model and extending the scope and meaning of user experience, the aim of user research was achieved.


  • 本文正是相关理论研究的基础上,中国A市场作为实证分析对象,从泡沫测度合理范围确定两方面入手进行深入分析

    Based on the related theoretical research, this paper makes detailed analysis of the measurement and reasonable range of the bubble in China's A-share stock market.


  • 基于不同哲学观教育研究方法研究对象侧面层次有不同的关注都有各自特定的适用范围

    Educational research methods based on different philosophic views pays attention to different sides and levels on the research objects, and have different applying ranges respectively.


  • 主要对本文研究对象范围进行界定国内研究状况、选题意义研究方法简要介绍。

    Mainly define research object and scope, and make the synoptic introduction of domestic study condition, meaning of research, and study methods as well.


  • 文学史研究按其研究对象范围,可分为国别文学史、区域文学史和世界文学史三种类型

    There are three types of studies concerning the history of literature: national literature, geographical literature and global literature.


  • 本文住房保障研究对象集中内蒙古自治区范围内的城镇居民

    My text's subject investigated of housing support fasten on township residents in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.


  • 论文一部分导论,提出了为何选题相关概念作了界定,论文研究条件限制研究目标对象范围方法选择。

    In the first chapter, the writer explains the reasons to study the topic, defines the related concepts, and illustrates the research objectives, domains, methods and limitations of the study.


  • 研究发现电话创造新的交往互动方式,使互动空间形态和范围、互动的频度、互动的对象和互动的强度等都发生了不同程度的变化。

    The research revealed that telephone has created new modes of interaction and communication, and has changed rural actors 'interaction in terms of space, frequency and targets.


  • 提出论文研究对象定义范围相关一些概念研究意义目的研究内容方法

    The definition and study range, related concepts, the meanings and purpose of the study, the content and methodology are proposed.


  • 同时本文自适应模糊控制系统实时控制方面、推广对象适用范围方面也进行一些独到的研究

    The studies of real-time control of adaptive fuzzy control systems and how to spread out the range of plants are also contained in this dissertation.


  • 为此本文提出基于DWT数字水印嵌入彩色图像研究方法方法增加知识产权的保护信息量扩大隐藏对象范围提供一种途径。

    So this paper puts forward the research approach of color images watermarking based on DWT, this method can increase the protection information and expand and the hiding range.


  • 为此本文提出基于DWT数字水印嵌入彩色图像研究方法方法增加知识产权的保护信息量扩大隐藏对象范围提供一种途径。

    So this paper puts forward the research approach of color images watermarking based on DWT, this method can increase the protection information and expand and the hiding range.


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