• 一位联合国发言行动运送20救济物资

    A UN spokesman said that the mission will carry 20 tons of relief supplies.


  • 男人听到了我说的话,在我走之前拦住了我。

    A man heard it and stopped me just before I went away.


  • 第一男人喜欢太太喜欢。

    The first man liked it, but his wife didn't.


  • 大量降雪男人吹雪机清理街上的积雪。

    A man cleans the street with a snowblower after heavy snowfall in the Thuringian Forest in Oberhof, Germany, Thursday, Dec. 2, 2010. AP / Jens Meyer


  • 有3%男人(2037男人测试对象70)1.3%的(2727测试对象中34)发现呈现出赌博病理

    Three percent of the men (70 out of 2, 037 male subjects) and 1.3 percent of the women (34 out of 2, 727 female subjects) were found to have an overall lifetime prevalence of pathological gambling.


  • 他们中的一些成为所谓食草”,他们衣服化妆品喜爱胜过汽车,他们不希望过快节奏的生活

    Some of them have become "grass-eating men" who prefer clothes and cosmetics to cars and avoid life in the fast lane.


  • 她们血样细胞抽取DNA测量356男人551位女粒的平均长度

    They then extracted DNA from cells in those samples and measured the average length of the 356 male volunteers' and 551 female volunteers' telomeres.


  • 一碰面时,还觉得有点尴尬,不过总还下去;那位女的睡上铺下铺。

    After the initial embarrassment, they both manage to get to sleep; the woman on the top bunk, the man on the lower.


  • 一个如果从穿着无法判断的话,一般就会感到不是很安全,这种忧虑就会变成相应议案从而修改法律

    Not knowing whether an individual amongst them is a man or a woman due to their attire is deeply unsettling and any such anxieties must be addressed by the relevant changes to law.


  • 看见有两,我就开始他们射击

    I saw two of them trying to carry Brennan away and I started shooting at them.


  • 一位同辈观众强调这份工作吸引力:“老年认同校园剧情,”

    But Tokuda stresses the appeal of his work to an audience of his peers: "Elderly people don't identify with school dramas," he says.


  • 避免招致误解SAL 9000没有公开自己真实姓名他坦称自己是个”,“宅沉溺视频游戏电脑虚拟世界日本年轻的称呼。

    SAL9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku," a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds.


  • 为了酷爱制服日本营造一种工作的氛围,枝菅直一样身穿蓝色工作服,他娴熟地致力于降低发生全国恐慌风险

    Mr Edano, who like Mr Kan is dressed in blue overalls to give the uniform-loving Japanese a sense of workmanship, is deftly trying to reduce the risk of panic around the country.


  • 这时开了列队伍大楼里走出来,有都是年轻有的还能自己走,有的只能躺担架上。

    The door opened and a line of young men and women came out of the building, some on them on their own two feet, some carried on stretchers.


  • 称:“银行家抠门儿”。

    One,” the bartender laughed.“Bankers are cheap”.


  • 内阁官房长官援救努力发言枝野幸成为互联网上的英雄自卫队的援救努力也受到了赞扬

    Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary and the spokesman for the rescue efforts, has become an Internet hero, and rescue efforts by the Self-Defense Forces are praised.


  • 社会条件,就是说女孩子妈妈们通常和女孩子谈话才决定女孩长大后比讲话多。可是对此还没有信服研究证据

    There is no convincing evidence that social condition - ing, the fact that girls' mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys.


  • 当亦女的面孔出现视野右上方时,有的总是判断女性另一些总认为

    That is, some people judged androgynous faces as female every time they appeared in the upper right corner, while others judged faces in that same location as male.


  • 美国张图片上显示的是名员工围着一张会议桌坐着,其中,女的是白种的有一名是黑种,一名是亚洲

    In the US, the image featured three employees sitting around a meeting table - one white woman, and two men, one black and one Asian.


  • 不能指望129名立法委员团体处获得支持他们属于小泽门阀,上周菅直干事长(今后即为首相)任命投了反对票。

    Nor can Mr Edano count on support from a block of 129 lawmakers, allied to Mr Ozawa, who voted against Mr Kan's appointment as party leader (and hence prime minister) last week.


  • 传统衣着观念来看,观众们喜欢主持身穿文质彬彬的西装主持穿DVF大众的裹裙。

    Received wardrobe wisdom suggests that viewers love a bland suit on men and a knee-length, high-street version of a DVF wrap dress for women.


  • 目前系列包括三个型号:“机器风格”,意大利风格/头像雕塑以及远古面具

    Currently collection consists of three models: a "robotic" droid, Italian Sculpture in the shape of a man’s head and Female Ancestral Mask.


  • 双鱼是非常乐意所有注意力灌注于摩羯身上的!

    A Pisces man would love to shower all the attention he can on the Capricorn woman!


  • 大约四分之一六分之一男人每天最高摄入量

    This is about a quarter of a woman's and about a sixth of a man's daily upper intake.


  • 显然发件公司里某高级合伙迷上上那双4黑色小山羊皮高跟鞋。

    Her 4-inch black suede heels had obviously impressed the sender, a male senior partner.


  • 汉族,1946年福建福州

    Male, ethnic Han, born in Fuzhou, Fujian Provincein 1946.


  • 汉族,1946年福建福州

    Male, ethnic Han, born in Fuzhou, Fujian Provincein 1946.


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