• 庙里使人感兴趣东西座为纪念佛陀而修建大理巨塔

    The object of great interest at the temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.


  • 只是在实践自己信仰既然这么做了,为什么二鸟呢?

    You are just practicing your religion, and while you are at it, why not do some multi-tasking?


  • 步出电梯进入到铺着大理大厅。大厅很凉爽,空荡荡的没有一个人,值班警卫正好休息一会儿

    When she stepped off the elevator into the cool, marbled lobby, it was empty; the security guard just happened to be on a break.


  • 厄尔大厦以及大厦华丽的大堂都没什么关系:银色黑色大理锻打出的大堂,像刺眼玻璃一样闪闪发亮。

    Howell didn't have much to do with the building or its magnificent lobby of hammered silver and black marble that shone like devilish, blinding glass.


  • 可能吹干头发、画好眼线之前,然而就是阿尔·基理每日常态。

    That could be me before the blow-drying and eyeliner, and it's definitely Al Szekeley at any time of day.


  • 即使不至于针对奥巴马全部重要对外动作大部分行动上,一个强势难以通融国会道路上布下更多绊脚

    On most, if not all, of Obama's top foreign-policy action items, a more powerful, less accommodating Congress appears ready to throw additional roadblocks in his way.


  • 太阳下山女友决定走向街道阿拉伯分隔开来堤,堤仅在投之遥。

    The sun was just setting. My girlfriend decided to walk toward a stone wall that separated the street from the Arabian Sea, a stone's throw away.


  • 前些日子看了一部福尔摩斯的电影哥们儿摔倒了,地是大理的,着地,静静地着。

    A few days ago, I saw a Sherlock Holmes movie and there was a guy who fell on the floor marble floor — hit his head, was lying there motionless.


  • 宣誓就职时刻享受整个国家善意可能他永远不可能再次享受到的当然还有富丽堂皇的环境(比如真正大理柱子)。

    At the time of his inauguration, the national goodwill he enjoys is probably greater than he will ever enjoy again, and the setting grander (the columns, for example, are made of actual marble).


  • 这样大卫非利士人,打死。大卫手中没有

    So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.


  • 算上梅根爱丽丝在这里度过二十她们应该已经长了6容易看出这些女孩曾经病得多危险。

    Multiply that by the 20 weeks Megan and Alice spent here -around six stone - and it's easy to see how perilously ill both girls were.


  • Simpson《冰峰168小时》里写道看着遥远的冰,我知道必须至少要试一试

    In his subsequent book on the climb entitled "Touching The Void", Joe Simpson wrote: "As I gazed at the distant moraines, I knew that I must at least try.


  • 可能好些穿着运动鞋你双脚会更轻醒,更便于之间跳跃

    That might be better, Ray, with sneakers your feet are light and you can jump from boulder to boulder with no trouble.


  • 正当棺材撞向的时候,他们停住了它。

    They run down to the coffin as it crashes up against a tombstone, stopping it.


  • 男孩把下水道

    The boy kicked a stone into the sewer.


  • 现在得到了三能量,我现在第四块世界现在属于我了!

    I have three sacred stones of power. I must get the forth to control the world.


  • 我们光滑白色大理下面听到心跳,在《思想者》身上感受到了思想脉搏

    There's a heartbeat in the smooth white marble of the Kiss and we find the pulse of the mind in the Thinker.


  • 假如生活这个屎时代,你应该知道纤维这种东西已经不再只是祖母代的谷物早餐了

    In case you've been living under a rock, you need to know that Fiber One is no longer your grandma's breakfast cereal.


  • 我们听见无情的溪流无视地向下冲击冰冷耀闪闪的岸

    We could hear creeks rushing coldly below on cold starlit rocks without seeing them.


  • 尽管成年人吹嘘自己有多么出色,但是只有亚瑟才能拔出中剑,所以,最后小亚瑟成为了亚瑟王。

    Despite the boasting of grown men, only young Arthur is able to draw a sword from a stone, thereby becoming king.


  • 屋前宽阔也是苍白色的,闪闪发光仿佛什么魔力黝黑花岗变成了光闪夺目的大理

    The broad pavement in front shone pale also; it gleamed as if some spell had transformed the dark granite to glistening Parian .


  • 湖南风景秀丽对于镖师来说,山岭意味着危险峭壁崖间随时可能蹿出山流寇来。

    Many mountains in Hunan, the scenery is beautiful, but to Biao teacher, mountain range means danger, that possible Cuan the mountain thief's roving bandits comes at any time.


  • 孩子顺着磨损珊瑚路走去哭了。

    As the boy went out the door and down the worn coral rock road he was crying again.


  • 于是再次转过身来,背对远处山丘耳朵,任由飞翔自由风中、在坚缭绕山脊间消散

    So once again she turned her back upon the distant hill and closed her ears to the song of flight and freedom that the wind sang as it played amongst the hill's stony ridges.


  • 说着,便袖了道人然而去,竟不知投奔何方何舍。

    With that he tucked the Stone into his sleeve and hurried off with the Taoist. But where they went no one knows.


  • 但是生命,一又一年破碎,带着逆回:回到彩虹黑面包,研习室里的殿

    But your life, year by crumbling year, led you backwards: to the rainbow, the pumpernickel, the stony halls of study.


  • 千年似乎弹奏一支旋律优雅、沁人心田既有激越昂扬、雄浑高亢的声调;

    Qin Shi millennium that seems to play a melody in the elegant heart songs: both intense high, powerful voice resounding;


  • 千年似乎弹奏一支旋律优雅、沁人心田既有激越昂扬、雄浑高亢的声调;

    Qin Shi millennium that seems to play a melody in the elegant heart songs: both intense high, powerful voice resounding;


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