• 第一件事停止污染因为什么我们真正地需要清水

    The first thing is to stop polluting water because what we really need is clean water.


  • 如果范围1024年- 49151之内真正地需要选择一个口岸保证采撷未派职务列出IANA港列出。

    If you really need to choose a port within the range 1024-49151 make sure you pick an "unassigned" port listed at the IANA port list.


  • 选择新的口岸最佳范围:49152- 65535,如果范围1024年- 49151之内真正地需要选择一个口岸确定您采撷“未派职务列出IANA名单

    The best range to choose a new port from is: 49152-65535 If you really need to choose a port within the range 1024-49151 make sure you pick an "unassigned" port listed at the IANA port list.


  • 常我们需要花一点时间或一点努力才能真正地懂一首诗。

    Usually we need to spend a little time or make a little effort to truly understand a poem.


  • 尽管这个检查并不真正地关联任何物理主机但是需要它绑定台主机。

    Even though the check is not really associated with any physical host, it needs to be bound to a host.


  • 真正地删除一个文件夹需要选中“已删除”的文件夹提交

    To really delete a folder, you need to select the "deleted" folder and commit it.


  • 治疗无意识态下进行的,这会让更好发现身体真正需要东西

    The therapy works on an unconscious level, putting you more in tune with what your body really needs.


  • 一周年轻姑娘回来,向我讲述了当拒绝一个朋友请求真正清楚了解自己他人认可接受需要程度。

    One young woman who came back the next week and Shared how she was really able to identify her need for approval and acceptance from others when she denied a request from a friend.


  • 爱着一个人时,你唯一想要的就是能让对方真正快乐不惜任何代价,因为多么在乎对方,因为对方的需要总是优先于自己的需要

    When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own.


  • 改变需要谦卑——谦卑是以真正真诚你自己别人

    Change requires humility - humility is being honest to yourself and others with who you really are.


  • 如果线程之间需要协调那么几乎没有任务可以真正并行

    Few tasks can be truly parallelized in such a way as to require no coordination between threads.


  • 可以定义常见功能但是必须确保定义每个数据元素真正需要的。

    A base class is great for defining common functionality, but you must make sure that each data element defined is truly necessary.


  • 因而需要投入进去,真正地成为社区慢慢提升品牌诚信

    Given that, you need to get involved, and genuinely becoming a part of the community will go a long way to promoting the integrity of your brand.


  • snmp这样非常复杂对象进行交互时,需要使用可以获得的所有帮助这个示例中真正展示IPython的强大功能。

    When interacting with something as complex as a library for SNMP, you need all the help you can muster and, in this case, it really shows the power of IPython.


  • 坏的情况下甚至无法的环境中重现问题;您需要直接访问用户机器真正地了解发生了什么

    In the worst case, you won't even be able to recreate the problem in your environment; you'll need direct access to the user's machine to really understand what's going on.


  • Ajax并不能真正地解决第三个第四个问题因而需要利用其他RIA技术寻求解决方案。

    Ajax cannot really resolve issues 3 and 4. Therefore, you need to get solutions using other RIA technologies.


  • 真正地加强使用Web服务系统需要执行几个重要安全步骤Gartner其他人所推荐的),具体包括

    To truly harden a system using Web services, you need to perform several important security steps (recommended by Gartner and others), including


  • 告知详情实践需要坚信顾客驱动这个软件是指真正地驱动它。

    The story-telling practice requires you to believe your customer should drive the software, and I mean really drive it.


  • 取决于今后从事哪个方向化学研究,你可能会不经意记住周期表的某一部分够了但是要注意,你真正需要知道如何使用元素周期表。

    Depending on what kind of chemistry you go in to, you might accidentally memorize parts of the table, which is fine, but what you really want to know how to do is know how to use the periodic table.


  • 这种环境目的保证应用程序需要真正地部署运行生产中。

    The purpose of this environment is to ensure that the application will truly deploy and run as required in production.


  • 许多情况下他们指出计算需要更快一点时,他们真正意思他们需要更快可靠知道计算将要进行多久

    In many cases, when they say a calculation needs to be faster, what they really mean is that they need to know more quickly and reliably how long the calculation will take.


  • 因此必须明确使用单词发音然后使用一个定义字段捕捉真正需要的单词。

    Hence, you have to explicitly use the sound of the word, and then use a defined field value to capture what you really want.


  • 恐惧真正意义可以身处危险给予你警告如果你能够好好控制需要时候跟从将成为位良师益友。

    Fear can be a guiding friend if you learn how to swallow it, and listen to it only when it serves its true purpose of warning you when you are in danger.


  • DB 2V8.2DB 2引入了警告功能,它可以提醒用户需要备份,或者真正地执行备份,或者在警告同时执行备份。

    DB2 V8.2 also introduced the capability for DB2 to alert you for the need of a backup, to actually perform a backup, or both.


  • 我们项目过程估计仅仅强于猜测;我们需要更加准确度量真正的项目状态

    Our estimates of project progress are little more than guesses; we need to more accurately measure true project status.


  • 真诚相信一个真正强大标志不是面对困境坚持到底”以及假装那种状态根本不存在,而是直面得到需要帮助

    I truly believe that a sign of real strength is not to "tough it out" and pretend that the condition does not exist, but to be up front about it and get the help I need.


  • 这里我们可以模拟数据库连接对象查询方法这样我们需要返回结果而不需要真正查询数据库。

    In this case, we would mock the query method of the database connection object so that we could just return back the results instead of calling out to the database for them.


  • 真正有效使用需要时间如何测量多少有一些了解

    To really apply it effectively is going to require some understanding of how time is being measured.


  • 已经走上了一条成为真正摄影师道路,你只需要不断练习。

    You're well on the road to becoming a real photographer. All you need now is practice.


  • 已经走上了一条成为真正摄影师道路,你只需要不断练习。

    You're well on the road to becoming a real photographer. All you need now is practice.


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