• 广阔沙滩上,拥有白色的沙滩,绿色的棕榈树蓝绿色海水,这一切一个迷幻的经历

    The expanse of the white sands, the palm trees and the turquoise water make for an almost mystical experience.


  • 白色沙滩以及蓝绿色海水很美,同时也是海龟的栖息地。

    Its white sand beaches are bathed by crystal-clear turquoise waters and are a sanctuary for sea turtles.


  • 所谓塞齐盘就是盘大小的白色磁盘,把沉入海水,直至再也不见。

    What Secchi produced was a dinner plate-sized white disk that is lowered into ocean water until it cannot be seen anymore.


  • 携带黑色白色高温矿物海水从中以700氏度(371摄氏度高温注入冰冷海洋

    The scalding water can shoot back into the cold ocean at temperatures hotter than 700 degrees Fahrenheit (371 degrees Celsius), carrying a black or white stew of dissolved rock and chemicals.


  • 海水表现近乎白色海上的低云灰色海水温度略低。

    The water is nearly white, while the low Marine clouds are pale gray, only slightly cooler.


  • 这些牛仔裤渔网后面海水清洗,在阳光的直接暴晒下它们渐渐被漂成白色

    These jeans were laundered by dragging them in large mesh nets behind the ship, and the exposure to sea water and sun would gradually bleach them to white.


  • 看了一下四周,花圃边沿围着许多海水冲圆了白色大石头

    He looked around: There were a number of large white stones, smoothed by the sea, marking the edge of the flower beds.


  • 这里湛蓝天空蓝色大海洁白云朵白色沙滩金色石头阳光,当然,这里清澈海水美味海鲜友好人们

    It has blue sky, blue sea, white clouds, white beaches, golden sand and golden sunshine here. Of course, it also has clear water, delicious seafood and friendly people.


  • 的时候,了解很少知道大海很大海水,海上,海欧白色的。

    Sea story ---------Olive tree is small, I am very few to the sea understanding, only knew that the sea is very big, the sea water is very blue , marine has sea Europe, sea Europe is the white.


  • 一排白色浪花迎面而来,来不及躲闪海水进了嘴里鼻子里眼睛里,眼睛睁不开了,嘴里咸咸的味道

    A row of a row of white spray head on and come, I too late to dodge, the water into my mouth, nose, eyes, hardly keep my eyes open, his mouth is full of salt.


  • 庞大群岛延展超过62英里,旁边围绕着碧绿的海水乘独木舟小艇海船经典白色渡轮游览是最好的选择。

    The vast archipelago stretches more than 62 miles from north to south over emerald waters best explored via kayak, canoe, sailboat, or classic white ferry.


  • 希腊帕罗斯岛很大,而且多山岛屿四周盖满了白色的小房子,碧绿色海水海岸边轻轻荡漾

    The Greek island of Paros is vast and mountainous, its periphery1 dotted with crisp white buildings and all of it surrounded by clear turquoise2 water rolling gently against its shores.


  • 采用XRDTEM铝合金镀层动态充气海水试验时所形成的白色腐蚀产物进行了研究

    The white corrosion products on hot dip Zn al alloy coating exposed to seawater in dynamic aerated immersion were investigated by means of XRD and TEM.


  • 绿色池面(由70%海水30%的海水混合而)漂浮着一团白色的藻类。

    Floating on top of the greenish pool - a mixture of 70% water from the Dead Sea and 30% water from the Red Sea - is a white scum of algae.


  • 适用各种水质海水咸水油类脂类弱酸弱碱介质尤其能耐研磨。(盘根颜色分为黑色白色)。

    Suitable for various kinds of water quality, water, salt water, oil, lipid, weak acid, stoichiometric such media, especially ability grinding. (the stuffing the color is divided into black and white).


  • 适用各种水质海水咸水油类脂类弱酸弱碱介质尤其能耐研磨。(盘根颜色分为黑色白色)。

    Suitable for various kinds of water quality, water, salt water, oil, lipid, weak acid, stoichiometric such media, especially ability grinding. (the stuffing the color is divided into black and white).


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