• 木桶的水倒入一个巨大澡盆里。

    Her sisters emptied their pails into the big round wooden tub.


  • 罗切斯特解释说,这个女人梅森的姐蛆伯莎,15年前牙买加了她。

    Rochester explains that the creature is Mason's sister Bertha whom he had been tricked into marrying fifteen years before in Jamaica and who comes from a family of lunatics and degenerates.


  • 全面及时地专的哥的姐乘客发布身边大小事大家共同关爱互动交流分享综合信息赶快加入进来吧。

    Comprehensive and timely for the brother sister and passengers released around the size of things. We love, interact, communicate and share comprehensive information. Come on in.


  • 总体而言因纽特儿童(比值:4.22;95%可信区间:1.55-11.5)那些与上一个年龄距离不足儿童(比值比:2.48;95%可信区间:1.33-4.63) 相比结核杆菌的感染率较高

    Overall, the MTI rate was higher among Inuit children (OR: 4.22; 95% CI: 1.55–11.5) and among children born less than one year after the birth of the next older sibling (OR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.33–4.63).


  • 的其中姐们已经开始了自己健身事业,我还正在劝说另外一个姐妹尽快开展她自己的事业。

    One sister has already started her own fitness business and I’m strongly urging the other to go out on her own as well.


  • 如果按时照这个法子来整理自己脑袋很快自然而然地养成习惯,你高兴地发现自己已经变成一个可以潇洒面对人生起落的酷哥酷姐了。

    If you play this head sorting game regularly it will soon become very natural to you and you can rejoice in becoming one of those chilled out lovelies who can go with the flow of life.


  • 嘎嘎姐用来搭配这套古怪冬装脖子宽大的物神皮革项圈黑色香奈儿太阳镜。时尚女神此行目的地是巴黎的一个布鲁斯广场时尚商店

    The star accessorised her outlandish winter look with a broad leather fetish collar around her neck and a pair of black Chanel sunglasses for her trip to one of the city's Bruce Field fashion stores.


  • 梅婧姐,如果记恨行为,请你想一想那些付出辛勤汗水,没有得到丝毫报酬正在忍饥挨饿的民工也许消消气

    Dear Mei, if you grudge me, please think of those starving workers who have been working painstakingly but received no pay at last. Then you will feel relieved.


  • 冯姐兴奋海博妻子承诺说:“设计展览开幕式时穿的衣服。”

    "I'm going to make you a dress for the opening," she promised his wife.


  • 如果知道一个哥们还是姐们名字上是看出来的,图片搜索一下就可以弄清楚

    If you want to know if a person is a man or a woman and the name doesn't help, do a search for the name.


  • 董姐以及其他所有管理全球性复杂企业CEO而言,判断自己到底对是,是件难度极大的事情。

    For Sister Dong, and for all the other CEOs who run complicated, global businesses, it is terribly hard to tell if they are actually wrong or not.


  • 倘若事实果真如此,倘若果真是弄错了,造成令姐的痛苦,那当然难怪气愤

    If it be so, if I have been misled by such error, to inflict pain on her, your resentment has not been unreasonable.


  • 董姐(粉丝们这样称呼董明珠)《行棋无悔》中细数,是如何当年一名女销售成为中国最大空调生产商格力电器”的老板的。

    In "Regretless Pursuit", Sister Dong, as her fans call her, recounts her rise from saleswoman to boss of Gree Electric, the country's biggest manufacturer of air-conditioners.


  • 妈妈爸爸他们的卧室里共拥一张呢,大姐,二还有大哥挤在一间房里

    Mother and Father had their own bed in their own room, while me, myyounger sister, my oldest sister and my older brother slept in the same room.


  • 韩国射箭项目的名官员日前北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划

    South Korea's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday.


  • 刘三姐故事是用音乐来表现壮族民间传说,它声光舞蹈表演,常需要几百演员参加演出。

    "Liu Sanjie"tells the story of a Zhuang foklore through music, a light show and dence with hundreds of performers.


  • 冯姐穿着优雅黑白格套头毛衣,羊毛马裤一双高跟舞鞋

    She was dressed elegantly in a black-and-white checked top, wool riding pants and high-heeled pumps.


  • 这时他们翻到了一封洪小玲留下的信:梅姐哥哥老板手下打工,原谅我这么久无理伤害

    At this moment, Ye and Mei found a letter left by Hong: "Dear Mei, my elder brother was a worker for Ye."Please forgive me for my unreasonable hurt done on you.


  • 带冯姐参观自己法国餐厅餐厅装饰用装满海水水箱,里面要养活鲨鱼

    Mr. Zhang offered Ms. Von Furstenberg a tour of the construction site for his new French restaurant, which he said would be outfitted with huge tanks of seawater and live sharks.


  • 山坡屋里悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界繁华,自己的哥姐,表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。

    In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my Cousins among the guests, all in jubilation.


  • 这位敢穿全身鲜肉装现身专栏到底怎样的效果,那还真是让难以预料但是我们可以肯定Ga姐的专栏是不会教你怎么搭配包包鞋子的。

    Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes.


  • 主修历史塞瑟,在和男朋友恋爱之前至少身边五个姐们们谈过恋爱——还不算知道的。”

    Rachel Sasser, a senior history major at the table, said that before she and her boyfriend started dating, he had "hooked up with a least five of my friends in my sorority - that I know of."


  • 白雪皑皑巴黎气温骤降到零下度,嘎姐明显因为演唱会被迫取消情绪大坏。

    Temperatures have plunged as low as -7C in snowy Paris, but Gaga has clearly put her anger at having to cancel a gig, ahem, behind her.


  • 白雪皑皑巴黎气温骤降到零下度,嘎姐明显因为演唱会被迫取消情绪大坏。

    Temperatures have plunged as low as -7C in snowy Paris, but Gaga has clearly put her anger at having to cancel a gig, ahem, behind her.


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