• 布里奇特:也许就是那位我等一辈子的神秘的真命天子

    Bridget: Maybe this was the mysterious Mr. Right I'd been waiting my whole life to meet.


  • 遇到真命天子能够现在这样,透过双眼看见她。

    I want her to meet someone who will see her always as I do now... through your eyes.


  • 早期媒婆一样,真命天子相约承诺客户进行初步的甄选。

    Like Matchmaker li earlier, the Right Stuff promises to do some initial screening for its customers.


  • 什么判定未来的男朋友是否愿意或值得成为真命天子候选人最好方法?

    Dating Trait #1: He listens to you The best way to know if Mr. Next is interested in (and worthyof) being a candidate for Mr. Right?


  • 然而有时觉得无论多么成功重要直到找到真命天子

    But sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.


  • 真命天子一定要赞赏她的牛仔个性。她在德州祖父她骑马射击

    Somebody who could appreciate the cowgirl within her, the girl whose Texan grandfather had taught her to ride and shoot.


  • 习惯性懒散让耽误重要事情……如果这件事正是真命天子呢?

    Structured procrastination teaches you to procrastinate on the most important task on your list... what if that task happens to be the one thing that matters?


  • 现在30多岁了,有一个好的男朋友但是我不确定就是我的真命天子

    I am in my 30s and dating a really great guy. But I'm not sure if he is "The One."


  • 茫茫人海不知命中真命天子何时才能出现,我想信不可求的缘份!

    The vast sea of humanity, I wonder if I hit worthy of the name can arise when, I believe that may come without Stepping bond!


  • 今天发现那个我认定真命天子之所以过去我约会是因为打赌了。

    Today, I found out that the love of my life, who I've been going out with for two weeks only, asked me out because he lost a bet.


  • 之前朋友结伴同玩找到真命天子真命天女最好方式

    Until then, going out with groups of friends is the best way to find Mr. Or Mrs. Right.


  • 提示如果时候,感觉柠檬酸麻了嘴唇就肯定不是你的真命天子

    Hint: If you kiss him and it feels like your lips have been molested by a giant lemon, he ain's the one.


  • 很难关注什么肉桂这个男人很可能就是真命天子,但他却没有打电话。

    It's hard to focus on nutmeg when the guy who might be the guy of my dreams refuses to call me.


  • 然而有时候觉得,如果没有等到真命天子出现无论取得多大成就都毫无意义。

    But sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.


  • 如果一个男人说“我们谈谈没有落荒而逃,那他或许就是真命天子了。

    If you say to a guy "we need to talk" and he doesn't run, he's probably the One for you.


  • 纳塔利有些时候觉得,如果找到那位真命天子的话,不管多么成功都毫无意义。

    Natalie: But sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.


  • 真命天子就是那个抚弄的头发、看着微笑,或者是无目的仰望星空仍让你心动的人。

    The real lover is the man who can thrill you by touching your head or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.


  • 期待在这里遇到生命中的真命天子出现这个希望茫茫相识相知

    Expect to be here encountered in the life of the partners will be there... this is your right. Hope to be in the vast acquaintance with you in the bosom friend!


  • 或许上帝希望人们几经错爱邂逅各人真命天子那样人们如获至宝,才感恩

    Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for the gift.


  • 事实上整个世界失去平衡他们寻找一个真命天子灵魂可以让世界重新恢复秩序

    In fact, the whole world out of balance, they are looking for a "thing" that the human soul can restore the world order.


  • 当然,之中,有金星庇佑重要的。古人木星带给你你真命天子贵人拜访

    Of these aspects, having Jupiter in Aquarius is the most important, for the Ancients always wrote that the right people for you would come to you when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, came to visit.


  • 大脑分泌大量胺多酚,沉浸强烈的感官愉悦享受中对方就是完美的理想的、就是你的真命天子

    In this stage of relationship, endorphins soak your brain and you're immersed in intense pleasurable sensations. Your lover is perfect, ideal, made for you.


  • 巴马AnnDunham1961年二月结婚6个月小马降生(靠,真命天子啊六月怀胎)。

    Barack Sr. and Ann Dunham married in February, 1961 and Barack was born six months later.


  • 真的曾经以为就是我的“真命天子”,朋友看到昨天晚上另一个女孩在一起共进浪漫晚餐

    I really did think he was the One, but my friend said she saw him having a romantic meal with another girl last night.


  • 真命天子怦然心动心动亲吻额头微笑着注视你的眼睛;(可以一起)什么不做静静地待

    The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.


  • 真命天子怦然心动心动亲吻额头微笑着注视你的眼睛;(可以一起)什么不做静静地待

    The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.


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