• 使用同一个电影摄影师欧文鲁伊兹曼创造了一种当时美国人不习惯的阴暗紧张氛围

    He used the same cinematographer, Owen Roizman, to create a dark, intense atmosphere which was very un-American at the time.


  • 1950年开始学习电影摄影师从著名电影摄影师王玉如先生

    He embarked on learning film photography in 1950, tutored by the famous film photographer Wang Yuru.


  • 拍摄时的光是Arri钨丝灯摄影师没有使用电影摄影师经常使用涅耳镜头

    His main lights were Arri tungstens, without the Fresnel lenses that cinematographers often use as broad spots.


  • 电影摄影师莱纳斯·桑德格兰用胶片拍摄色彩并未融入背景看起来扑面而来

    The cinematographer, Linus Sandgren, shot it on film, and the colors, rather than merge into the landscape, seem to burst in your face.


  • 听说维塔数字公司参与了制作,并且电影摄影师拍摄指环三部曲安德鲁·莱斯涅,我非常感兴趣

    Once I heard that Weta Digital was involved and that the man who shot the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Andrew Lesnie, was the cinematographer, I got very interested.


  • 作家杰夫瑞·纳奇曼奥弗,电影摄影师尤利·史德加,编剧戴维·勃伦纳作品设计师巴里·楚斯德评论。

    Commentary by writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff, cinematographer Ueli Steiger, editor David Brenner, and production designer Barry Chusid.


  • 《亡命驾驶》是西格尔雷弗恩的首次合作这位电影摄影师回忆了开始接触这个项目的情况,“了一下《布朗森》,它给我很深的印象。”

    Drive marks Sigel's first collaboration with Refn, and the cinematographer recalls that when he was approached about the project, "I took a look at Bronson and was really impressed."


  • 他们关系好莱坞一个几十年的公开秘密他们到处电影摄制组摄影师签名收集者。

    Their relationship had been an open secret in Hollywood for decades and they would all be looking out for her: the film crews, the photographers, the autograph hunters.


  • 所以即便自己电影学校摄影师及其他工作人员,好莱坞并非从前想象那样不可撼动。

    Even with its film schools and armies of cameramen and extras, therefore, Hollywood is not quite as unshakable as it once thought.


  • 安东尼奥尼的《放大》影响很大,以至于1974年决定英国电影中的男主角一样,时尚摄影师

    He was so affected by Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blow-Up" that in 1974 he decided to move to England, in order to become a fashion photographer, like the hero of the movie.


  • 毕业纽约伊萨卡学院,获得电影摄影学位1992开始成为摄影师,她花了年时间发现专长

    She has been a photographer since 1992, when she graduated from Ithaca College, in New York with a degree in Cinema ans Photography, her specialty took two years to be discovered.


  • 因在梦露去世周前拍摄照片而出名摄影师巴特斯特恩说:“还未曾看过任何一部关于她的电影

    I’ve never seen a good movie made of her, ” says Bert Stern, who famously photographed Monroe weeks before her death.


  • 因在梦露去世周前拍摄照片而出名摄影师巴特斯特恩说:“未曾看过任何一部关于她的电影

    I've never seen a good movie made of her,” says Bert Stern, who famously photographed Monroe weeks before her death.


  • 本片导演寇班是英籍荷兰裔人,摄影师的身份成名,2007年他拍摄了一部名为控制”的电影电影展现了他对于人物地点敏锐视觉风格

    Corbijn, a Dutch-born U.K. resident best known as a photographer before making his directing debut with "Control" in 2007, displays a keen visual style with people and places.


  • 上周末哈马斯制作拍摄一部电影加沙地区上映,各路名流纷纷摄影师摆好造型,来庆祝这时刻到来。

    The first feature film produced by Hamas debuted last weekend complete with a crowd of local celebrities posing for photographers at the Gaza movie premier.


  • 吉星写了关于自己旅行费德里柯·费里尼(Frederico Fellini)的电影剧本作家刚好读到了这本书。那个时候,剧组人员正在电影甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita)中的那个摄影师角色寻找名字

    He wrote a book about his travels and Frederico Fellini's script writer read the book about the time they were casting around for a name for the photographer in their movie La Dolce Vita.


  • 作为编辑拍摄主要联络人对外联络处理项目相关推广,协调和配合电影摄制组摄影师设计师等完成工作。

    To act as the main liaison for external enquiries and to respond to requests for editorial and filming opportunities, and experience of dealing with film crews, photographers and designers.


  • 丈夫-摄影师赫伯特·布兰奇美国时候事实上已经催生了法国电影工业

    She had literally given birth to the French film industry by the time she moved to America with her husband, the cameraman Herbert Blache.


  • 美国基础作家摄影师电影导演艺术家ChristopherBoffoli微型人物食物创建了有趣的场景

    Us based writer, photographer, filmmaker and artist Christopher Boffoli creates interesting scenes using miniature figures and food.


  • 拍摄电影需要太多东西数码摄像机,一个三脚架,一个剧本外加一名导演,一摄影师位演员即可

    The making of a micro film doesn't require much: a digital video camera, a tripod and a script, plus a director, a cameraman, and a few actors.


  • 拍摄电影需要太多东西数码摄像机,一个三脚架,一个剧本外加一名导演,一摄影师位演员即可

    The making of a micro film doesn't require much: a digital video camera, a tripod and a script, plus a director, a cameraman, and a few actors.


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