• 我们不得不待在家里避免疾病传染时,工作人员帮我们购买生活用品

    When we had to stay at home to keep away from the illness, workers helped us buy living things.


  • 以下生活用品送到445号:一熏肉鸡蛋夸脱牛奶

    Please deliver the following groceries to 445 Attic Street: 1 pound of bacon, 2 dozen eggs, 4 quarts of milk.


  • 汽油等基本生活用品价格的影响。

    Basics like water and gasoline are not affected by price.


  • 除了电风扇,床折叠也是必不可少寝室生活用品

    Besides an electric fan, a folding desk for use in bed is also essential for dorm life.


  • 包括服务费,书本费,日常生活用品费,旅游费杂费

    This still does not include fees, books, supplies, travel, or incidentals.


  • 这位老妇收集了各种怀旧日常生活用品、玩具甚至务农的服装

    Old woman has gathered the traditional objects of everyday life, tools and peasant clothing.


  • 这位老妇人收集各种怀旧日常生活用品、玩具甚至务农的服装

    Old woman has gathered the traditional objects of everyday life, tools and peasant clothing. All the excursions she makes herself, of course.


  • 一方面,开始对如何将插画应用日常生活用品产生了兴趣

    On the other hand, she has become more interested in exploring the “animal/technology metaphor” and in extending her illustration into the physical world by way of goods.


  • 以下列举生活用品中通常接触那些高危化学物质,自己看着办吧。

    So here's a compiled list of the top chemicals to look for in your products, so you can make a more informed decision.


  • 当然的是,有人了“”,人们日常生活用品哪里得到啊?

    Of course, someone asked, didn't "money", this people daily life supplies from where to get?


  • 接下来就是打包那些每周使用一次的东西然后日常生活用品留到最后打包。

    Work your way up to items you use weekly and leave the daily items until the end to pack.


  • 的父亲经常教育五个子女帮助邻近老年人生活用品下雪铲除道路积雪。

    Her father instructed his five children to fetch groceries for elderly neighbors and shovel6 walkways when it snowed.


  • 杂物其他生活用品收起来,自己公共场合鼻涕不断眼泪汪汪的窘境中解救出来

    Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in public with a runny nose or watery eyes.


  • 外面毛巾床单个人生活用品因为这些东西很难确保是否携带尖锐湿疣病毒。

    With the outside of the towel, bed sheets and other personal living things, because these things are difficult to ensure that the use of a.


  • 从缅甸首都仰光伊洛瓦三角洲居民尽量自己携带生活用品﹐他们表示援助物资明显不足

    Yangon residents who traveled to the Irrawaddy delta trying to bring their own supplies said there was a clear lack of adequate aid.


  • 我们日出不久起床睡袋帐篷生活用品挂包里,然后把挂包单车上。

    We wake shortly after sunrise and pack our sleeping bags and tent, our lives, into our panniers and clip them onto our bicycles.


  • 公司产品款式新颖时尚工艺严谨精致品种缤纷齐全现代家居不可或缺生活用品

    Our products are fashionable and stylish, rigorous process refined, colorful variety of complete, is an integral part of modern home living supplies.


  • 公司产品款式新颖时尚工艺严谨精致品种缤纷齐全现代家居不可或缺生活用品

    Our products are fashionable and stylish, rigorous process refined varieties of colorful range is an integral part of modern home living supplies.


  • 她说:“中学时候我们家住拖车里面,一家五口每月购置生活用品的钱只有60

    When I was in high school my family only had 60 bucks a month for groceries for five people. We lived in a trailer.


  • 在家不必支付租金节省食物开支,这些开支包括生活用品家里的饭菜以及偶尔外出消费。

    We don't have to pay rent, and we save money on food, from groceries to home cooked meals to the occasional night out.


  • 巴洛克艺术包括建筑雕塑绘画家具服装生活用品诸多领域本文着重于绘画方面。

    Baroque art, including architecture, sculpture, paintings, furniture, clothing, household items and many other fields, the article only focuses on Baroque painting.


  • 19个箱子中装女儿在家时的生活用品,除了大量衣服外,还有录音机娃娃、被褥等。

    The 19 boxes of luggage contained everything their daughter deemed necessary, including her many clothes, a recorder, toys, bedding etc. "We`ve brought all things she uses at home.


  • 已经尝试尽量使用那些化学物质少点儿生活用品了(只用那些必需),完全避免几乎可能的。

    I have tried to switch most of my products to NOT contain as many chemicals as possible (back to the basics I say), but they can be difficult to avoid..


  • 大扫除的时候一个好的开始,将不用的衣物玩具家具生活用品电脑捐给接收捐赠的非盈利组织

    Get a head start on spring-cleaning and donate clothes, toys, furniture, household items, and old computers to nonprofits accepting them.


  • 所以即便母亲在外工作(往往全职),她们通常理所当然地负责购买家庭生活用品喂养照料孩子

    So while mothers work outside the home, often full-time, they are also often expected to shoulder the needs of shopping, feeding and caring for their children.


  • 于是走了打开了院门车库锁,车库里面了吃喝和生活用品,让那些饥饿的民工们来拿。

    Then, she sent the dog away and opened the gate of the yard and the garage, putting lots of food and necessities inside.The starving workers could access them conveniently.


  • 于是走了打开了院门车库锁,车库里面了吃喝和生活用品,让那些饥饿的民工们来拿。

    Then, she sent the dog away and opened the gate of the yard and the garage, putting lots of food and necessities inside. The starving workers could access them conveniently.


  • 需要根据紧急通知撤离必须生活用品随身带着,你可能没有机会商店你的家人寻找物资

    In the event you need to evacuate at a moment's notice and take essentials with you, you probably will not have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you and your family will need.


  • 需要根据紧急通知撤离必须生活用品随身带着,你可能没有机会商店你的家人寻找物资

    In the event you need to evacuate at a moment's notice and take essentials with you, you probably will not have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you and your family will need.


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