• 选举过程似乎干净,出炉的选民登记制多少有些帮助

    Voting appeared to go cleanly, helped by a new electoral register.


  • 中国代表强调登记制目的收集统计信息

    The representative of China emphasized that the purpose of the registration system was only to gather statistical information.


  • 中国现行外贸代理制形式是以外贸经营权备案登记制为基础建立的。

    The China's present form of foreign trade Agency system is established according to Registration system of foreign trade rights.


  • 还警告到,这种‘人间蒸发’老年人现象只不过反应户口登记制问题冰山一角而已。

    She warns that the missing-seniors Revelations are just the tip of the iceberg.


  • 各国建立不动产登记立法体例主要契据登记制权利登记制托伦斯登记制

    The legislative styles of realty registration system that various countries set up have mainly the contract registration system, the right registration system and Torrence registration system.


  • 孝子女士,现在也该废除户口登记制采用个人身份登记制时候了。 她还警告,这种‘

    Sodei says it's high time to dump household registers and adopt an individual ID system.


  • 基本依据就是人们害怕登记注册实名制“因而相信网上贸易很快会征收税费

    It's the fundamental basis for people's fear the "real-name registration system" for online businesses will soon bring taxes.


  • 一些专家认为实行实名制登记系统解决问题最好办法

    Some experts think a real-name registration system may be the best way to solve the problem.


  • 地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以不同时间段休息。如果他们出去三明治,就必须刷卡登记。

    Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards .


  • 反之,它采用会员制,顾客只需交付25美元的登记费60美元的费即可成为会员拿到一个钥匙卡。

    Rather, members pay a $60 annual fee and $25 application fee to join and get a keycard.


  • 地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以不同时间段休息。如果他们出去三明治,就必须刷卡登记。

    Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards。


  • 据信息产业部消息,我国从明年起启动手机实名制。 信息产业部新闻处处长王立健上周日,届时,新手机用户和现有的2亿名非实名预付费用户都需要进行实名登记。

    The new rule will apply not only to new users, but also about 200 million pre-paid cell phone users, Wang Lijian, dean of MII's News Department, said on Sunday.


  • 第8会员制证券交易所收到本会发给许可之核准通知三十日内核准通知向地方法院依照有关之规定,申请办理法人登记手续。

    Article 8 a membership stock exchange shall file with the district court for the juristic person registration within thirty days after receiving the notice of permission issued by the Commission.


  • 登记注册了一堂社区大学课程,还计划将我学分转入四年制大学

    And I've also enrolled in my first community college class, with the plan of transferring my credits to a four-year university.


  • 第15公司制证券交易所收到本会发给许可之核准通知公司法规定办理公司设立登记

    Article 15 a company type stock exchange shall, after receiving the notice of approval issued by the Commission, file for incorporation registration in accordance with the company Law.


  • 加强对学生恋爱观教育福州大学部分院系实行恋爱实名制登记”,引起议。

    Some departments of Fuzhou University carried out the system of real name registration for lovers in order to enhance the education of view of love, which caused a heated discussion.


  • 民用航空器权利登记事项可以公众查询、制或者摘录

    Matters registered concerning the rights of civil aircraft may be made available to the public for inquiry, reproduction or extraction.


  • 方法由妇科医师询问病史填写妇女病普查表,实行一人一制,进行个案登记

    Methods the disease history of all the cases were inquired and census forms were filled individually, all cases registered.


  • 加入WTO实行进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession.


  • 制度规定房屋租赁实行登记备案制,房屋主管部门颁发的房屋租赁证租赁行为合法有效凭证。

    House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market.


  • 品牌中国产业联盟秘书长WangYong:“幕后实行一个实名制登记系统。”

    Wang Yong, Secretary-General of Brand China Industry Union, said, "I suggest running a real-name registration system in the background."


  • 申报登记矿业权评估机构资质应是工商登记合伙制公司制的中介机构;

    The institution applying to be accredited shall be an intermediary (partnership or company) that has been registered with the department of industry and commerce;


  • 地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以不同时间段休息。如果他们出去三明治,就必须刷卡登记。

    Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards.


  • 地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以不同时间段休息。如果他们出去三明治,就必须刷卡登记。

    Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards.


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