• 企业是否计算生物质燃料消耗量

    Has the company calculated the consumption of biomass fuel?


  • 生物质气化技术允许生物质燃料利用具有重要意义。

    Technologies such biomass gasification which allow utilization of biomass fuel are of great importance.


  • 当前液体生物质燃料开发已经成为一个世界性实践问题。

    At the present time, the development of liquid biomass fuels has already been the focus of the all world.


  • 这个发电站加拿大燃烧生物质燃料来自附近锯木厂生产能源

    This generating station in Canada, burns biomass fuel from nearby sawmills produce energy.


  • 发明公开了有机质燃料尤其是生物质燃料及其制备方法应用

    The invention discloses an organic matter fuel, in particular a biomass fuel and the preparation method and the application thereof.


  • 小型单元体炉进行不同形状尺寸种类生物质燃料层燃燃烧试验

    Grate firing tests of biomass fuels with different shapes, sizes and kinds were carried out in a miniature unit furnace.


  • 发明涉及一种燃烧各种生物质燃料使产生蒸汽用于发电锅炉

    The invention relates to a boiler which can combust all kinds of biomass fuel to generate steam and is used for supplying steam and generating electricity.


  • 生物质燃料烟雾中含有大量有毒有害物质,对人体呼吸系统等造成不良影响

    Biomass smoke contains lots of toxic and harmful substances which may impact the health of human.


  • 热解 Pyrolysis 热解生物质燃料缺氧情况下themal分解

    Pyrolysis is the themal decomposition of biomass fuels in the absence of oxygen.


  • 通过物质燃料的阐述,引起人们全球环境关注促进人们对生物量进行研究开发

    By formulating about biomass fuels, this article wants to attract our attentions to the global environment and promote us to study and develop the biomass.


  • 尽管生物质燃料实际上有中立潜力,但世界上某些地区烹饪用木材需求推波助澜了滥砍滥伐。

    Although biomass fuel has the potential to be virtually carbon neutral, the demand for cooking wood is driving deforestation in some parts of the world.


  • 通过分析生物质热解过程传热特点,建立生物质燃料热解过程的传热传质数学模型

    A mathematical model for the heat and mass transfer in the pyrolysis process of the biomass fuel bed was developed in this paper. Heat and mass transfer characteristics of the process were discussed.


  • 生物质燃料颗粒生产使用发达国家和地区正在蓬勃发展,国内引起高度重视

    The production and use of biomass fuel particles, is booming in the developed countries and regions, at home also has caused a high degree of attention.


  • 仍然广泛使用生物质燃料有关室内空气污染每年造成100万儿童死亡主要急性呼吸道感染引起

    Indoor air pollution associated with the still-widespread use of biomass fuels kills nearly one million children annually, mostly as a result of acute respiratory infections.


  • 固体生物质燃料一种高效清洁能源可以替代化石燃料缓解人类面临的能源危机环境困境

    As a substitution for fossil fuel, solid biomass fuel is a kind of clean and efficient energy which can alleviate human energy crisis and environment problems.


  • 补救办法之一限制二氧化碳含量上升2atmopshere充满活力生物质燃料使用

    One of the remedies to limit the rising content of co 2 in the atmopshere is energetic use of biomass fuel.


  • 一个汽车法拉利f 250概念功能2.5LV6引擎(250)生物质燃料运行

    Being a small car and very light Ferrari F250 Concept features 2.5l V6 engine (250) that runs on bio-fuel.


  • 节省空间由于生物质燃料经过高温压缩大大节约了储存空间,便于运输生物质颗粒有很好的环保效益。

    Because of the high temperature compression of the biomass fuel, the storage space is saved greatly, and the biomass particles are easy to transport.


  • 最终目的通过本文研究,物质燃料成型设备设计结构改进工艺参数优化提供理论实验依据。

    The final purpose is to provide academic sustainment to the design of the equipment, amelioration of structure and optimization of craft parameter.


  • 几乎半数世界人口依靠生物质燃料——木材牛马粪便农业废料等——完成煮饭干燥农作物净化水日常生活活动

    Approximately half of the world's population relies upon biomass fuels - such as wood, dung and agricultural wastes - for everyday tasks such as cooking, drying crops and purifying water.


  • 生物质锅炉除尘器生物质燃料再生,具产量巨大分布广泛、低生长二氧化碳排放低的特点。

    Biomass biomass boiler precipitator fuel is a renewable source of carbon, with great production, wide distribution, low sulfur, low nitrogen, fast growth, low carbon dioxide emissions.


  • 生物柴油环境友好、可再生生物质燃料,它应用可以减少人类矿物燃料依赖而且可以大大减少对环境的污染

    Biodiesel is one kind of environmental friendly renewable biomass fuel. The application of biodiesel can lighten the dependence of human being on fossil fuel, and reduce the pollution obviously.


  • 大气棕色主要是人们燃烧生物质化石燃料产生炭黑(悬浮颗粒)组成的。

    Atmospheric brown clouds are made up mostly of soot - suspended carbon particles - produced by people burning biomass and fossil fuels.


  • 合成生物学家基本目标之一,创造可定制有机物,从而能够生产出食物燃料或是药品,直至清除环境有害物质,或者仅仅一台计算机一样工作。

    One of synthetic biology's primary goals is to create customizable organisms able to produce food, fuel or pharmaceuticals; clean toxins from the environment; or even function as computers.


  • 第二方法也被称作“反应炉裂解法”:利用高温压力纤维素生物质转换成长这种烃链汽油柴油喷气式发动机燃料相类似

    A second process, called thermochemical pyrolysis, USES high temperatures and pressures to convert cellulosic biomass into long hydrocarbon chains that are similar to gas, diesel or jet fuel.


  • 通过焚烧森林开垦地块排放大量导致气候变暖物质大气中,这足以抵消使用生物燃料带来益处

    Burning forests to clear that land can pump vast quantities of climate-warming emissions into the atmosphere, enough to cancel out any of the benefits the biofuels were meant to bring.


  • 通过焚烧森林开垦地块排放大量导致气候变暖物质大气中,这足以抵消使用生物燃料带来益处

    Burning forests to clear that land can pump vast quantities of climate-warming emissions into the atmosphere, enough to cancel out any of the benefits the biofuels were meant to bring.


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