• 24个人坐在枕头他们书店里看到同一——都带着眼镜鼓鼓囊囊毛衣手提电脑

    Two dozen people were perched on pillows. They were the same kind of people you find at a bookstore—a lot of spectacles, lumpy sweaters, laptop bags.


  • 42回收软盘做成创意笔记本电脑

    Creative laptop bag made out of 42 recycled floppy disks.


  • 电脑行李袋

    Computer bags or Small duffel bags.


  • 丈夫携带一个装有物品的电脑重大10

    My husband carries around a small computer bag so stuffed, it weighs about 10 pounds.


  • 对不起只能付现金我们一个电脑鼠标

    Sorry, you can only pay cash. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you.


  • 对不起只能付现金我们一个电脑鼠标

    Sorry, you can only pay cash. We'll also give you a laptop bag and a mouse.


  • 对不起只能付现金我们一个电脑鼠标

    B. Sorry, you can only pay cash. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you.


  • 断定结束劳累面纱惨叫笔记本电脑”的精神

    You conclude not itch to conclude to exertion veil a spirit that screams' laptop bag '.


  • 臂用到了哑铃模仿地上干洗电脑小孩动作

    The squat to bicep curl USES weights and mimics the action of lifting a laundry basket, laptop bag or young child from the floor.


  • 背着一个黑色电脑讲话的神情像是收音机发表演说。

    He carried a black computer bag and when started to speak it felt he was delivering a speech on the radio.


  • 当然,也没有一个笨重电脑急匆匆地穿过半空广场的小偷发现

    And certainly no thief was to be seen scurrying across the half-empty concourse with a bulky laptop bag slung over a shoulder.


  • 避免携带手提电脑外出,请勿携带明显标记的手提电脑

    Avoid take lap-tap or lap-tap bags with visible signature outside.


  • 主题所以不得不履行笔记本电脑左右

    It was theme week, so I had to write up what I carry around in my laptop bag.


  • 因为电脑通常手柄对于锻炼屈臂、举、或是单臂弯曲非常有好处。

    Because computer bags usually have handles, these can be great for exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises or one-armed rows.


  • 发明可以轻松地放进个人电脑预测使用者未来5到8生活细节

    My invention easily fits into the size of a personal computer case and can predict details of the next 5-8 years of the life of its users.


  • 拉杆箱确定之前又让一些电脑图片,说是另外一个客户的。

    But before order luggage bag, he asked me to send to him some pictures of laptop bags to the other customer.


  • Google表示每天制作广告信息乙烯基材料回收利用,制作电脑或者购物袋。

    Google says that the vinyl being used to create these new messages each day will be recycled or reused into either computer bags or shopping bags.


  • 平时随身至少会带1个优盘(其实会带2个),电脑里面我肯定会确保我有一些移动存储空间。

    I always have at least one flash drive on me at all times (two in fact), but in my laptop bag I make sure I have a few there too.


  • 选购电脑时候以下因素重要?(选购电脑包的时候,以下因素有多重要?)

    What are the following points that you think are important when select a computer or gadget carrying bag?


  • 电脑除了电脑电源之外,还有很多东西可以放扔进去但是什么东西才是真正值得进去的呢?

    There is a ton of stuff you can throw into your laptop bag (besides the laptop and the power cord), but what are the things that are really useful that you can put in there?


  • 笔记本散热调整最适高度,一个折叠的笔记本支架觉得最好的选择。我一直放在电脑包里。

    Between keeping your laptop cool and setting it at the right height for work, this folding stand that I found is perfect and I never go out without it.


  • 拉开时会暴露放置便携式电脑装置的公文种是可拆卸便携式电脑包轮式手提

    One is a briefcase in which the attached laptop holder is exposed when the case is unzipped. The other is a wheeled carry-on with a removable laptop case.


  • 经营产品男女手袋、展业洗漱化妆电脑、钱皮带各式精品皮具礼盒

    Operating the products intended, handbags, backpacks, wash gargle, cosmetic bag, computer bag and hand bag, purse, belt, all kinds of bags and fine leather box, etc.


  • 接下来将同时展示型突龟甲电脑包它们核心布局极其相似,只是龟甲稍微大一些并且拥有可选背负功能

    I'm showing the Spatha and Testudo together as they are very similar in core layout with the Testudo being slightly larger and having optional backpack functionality.


  • 如今在美国四个机场受人们欢迎的服务容许部分旅客不用脱鞋、不用打开电脑便能丝毫无损尊严地快速通过安检通道。

    S. airports, the most popular new feature is a security line that lets a select few travelers whiz through the screening process with their shoes on, their laptops stowed and their dignity intact.


  • 随着平板电脑增多对于平板电脑随之产品周边产品了起来过去的平板电脑仅仅是为了装下防止被磨损方便携带

    With the increase of tablet PCs, along with the product for the tablet PC peripheral products are mostly up, the last tablet package just to hold it, to prevent wear and easy to carry.


  • 这个设置非常好,大多数电脑并不提供完全开启功能尽管限制功能性这样物品就不会由于偶然的突然打开而导致四处飞散。

    This is nice as most laptop bags don't offer the full opening option while the limit functionality is still there so the bag doesn't accidentally fly open spilling out your goods.


  • 这个设置非常好,大多数电脑并不提供完全开启功能尽管限制功能性这样物品就不会由于偶然的突然打开而导致四处飞散。

    This is nice as most laptop bags don't offer the full opening option while the limit functionality is still there so the bag doesn't accidentally fly open spilling out your goods.


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