• 技术通过网络节点之间时间基准相互交换相互控制实现节点之间相互同步

    The synchronization of the network is achieved by the exchange and interaction control of the time benchmark between the nodes.


  • 可以SCA组件组合一起,并且通过传递sdo来以一种中立方式相互交换数据

    SCA components can be composed and can exchange data with each other in a neutral fashion by passing SDOs.


  • 莎拉韦恩通常相互交换圣诞礼物,同时还要居住地区父母兄弟交换礼物。

    Sarah and Wayne generally exchange Christmas gifts with each other and with her parents and brother who live in the area.


  • 这个过程不断重复,每次不同组员相互交换位置

    And so the process continues, each time with two different rowers swapping places.


  • 所以议员在一月份聚集之前已经他们议案相互交换

    So legislators are already shuffling their bills before they convene in January.


  • 一些EA建模工具基于标准OMGUML标准,这些工具可以通过相互交换XMI文件而被集成在一起。

    Some EA modeling tools are based on the OMG's UML standard, which allows integration via exchange of XMI files.


  • 还有一种群体假设我们能够他人自由交谈,拥有相互交换各种信息权力。

    There is a community assumption that we can talk to one another freely and that it is right to exchange knowledge about what is happening in the world.


  • HSB使用通用xml格式相互交换消息

    The HSB USES the popular XML format for interoperable exchange of messages.


  • 两个初次见面相互交换商业名片礼节,其历史几乎商业一样久远

    The exchange of cards between two people who are meeting for the first time is a ritual that goes back as far as business itself.


  • 不是什么难事双方同意遵循英国当年留下边界格局南方北方拥有土地以及北方在南方土地可以相互交换

    That need not be a huge problem: both sides have agreed to stick to the border left behind by the British and, where land occupied by north or south is on the wrong side, they could agree to a swap.


  • 还有一种群体假设我们能够他人自由交谈,拥有相互交换各种信息权力

    That is our default assumption. There is a community assumption that we can talk to one another freely and that it is right to exchange knowledge about what is happening in the world.


  • 面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA一种提供系统开发集成方法架构风格它允许不同应用程序相互交换数据

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that provides methods for systems development and integration, allowing different applications to exchange data with one another.


  • 编程角度来看,HTKjulius格式结构类似但是二者也不同之处,不可相互交换

    The HTK and Julius formats share structural similarities from a programming viewpoint, but they are sufficiently different that they are not interchangeable.


  • 也许世界上不同国家之间相互交换历史课本来看一下别人怎么样来处理同一实事一个不错想法

    It might be a good idea if the various countries of the world would occasionally swap history books, just to see what other people are doing with the same set of facts.


  • 各种不同CAD系统都有特殊存储图形数据格式,各CAD系统难以相互交换图形数据。

    All sorts of different CAD system has its own data format of memory graphics, mutual exchange of graphical data is difficult between CAD systems.


  • 国际税收情报缔约国主管机关相互交换税收信息

    International tax information is referred to mutually exchanged tax information by authorities of contracting states.


  • 互惠理论指出,互惠利他行为两个有机体之间相互交换适合度代价利益行为。

    According to the reciprocity theory, the reciprocal altruistic behavior refers to the behavior of two organisms which exchange fitness costs and benefits.


  • 高校之间相互交换不同类型影片进行观摩学习,同时进行沟通交流。

    The schools will swap programs with each other and carry out communications and discussions.


  • 电传”一“电传打字机之间相互交换信息”缩写

    The word Telex is the abbreviation of the term Tele - printer Exchange or Teletypewriter Exchange.


  • 系统优点在于存储程序可以容易地相互交换,所以相同计算机硬件完成各种任务

    The advantage in such a system is that, because stored programs can be easily interchanged, the same hardware can perform a variety of tasks.


  • 逆转平行生命将非物质梦想与物质层梦想相互交换,是无法所有人终止痛苦

    Reversing parallel lives and trading nonphysical for physical dreams cannot end the suffering for all;


  • 针对上述缺陷聚合装置原有干燥系统进行一系列改造,包括脱水机转型、 干燥塔分段设计、降低第一风机功率、相互交换氮气热能等,克服了原工艺存在弊端。

    To overcome the shortcomings above, the drying system was modified, including a new type of dehydrator used, a new drying tower with two sections adopted, the watt o…


  • 微软2008年使用较为保守朋友定义研究发现相互交换聊天消息2.4亿人当中平均就有6.6个人相关联。

    A Microsoft study in 2008, using a more conservative definition of friend, found an average chain of 6.6 people in a group of 240 million who exchanged chat messages.


  • 针对上述缺陷聚合装置原有干燥系统进行一系列改造,包括脱水机转型、干燥塔分段设计、降低第一风机功率、相互交换氮气热能等,克服了原工艺存在弊端。

    To overcome the shortcomings above, the drying system was modified, including a new type of dehydrator used, a new drying tower with two sections adopted, the watt o…


  • 正如前面提到直到十八世纪后期人们才有相互交换精美礼物习惯

    As mentioned in the previous question, however, no one was really in the habit of exchanging elaborate gifts until late in the 1800s.


  • 正如前面提到直到十八世纪后期人们才有相互交换精美礼物习惯

    As mentioned in the previous question, however, no one was really in the habit of exchanging elaborate gifts until late in the 1800s.


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