• 最近不好因为邻居总是电视得很大声,到午夜

    I can't sleep well recently because my new neighbor is always turning the TV on loudly until midnight.


  • 街上直到午夜——很快成为每日仪式

    He remained parked on the street until midnight - a practice that would soon become a daily ritual.


  • 为了这本书,琳达直到午夜

    Linda didn't go to bed until midnight so that she could finish reading the book.


  • 校长坐在桌旁反复推敲明天的 发言稿直到午夜

    The president sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day.


  • 沉默不语第九傍晚日落时分,海滩禅坐直到午夜过后起身来。

    On my ninth day of silence, I went into meditation one evening on the beach as the sun was going down and I didn't stand up again until after midnight.


  • 有些地区人们禁食一天一夜来迎接新的元旦凌晨开始直到午夜为止

    In some areas, the people to fasting day and night to greet the New Year, from early morning until midnight on New Year's day date.


  • 运动员采取了一些小时整个仪式持续了四个小时,没有结束直到午夜后。

    With the Parade of Athletes taking some two hours, the entire ceremonies lasted more than four hours and did not end until after midnight.


  • 巴黎香榭丽舍大道仍然希望其他地区商店关门大吉所以商店一直们,直到午夜才打烊

    Paris's Champs Elysées boulevard remains hopping after shops in other areas have closed, so stores generally stay open until midnight.


  • 不得不坐在桌前作业,作业直到午夜才能做完。我讨厌这么作业如此考试,对学习失去了兴趣

    I have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams, and lose interest in studying.


  • 饭后了一场戏直到午夜过后回到奥兰斯卡夫人的信又取了出来慢慢重读了几

    After dinner he went to a play; and it was not until his return home, after midnight, that he drew Madame Olenska's missive out again and re-read it slowly a number of times.


  • 家庭成员通常都会相聚一堂吃年夜饭,很美国感恩节大餐。电视台晚上八点开始会播放春节晚会午夜

    A family typically gathers together for a meal, similar to an American Thanksgiving, and they watch a televised gala from about 8 p. m. to midnight.


  • 享受着室内大床奢侈,但是,直到2008年12月一个午夜警察手持搜查令,扫荡收容所

    He had been enjoying the luxury of an indoor bed until December 2008, when the police swept through the shelter in the middle of the night looking for men with outstanding warrants.


  • 谈判一拖再拖战斗直到1953年7月27日午夜告一段落

    Negotiations dragged on; fighting only halted at midnight on July 27, 1953.


  • 黄昏直到差不多午夜,人们成群来到接待室门口,神色焦虑打听有没有接到什么缓期执行的命令。

    From early in the evening until nearly midnight, little groups of two and three presented themselves at the lodge-gate, and inquired, with anxious faces, whether any reprieve had been received.


  • 我们流浪汉午夜幽灵’因为洛杉矶登上它,直到早上到达三番市之前。

    Well, we bums call it the Midnight Ghost cause you get on it at L. A. and nobody sees you.


  • 我们正在努力除夕午夜实际上没有得到发射直到凌晨1时。

    We were trying for midnight new years eve, but didn't actually get it fired until 1am.


  • 就这样午夜我们谈论关于我们喜欢的电影衣服朋友,直到响应器拉走

    There, in the middle of the night, we would talk about our favorite books and movies, clothes and relationships, until my beeper went off and pulled me away.


  • 月亮午夜有时候路上碰到了许多的猎犬,它们奔窜树林中面前的路上躲开,好像很怕静静地灌木丛中,直到走过了再出来。

    At midnight, when there was a moon, I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed.


  • 多年来,他们一直想知道,躲在这个“独特电话卡”的幕后人。为了揭开这个购物地带午夜直到黎明的来访者,一位北方莱德餐馆主人首当其冲,把“电话卡”放入自己手中,原来这是粪便!

    To unmask the shopping strip's midnight-to-dawn caller, a North Ryde restaurateur who had borne the brunt of the deposits took the matter into his own hands.


  • 多年来,他们一直想知道,躲在这个“独特电话卡”的幕后人。为了揭开这个购物地带午夜直到黎明的来访者,一位北方莱德餐馆主人首当其冲,把“电话卡”放入自己手中,原来这是粪便!

    To unmask the shopping strip's midnight-to-dawn caller, a North Ryde restaurateur who had borne the brunt of the deposits took the matter into his own hands.


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