• 睡眠测试没有表明任何睡眠窒息迹象

    The sleep study didn’t show any evidence of restless legs or sleep apnea.


  • 睡眠障碍专家进行一系列测试同意行为符合法律概念上的无意识行为”。

    But scientists specialising in sleep disorders conducted a series of tests and agreed his behaviour was consistent with the "legal concept of automatism".


  • 推荐功能测试方法包括睡觉暂停中止中断睡眠状态恢复

    I recommend including sleep, pause, suspension, interrupt, and hibernating mode recovery in your functional testing methods.


  • 他们测试孵化问题能否使灵光乍现,结果表示能够特别是我们进入一个称为REM睡眠阶段

    They tested whether "incubating" a problem allowed a flash of insight, and found it did, especially when people entered a phase of sleep known as REM.


  • 并不是所有打鼾睡眠呼吸中止症,尽管如雷的鼾声说明需要阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的测试

    Not all snoring is sleep apnea, though heavy snoring is a sign that you should have a sleep test for obstructive sleep apnea.


  • 然后再他们睡眠实验室按照喜欢睡眠模式期间每天让他们在功能核磁共振成像扫描仪中接受两次认知测试

    Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.


  • 多年来参加多种睡眠研究疗程认知行为疗法过敏测试饮食疗法、瑜伽疗法、按摩针灸疗法以及抗黑变激素疗法等等。

    Over the years, I've taken part in numerous sleep studies and therapies: cognitive behavioural therapy, allergy tests, diets, yogacise, aromatherapy, acupuncture, melatonin.


  • 这项研究意图观察睡眠习惯行为改变没有测试学业成绩

    The study was designed to look at changes in sleep habits and behavior and didn't examine academic performance.


  • 但是气味加入测试中,清醒正确率只有42%,而睡眠组则有约84%。

    But once the odor was added to the test, the non-sleeping group were only correct about 42 percent of the time, compared to the sleeping group's 84 percent.


  • 人们常用叫做睡眠监测”的测试诊断患者是否患有睡眠呼吸暂停。

    A sleep test called 'polysomnography' is usually carried out to diagnose sleep apnoea.


  • 斯坦福大学睡眠实验室神念耳机来预审核测试科目美国奥运射箭队训练过程中用获得InTheZone”的最佳心理状态。

    Stanford University's Sleep Lab is using the headset to pre-vet test subjects; the US Olympic archery team uses it to get "in the zone" during training.


  • 伦敦大学科学家(通过测试)向人们展示5年间睡眠时长的变化中年人认知能力的影响

    University of London scientists showed how changes in sleep over a five-year period in late middle age affects cognitive function in later life.


  • Mednick强调所有的成员都能够清楚记得早晨题目答案说明第二测试单单是测试睡眠者的记忆能力

    Mednick noted that all groups remembered the morning's answers equally well-proving that the second round wasn't just testing nappers' memorization abilities.


  • 加拿大研究测试一个五周项目也是强调睡眠限制控制负面想法避免卧室内灯光噪音刺激

    The Canadian study tested a five-week program that also emphasized sleep restriction, controlling negative thoughts and avoiding stimuli like light and noise in the bedroom.


  • 他们测试睡眠大脑活动发现大脑中涉及情绪记忆巩固区域在这个过程十分活跃。

    They have also measured brain activity during sleep and found that regions of the brain involved with emotion and memory consolidation are active.


  • 一项最近研究中,乳胶涤纶羽毛枕要舒服得多,睡眠质量也更高,测试颈部疼痛抱怨更少

    In a recent study, latex pillows were better than polyester and feather for comfort and sleep quality, and testers had fewer complaints of neck pain.


  • 项研究发现睡眠被剥夺晚班医疗实习生他们误判病人病情测试结果几率多一倍。

    One study found that sleep-deprived medical interns working on the night shift were twice as likely to misinterpret patientstest results.


  • 研究人员睡前喷剂分别进行了测试因为人们认为睡眠能够清理记忆中那些无关紧要的细节,从而帮助大脑巩固长期记忆。

    Researchers tested the spray before and after sleeping because sleep is thought to help the brain solidify long-term memories while purging extraneous details from the day.


  • 睡眠时间超过推荐值人中,约有7% ~ 8%的所有认知测试(短期文字记忆一项外)得分均为

    Between 7 and 8 per cent of those who slept longer than the recommended amount fared worse in all the cognitive tests apart from short-term verbal memory.


  • 话说,指望小时睡眠突击测试中取得好成绩。

    In other words, don't expect eight hours of shut-eye to help you on a pop quiz.


  • 结果发现每晚睡眠7小时中年男女所有认知能力测试得分最高其次每晚睡眠6小时的中年男女。

    Researchers found the ideal amount of sleep duration of seven hours per night resulted in the highest score for every cognitive measure, followed closely by six hours of nightly sleep.


  • 还有一位定期警觉性测试中表现出长期睡眠不足迹象

    And one exhibited signs of chronic sleep deprivation in regular alertness tests.


  • 一个诊断测试期间一些生理变量测量记录睡眠过程中。

    This is a diagnostic test during which a number of physiologic variables are measured and recorded during sleep.


  • 研讨测试经过基因改造从而对短少睡眠特别敏感果蝇受饿后反响。

    The study examined the effects of starvation on fruit flies that had been genetically engineered to be sensitive to sleep deprivation.


  • 他们睡醒再次测试时,其中25个小憩期间播放的声音对应物体会被更好地放入原位,尽管没有一个人称自己在睡眠过程中听到了声音。

    And when the subjects woke up and retook the test, they were better at placing the 25 objects that sounded off during the siesta. Even though none of them reported actually hearing anything.


  • 甘菊虽尚未作为帮助入眠的治疗方式人类身上通过测试然而草药在动物身上得到证实,证明它有助于平静睡眠

    Chamomile has not been tested as a sleep aid on humans; however, the herb has been tested on animals and has proven to aid in restful sleep.


  • 睡觉那些晚上9教他们这些,在12小时睡眠,在次日早上9他们进行测试

    The sleep groups were taught the word pairs at 9 p. m. and tested on them at 9 a. m. after a night of sleep.


  • 方法对16下颌后缩畸形且经p SG测试证实阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)的患者的形进行手术矫治。

    Methods 16 patients with mandibular retrognathia who were diagnosed as OSA combined with hypertension by polysomnography (PSG) were treated with facial plastic operation.


  • 12小时没有睡眠或者至少6个小时睡眠之后这个应用程序立即测试他们对这些单词回忆记录有多少记住。

    The app tested immediate recall of the words and how many were remembered 12 hours later, after either no sleep or at least 6 hours" sleep."


  • 12小时没有睡眠或者至少6个小时睡眠之后这个应用程序立即测试他们对这些单词回忆记录有多少记住。

    The app tested immediate recall of the words and how many were remembered 12 hours later, after either no sleep or at least 6 hours" sleep."


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