• 最近相关数据显示互联网日渐成为消费者的主要预订渠道

    Recent statistics reflect the Web’s increasing emergence as the booking channel of choice.


  • 相关数据显示如果病人患有甘油三酯症,明显经历以上病变恶化发展期。

    The data revealed that if a patient had elevated triglycerides, he or she was significantly more likely to experience worsening neuropathy over a period of one year.


  • 根据国家统计局相关数据显示中国新生儿男女比例世界最高119比100。

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the male to female ratio at birth in China is about 119 males to 100 females, the highest in the world.


  • 相关数据显示奥林成为中国大型燃烧器市场主流品牌一直在创造燃烧器领域新的世纪记录

    According to the relevant statistics, Oilon has become the leading brand on China big burner market, and kept creating new world records of burner field.


  • 相关数据显示,至2008年底全球100个国家的3000所学校中,有超过4000万的外国人正在学习中文

    Statistics show, at the end of 2008, more than 40 million foreigners around the world were learning Chinese in 3,000 schools in 100 countries.


  • 相关数据显示,至2008年底,在全球100个国家的3000所学校,有超过4000万的外国人正在学习中文

    Statistics show, at the end of 2008, more than 40 million foreigners around the world were learning Chinese in 3, 000 schools in 100 countries.


  • 作为全球最大专业服务公司之一普华永道每年面向全国招收15002000名毕业生根据去年相关数据显示其中7%到8%的雇员来自英语专业

    PwC, one of the world's largest professional service firms, hires 1,500 to 2,000 graduates nationwide and, based on last year's figures, 7 to 8 percent of them will be English majors.


  • 来自Vostok 地核的其他数据显示甲烷气体温度二氧化碳密切相关

    Other data from the Vostok core show that methane gas also correlates closely with temperature and carbon dioxide.


  • 这些服务系统总体数据体系结构紧密相关上面显示SOA解决方案堆栈中体系结构表示右侧

    They are closely related to the overall data architecture of the system, which is represented on the right of the SOA solution stack, shown above.


  • 构想就是主页显示业务用户紧密相关性能数据

    The idea is that the main page displays performance data that is most relevant to the business user.


  • 显示所有数据相关事务如图8所示。

    This displays all the transaction related data as shown in Figure 8.


  • 这个网站显示开支一些相关数据,而英国人缺乏的。

    It displays some of the data on state spending that Britons lack.


  • 操作通常公开数据模型属性中的所有操作是个主意但是实现显示相关的操作可能没有必要

    Actions. In general, it is a good idea to expose all the actions in the data model properties; however, it might not be necessary to implement actions relating to keys that are not displayed.


  • 显示了以上存储数据生命周期以及相关实例存储设备上所采取操作

    The following table illustrates the data life cycle of the two types of storage and the actions taken on a related instance and the storage device.


  • 它可以屏幕图标平铺的形式显示各种信息同时通过最近相关最经常使用”的最佳方案分类数据,其中的一个设计人员这样讲道

    It presents information in those categories in large on-screen ICONS, or tiles, and sorts data by what is most "recent, relevant and frequently used," as one designer says.


  • 清单90到100的百分数来显示每个相关数据

    Listing 9 shows data associated with each state in 0-100 percentages.


  • 如果一个数据节点相关的,那么浏览器显示这个节点关联任何X Forms控件

    When a data node is relevant, a browser will display any XForms controls associated with that node.


  • 搜索后会将那些查询相关数据显示条形图表,按照每个月或每天来表示信息数量

    It then presents the data related to those queries as a bar graph that charts the number of messages month-by-month and day-by-day.


  • 选择区段时,数据输入编辑选择显示字段这些数据包括与会议和约会相关持续时间成本中心代码1。

    When you select it, it displays fields for the entry, editing, or selection of data, such as durations and cost center codes to be associated with meetings and appointments (see figure 1).


  • 这个保险审批部件中,IT用户可以显示相关工作项目字段进行路由控制当前ECM工作数据小部件可以显示其他工作项目字段。

    In the insurance approval widget, the it user could display the related work item fields for routing control while the current ECM work data widget could display the other work item fields.


  • 传输显示客户端数据服务器之间通信相关指标

    The transfer volume displays metrics that relate to communication between the client and the data server.


  • 另外一个使用包含多个数据输入字段表单相关问题就是空白输入字段会很快占据整个显示空间

    Another problem with the use of forms containing multiple data-input fields is that display space is rapidly consumed by the empty input fields.


  • 代理一个事务时,进程显示相关联的数据名。

    When the agent is associated with a transaction, the process name shows its associated database name.


  • 处理任何节点显示之前,要这个节点相关所有数据创建一个容器

    Before any rendering of the node can proceed, a container for all the data associated with this node is created.


  • 部件可以触发事件提供描述事件类型数据从而支持页面上显示动态内容

    A widget can trigger events and metadata that describes event types associated with it, allowing for dynamic content on the page.


  • 指示板目标就是显示KPI所以需要集成数据这些数据可以是 KPI 本身,或者与其计算相关其他数据

    The goal of a dashboard is to present KPIs, so it follows that data sources need to be integrated that are either KPIs themselves or contribute to their calculation.


  • 指示板目标就是显示KPI所以需要集成数据这些数据可以是 KPI 本身,或者与其计算相关其他数据

    The goal of a dashboard is to present KPIs, so it follows that data sources need to be integrated that are either KPIs themselves or contribute to their calculation.


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