• 2005年,发达国家雇员平均工作时间将有一半以上家中度过。

    By 2005, more than half of the average employees' working hours in advanced countries (like the United States and the United Kingdom).


  • 2005年,发达国家雇员平均工作时间一半以上在家中度过。锖。

    By 2005, more than half of the average employees' working hours in advanced countries (like the United States and the United Kingdom) will be spent at home.


  • 2005年,发达国家雇员平均工作时间一半以上在家中度过。 䰎。

    By 2005, more than half of the average employees' working hours in advanced countries(like the United States and the United Kingdom)will be spent at home.


  • 现在,一个拥有孩子家庭一年的平均工作时间只有800小时相当于每周只工作16小时。

    The average poor family with children is supported by only 800 hours of work each year. This is equivalent to 16 hours of work per week.


  • 20世纪70年代以前,美国工人工作时间欧洲人平均工作时间一样比法国人

    Until the 1970s, American workers put in the same number of hours as the average European, and a bit less than the French.


  • 额外工作一个小时确实能提高公司业绩并不值得大惊小怪因为该项研究显示,CEO们每周平均工作时间只有48个小时。

    Each additional hour boosted performance, but that's not too surprising given that the average CEO in the study was only logging 48 hours per week.


  • 1969年至1989年期间美国人年度工作时间平均增加了138个小时

    Between 1969 and 1989 employed Americans added an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules.


  • 休斯顿工作时间所有参评城市最长平均每周41.2个小时

    Houstonians work the longest hours of any city we ranked; an average of 41.2 hours per week.


  • 调查涉及主要问题包括薪资水平工作-生活平衡平均工作时间等问题满意度

    They were notably asked about their satisfaction with issues including pay levels and their work-life balance, as well as average working hours.


  • 因此平均每周工作时间增长可能意味着就业数字很快出现持续上涨

    So a rise in the average workweek might suggest that sustained job growth is in the horizon.


  • 每个应用每天平均使用时间起来就15.9个小时,这每天8小时标准工作时间了。

    The average time reported for "using" each application every day added up to a total of 15.9 hours, much longer than the standard 8-hour work day.


  • 在65 岁退休一般平均工作45之久,因此退休时间大约工作时间40%。

    Men who retire at age 65 have typically worked on the average about 45 years, so retirement years for these men is about 40% of working years.


  • 平均每周工作时间下降33小时二战后最低水平,这意味着企业可能不会很快需要增加人手

    The average workweek declined to a postwar low of 33 hours, suggesting that businesses may not need to ramp up hiring soon.


  • 参与者说,平均而言,因抑郁引发健康问题而浪费工作时间3个小时

    On average, participants reported losing three hours of work time to health-related conditions associated with depression.


  • 受访城市工作时长各不相同调查发现平均来看,亚洲中东地区城市工作时间多于全球平均水平1902小时

    Working hours also varied in the cities surveyed, with the study finding that on average, people in Asian and Middle Eastern cities work much more than the global average of 1, 902 hours per year.


  • 勤勉CEO比平均工作时间多20个小时,CEO工作时间越长他所在公司运营越好

    The most diligent put in another 20 hours. And the longer they work, the better the company does.


  • 我们(平均)花费58%工作时间自己身上(其中大多花在email上)。

    We spend (on average) 58% of our work time working alone (too much of it on E-mail).


  • 他们工作时间每周平均40小时。

    Their working hours averaged out at 40 per week.


  • 苹果份声明中表示富士康其他供应商每周平均工作时间53小时低于品牌行为准则》规定60小时上限

    In a statement, Apple said the average workweek at Foxconn and its other suppliers was 53 hours, below the 60-hour limit in the brand's code of conduct.


  • 使用时间数据揭示了为什么这些时间永远不够用:平均来说,他们不仅工作时间久,而且在陪孩子时间最多

    Time-use data reveals why these people never have enough time: not only are they working the longest hours, on average, but they are also spending the most time with their children.


  • 澳大利亚国立大学(anu)最近一项研究表明,保护工人心理身体健康每周平均工作时间应该控制在39小时以内

    The average working week should be capped at 39 hours in order to protect workers' mental and physical health, according to a latest research from the Australian National University (ANU).


  • 调查人员发现由于可以随时用手机查收电邮,英国人每年工作时间平均增加了460个小时

    Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.


  • 由于法国每周35小时工作时间以及平均退休年龄降低越来越法国男女开始执笔撰写他们自己”。

    With the short 35-hour working week in France and a fall in the average retirement, increasing numbers of French men and women are turning pen to paper to write "their book".


  • 而且延长工作时间小时平均每月不得超过36小时。

    And, the small duration that prolongs working hours must not exceed 36 hours every months on average.


  • 该文应用GO分析YAG激光器系统可靠性,得到系统平均无故障工作时间重要可靠性指标

    GO reliability analysis of a YAG laser system was used to determine the mean time between failures and other important system reliability data.


  • 该文应用GO分析YAG激光器系统可靠性,得到系统平均无故障工作时间重要可靠性指标

    GO reliability analysis of a YAG laser system was used to determine the mean time between failures and other important system reliability data.


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