• 这个结构示意图可以帮助科学家们基因治疗重组病毒同时癌症其他疾病提供可行的治愈方案。

    The map could help scientists re-engineer the virus for gene therapy, as well as to create possible treatments for cancer and other ailments.


  • 几年来,专家致力于将腺病毒作为一个载体治疗基因带入细胞大多是为了治疗癌症以及心血管疾病

    For several years, scientists have tried to use adenoviruses as a vector to carry therapeutic genes into cells, mostly for treating cancer and cardiovascular disease.


  • 其他项目考虑同样方法但是他们纠结怎样更有效的分享那些能够人们能够预防治疗疾病基因信息。

    Other projects are considering such steps but are still wrestling with the issue of how to share results in a meaningful way that might allow people to prevent or treat diseases.


  • 治疗药物突变基因靶点基因突变后能让肿瘤细胞持续增多一种药物能激活病患免疫系统对抗疾病

    One drug specifically targets a mutated gene that tells a cancer cell to grow, the other boosts a patient's immune system in the fight against the disease.


  • 对于后天性疾病比如癌症基因治疗试验通过引入可以杀死癌细胞基因

    For acquired diseases, such as cancer, gene-therapy trials are introducing genes that are intended to kill cancerous cells.


  • 针对疾病行为性化学物质基因因素的治疗方法研究当中。

    Therapeutic solutions that target the behavioral, chemical, and genetic components of the disease are all in development.


  • 10年以前解码人类基因序列使一些感到失望。他们原来希望这个进展能够加速研发严重疾病治疗方法。

    Decoding the human genome a decade ago has disappointed some people who were hoping for the speedy development of cures for devastating illnesses.


  • 几年人类基因曾被添加老鼠身上,创建唐氏模型科学家研究这种疾病如何演化可能带来有潜力治疗方法

    Several years ago, human genes were added to a mouse to create a model of Down's syndrome for scientists to study how the disease evolves, which could lead to potential treatments.


  • 作改动药品也许治疗数百疾病有效,以此兑现诸如实现干细胞基因治疗这些神奇疗法承诺

    With a slight redesign, the drug might work for hundreds of diseases, fulfilling the promise that wonder cures like stem cells and gene therapy have failed to deliver.


  • 即使一些重大疾病病原基因得到确认,无法保证一定能够找到治疗方法

    Even if the genetic roots of some major diseases are identified, there is no guarantee that treatments can be found.


  • 2001年2月11日科学家表示他们成功创造出第一基因猴子癌症老年痴呆疾病治疗迈出坚实一步

    Scientists said on January 11, 2001 that they had achieved the first genetically engineered monkey, a step that could hasten the development of cures for diseases ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's.


  • 为什么不能基因疗法用作基因疾病常规治疗呢?

    Why aren't genetic diseases routinely treatable with gene therapy?


  • 这些疾病非常不同治疗如果我们使用克隆技术可以改变基因DNA排序这样可以节省大量

    These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene's DNA order, so we can save lots of people.


  • 调查评估两个视网膜退行性疾病小鼠模型基因治疗以及人体视网膜组织人文研究。

    Investigators evaluated the gene therapy in two mouse models of retinal degenerative disease, as well as cultures of human retinal tissue.


  • 以前基因治疗从未用于人类的神经退行疾病,所以研究是一个重要里程碑

    Gene therapy has never before been used to treat a degenerative brain disease in humans and the success represents an important landmark.


  • 病人身上进行首次试验非常重要让人非常激动是在用基因治疗手段治疗多种眼科疾病的巨大一步

    Testing it for the first time in patients is very important and exciting, and represents a huge step towards establishing gene therapy for the treatment of many different eye conditions.


  • 基因沉默系统可以用来治疗病毒疾病总的来说生物技术能够帮助我们生产更多的茁壮庄稼

    The gene silencing system can also be used to combat virus diseases, and biotechnology in general can help us produce more robust crops.


  • 科学家们已经发现导致近视基因治疗世界上常见眼科疾病奠定了基础

    Scientists have identified a gene that causes shortsightedness, a discovery which paves the way for treatment to prevent one of the world's most common eye disorders.


  • 人类基因计划彻底检测某些疾病预防治疗条件

    The Human Genome Project will revolutionize the detection, prevention and treatment of conditions of certain diseases.


  • 基因疗法除了用于遗传性疾病而且可以用于其他影响疾病甚至可用于治疗癌症。

    Gene therapy can be used for hereditary diseases, but also for other diseases that affect heart, brain and even for cancer.


  • 遗传学基因研究重要性不断增强。基因影响许多事情比如会影响着我们长相什么食物可能会引起疾病,需要被治疗

    Genetics, the study of genes, is gaining increasing importance. Genes can influence many things, from whom we look like to what we eat to possible treatments for diseases.


  • 其中至少15个基因版本人类非常相似,这意味着科学家们可能通过这些基因减慢老化进程治疗一些老化相关的疾病

    At least 15 of those genes have very similar versions in humans, suggesting that scientists may be able to target those genes to help slow down the aging process and treat age-related conditions.


  • 精准医学将会疾病治疗策略药物研发基因治疗带来更多新的可能。

    Precision medicine will bring more new therapeutic strategies, drug discovery and development, and gene-oriented treatment.


  • 研究阐述胆固醇该病之间关联最初基因证据可能促使科学家明确疾病治疗目标

    The studies present the first genetic evidence of a link between cholesterol and the disease, and they may lead scientists to identify new targets for therapy.


  • 研究阐述胆固醇该病之间关联最初基因证据可能促使科学家明确疾病治疗目标

    The studies present the first genetic evidence of a link between cholesterol and the disease, and they may lead scientists to identify new targets for therapy.


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