• 爱空格国主义教育通过电视电影新闻媒体学校推广

    That patriotic education extended beyond schools to include television, film and the news media.


  • 虽然又是一部电视电影本片足以成为朱莉代表作之一

    Another TV movie for Jolie here, but this one became a major calling card for the actress.


  • 可能猜到这部迪士尼出品的电视电影是女版的罗宾汉传奇

    As you might of guessed, this Disney-produced TV movie put a feminine spin on the Robin Hood legend.


  • 通常,此类影片会以电视电影形式主流大片上映同时公开发布

    Often these films are created to be released direct-to-video at the same time as the mainstream film reaches theaters or video outlets.


  • 指出电缆公司不得不他们网络提供电视电影服务的公司付费

    Cable companies, he points out, have to pay for the television shows and films they deliver over their networks.


  • 红得发紫的电视电影视频站点葫芦网站一周纪念日早上增添了功能

    Red hot TV and movie site Hulu has added a major new feature this morning on the one year anniversary of the site.


  • HBO1996年的"玛简玛丽莲"是部有点怪异关于玛丽莲梦露的电视电影.

    s Norma Jean &Marilyn was an HBO made-for-TV movie about Marilyn Monroe with a pretty kooky premise.


  • 原先纪录片电视电影制作人当然《天堂电影预示着一个新的开始

    He had been primarily a maker of documentary and television films, and surely "Cinema Paradiso" heralds a new beginning.


  • 《白雪魔后》这部影片欧洲作为剧场电影发布美国是当成电视电影发布的。

    It was released theatrically in Europe but aired in the United States as a TV movie.


  • 电影同时创作电线女高音家庭影院频道摄制,名副其实称为近年来最好的电视电影

    The film made by HBO, creators of the Wire and the Sopranos, has deservedly been hailed as one of the best TV movies for years.


  • 开设历史课学校大约有60%申请开设社会学新闻学电视电影制作及传播学。

    Almost 60% of schools that did not enter pupils for history did have A-level candidates in sociology, media, TV and film studies or communication studies.


  • 一些电视电影制片公司声称YouTube成功是由于盗版视频淹没网站收版权保护视频

    Some television and movie studios contended YouTube built its early success by looking the other way as video pirates swamped the website with copyrighted clips.


  • 威廉-纳凭借波士顿法律》(BOSTON LEGAL)获得最佳电视电影配角

    William Shatner of ABC's "Boston Legal" won the award for best supporting actor.


  • 一轮,这股情节滑稽可笑的电视电影威廉新西兰口音查尔斯称凯特米德尔顿小姐

    That strand is still there, in the ludicrous TV movie that gives William a New Zealand accent and has Charles addressing Kate as Miss Middleton.


  • 美国儿科学会建议儿童每天电视电影录像电子游戏时间限定两个小时范围之内。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a child's use of TV, movies, video and computer games to no more than one or two hours a day. Too much screen time has been linked to.


  • Tangos谈到:“比如国家广播电视电影总局(SARFT)最近就宣称说要整顿在线视频业务。”

    Tangos: "for instance, SARFT (State Administration of Radio, Film and Television) recently announced plans to regulate the online video market."


  • 乔弗瑞-拉什凭借《彼得·勒斯》(THELIFE AND DEATHOFPETER SELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员

    Geoffrey Rush of "the Life and Death of Peter Sellers" accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie.


  • 电视电影随着有线电视数量一同大量增长时,卖出电影脚本关键就在于按照代理商制片人所要求的方式你的电影脚本精确格式化。

    While TV movies are now common with the proliferation of cable channels, the key to selling your movie script is to format it exactly the way that agents and producers want it to be formatted.


  • HBO刚刚完结的《黑道家族》获得15提名提名最多电视电视电影《将受伤膝盖》是所有奖项中提名最多的,获得17项提名。

    HBO's recently departed "the Sopranos" is the most-nominated series with 15 bids, while the made-for-TV movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" has the most nominations, 17, for all programs.


  • 电视电影《烽火佳人》(1997)乔治·勒斯》(1997)扮演了性格坚强角色评论界给予更高的赞誉,其中《乔治·华勒斯》还为她赢得了金球奖艾美奖提名

    Her critical acclaim increased when she played strong roles in the made-for-TV movies True Women (1997), and in George Wallace (1997) which won her a Golden Globe award and an Emmy nomination.


  • 1998年HBO推出一部电视电影RatPack ”(鼠帮)片中雷利·奥塔(图左)扮演弗兰克辛纳特那(图右)乔伊·蒙特·格纳扮演迪恩马丁钱德尔扮演小萨米·戴维斯。钱德尔后来因在片中的表演获得金球奖

    S the Rat Pack was another HBO offering which starred Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna and Don Cheadle as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Cheadle won a Golden Globe for his performance.


  • 剧情:还记得1999年那部由“ER”的诺亚·威尔(Noah Wyle)饰演乔布斯早餐俱乐部安东尼·迈克尔·霍尔(Anthony Michael Hall)饰演比尔·盖茨,反映家用电脑崛起电视电影吗? 不记得啦?

    Plot: Remember the 1999 made-for-TV movie about the rise of the home computer, starring Noah Wyle of "ER" as Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall from "The Breakfast Club" as Bill Gates?


  • 意大利如同别国一样,电视严重影响了电影市场。

    In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into movies.


  • 纵观电视电影白人角色被忽略的是西班牙裔。

    Across TV and film, the underrepresentation of non-white characters falls mostly on Hispanics.


  • 他用自己参加比赛用于出租电影电视广告片

    He races his cars, and rents them out for film, TV, and promo videos.


  • 克里斯特尔表示电视电影互联网现代沟通方式意味着这个世界可能会坚持使用一种可以广泛理解英语

    Mr Crystal says modern communication through television, film and the Internet means the world is likely to hold on to an English that is widely understood.


  • 然而现实证明电视(电影)其他形式媒体难以改变

    And yet the TV (and movie) industry are proving more resistant to change than any other form of media.


  • 要想维持这些女孩妇女不健康图片流行文化中的长久性就需要希望收看这类电视电影广告图片的观众。

    The continued pop-culture perpetuation of unhealthy images of girls and women requires the existence of viewers who are willing to watch such television, movie, and advertising images.


  • 去掉一切无用东西,电视电影书籍杂志游戏网络,那些上瘾的东西,谦卑地接受上帝话语

    Get rid of all the garbage, the TV, movies, books, magazines, games and websites you shouldn't be indulging in, and humbly accept God's Word.


  • 去掉一切无用东西,电视电影书籍杂志游戏网络,那些上瘾的东西,谦卑地接受上帝话语

    Get rid of all the garbage, the TV, movies, books, magazines, games and websites you shouldn't be indulging in, and humbly accept God's Word.


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