• 我们这些子虚乌有谣言来源兴趣。

    We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.


  • 来源不清楚

    The origin of the word remains obscure.


  • 美国科学研究广泛宣称生活水平来源

    Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the U.S.


  • 如果因为沮丧打算暴食话,首先设法弄清悲伤来源

    If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.


  • 如今他们似乎关注肉类水果蔬菜来源

    These days they all seem to be focusing on where your meat, fruit and vegetables are sourced from.


  • 显然是在记》一些形象角色主题来源

    He's obviously been asking her about the sources of some of the images and characters and themes in Wise Blood.


  • 希望自己得到最好人之常情,这是问题压力来源

    While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.


  • 研究人员推测这种疫苗就是几十年后间皮瘤中发现病毒来源

    Researchers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.


  • 有必要银行要求查明进入编号账户其他账户外国资金来源

    The banks would be required, if necessary, to identify the origin of foreign funds going into numbered and other accounts.


  • 然而这样解释既不能说明这个奇怪惯例来源也不能说明流行原因

    Such explanations, however, illuminate neither the source of this curious convention nor the reason for its popularity.


  • 传统投票中一个主要准确性来源人们小心把票投错误候选人

    In traditional voting, one major source of inaccuracy is that people accidentally vote for the wrong candidate.


  • 糖类也是碳水化合物,糖类来源精制——蔗糖一种食品甜味剂防腐剂果糖

    Sugars are also carbohydrates, sources of sugars are refined sugarsucrose, which is a food sweetener and preservative and fruit sugars—fructose.


  • 今天人们仍然研究星星基因占星术遗传学希望找到超常能力个人特征来源

    Today, people still look to stars or genes, astrology or genetics, in the hope of finding the source of exceptional abilities or personal characteristics.


  • 拱高275英尺跨度290英尺,犹他州沙漠里彩虹桥一直是几千年来灵感奇迹来源

    Arching 275 feet and across 290 feet, Rainbow Bridge in the Utah desert has been a source of inspiration and wonderment for millennia.


  • 最终解决方案广告并且毫不夸张谷歌现在本质上是一家广告公司,因为几乎所有收入来源

    The solution turned out to be advertising, and it's not an exaggeration to say that Google is now essentially an advertising company, given that that's the source of nearly all its revenue.


  • 人类他们缺点优点来源很着迷,这种专注不可避免地导致一个多年争论究竟是先天还是后天能塑造我们

    Humans are fascinated by the source of their failings and virtues, this preoccupation inevitably leads to an old debate: whether nature or nurture molds us more.


  • 宇宙引人注目能量工厂——距离地球数十亿光年类星体伽马射线爆发——中寻找这些物质来源似乎明智

    It would seem sensible to seek the source of these in the universe's most conspicuous energy factories: quasars and gamma-ray bursts billions of light-years away from Earth.


  • 水平游离至关重要因为这个过程提供了基因来源一种机制通过这种机制,如果该地鱼群消失可以重新繁殖种群。

    Low levels of straying are crucial, since the process provides a source of novel genes and a mechanism by which a location can be repopulated should the fish there disappear.


  • 人们开始越来越多地使用脱水后动物粪便作为替代燃料同样会损害土壤因为这些珍贵土壤改良剂植物养分来源无法回归土壤之中。

    The increasing use of dried animal waste as a substitute fuel has also hurt the soil because this valuable soil conditioner and source of plant nutrients is no longer being returned to the land.


  • 拒绝说出消息的来源

    He refused to name his sources.


  • 确保从可信的来源获取你信息。

    Be sure to get your information from believable sources (来源) .


  • 然而灌溉用水来源往往不是可持续

    However, water used in irrigation is often sourced unsustainably.


  • 生物多样性确保了粮食作物药物来源

    Biodiversity ensures a resource for new food crops and medicines.


  • 这种声学效果通常使得声音来源难以辨别

    Often the acoustics make it hard to identify where sounds are coming from.


  • 银河系超新星最有可能是大多数宇宙射线到达地球来源

    Supernovas in the Milky Way are the likeliest source for most of the cosmic rays reaching Earth.


  • 主要生长介质,也就是植物吸收营养的来源实际上土壤而不是

    The primary growing medium, what the plants draw nutrients from, is actually soil, not water.


  • 政策层面上我们真正需要决定资金来源帮助支持质量地方绿地建设。

    What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.


  • 政策层面上我们真正需要决定资金来源帮助支持高质量地方绿地建设。

    What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good-quality local green spaces.


  • 知道这些红色颗粒来源通常靠近北极,而不是那些产生大量“干净”颗粒地方

    He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generally closer to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of "clean" grains.


  • 知道这些红色颗粒来源通常靠近北极,而不是那些产生大量“干净”颗粒地方

    He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generally closer to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of "clean" grains.


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