• 生活是乐趣在于爱好在于衣食。

    Life lies not in living but liking.


  • 我们食物中获得快乐核心特定香味鉴赏能力我们辨别个体的能力社交生活乐趣的核心一样。

    This ability to appreciate specific aromas turns out to be central to the pleasure we get from food, much as our ability to recognise individuals is central to the pleasures of social life.


  • 一个年长的女人,一边教书,一边享受再次学习的乐趣,” 安妮可说,她希望其他人在以后的生活中也能在这段旅程上赶上她的步伐。

    "I'm an older woman, teaching and having fun learning again," Anneke said, and she wants others later in their lives to catch up with her on this journey.


  • 步行城市生活缺省乐趣

    Walking is the default pleasure of urban life.


  • 学习生活最大乐趣之一随着我们年龄增长保住工作保持身心健康变得至关重要

    Learning is one of the greatest joys in life and it can also be critical to staying employable and keeping our minds healthy as we grow older.


  • 尽管史坦一个极端例子,但我们完全能够我们生活增添更多乐趣

    Although Stan is an extreme case, we can all add more enjoyment and pleasure to our lives.


  • 努力工作明智花钱应该它们近乎一种美德,而这样最终可以使生活得到更多乐趣

    Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous;these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life.


  • 努力工作明智花钱应该它们近乎一种美德,而这样最终可以使生活得到更多乐趣

    Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous; these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life.


  • 这样一切都会改变态度提升你的外在形象生活乐趣,这样最终你会得到应有的回报如果没有及时得到那么一定会以后人生中得到,甚至永恒

    Everything about doing this changes your attitude, increases your outlook and joy in life and is eventually paid back, if not immediately, later in life and even in eternity.


  • 感受别人生活乐趣决定之一

    One of my resolutions is to Enter into the interests of other people’s lives.


  • 即使生活简单乐趣拥抱孩子最终还需要否则可能足够长的时间拥抱

    Even the simple pleasures in life, like hugging your child, ultimately need money - or you're not going to survive to hug for very long.


  • 大多数认为激情生活不现实的,他们看到身边多人都在其中找到了他们要的乐趣

    Most people don't think making a living with their passion is realistic, but then they see people all around them that are getting paid to do what they love.


  • 菲尔普斯切特分享音乐女人生活方面乐趣朋友不过他们从来不谈论游泳

    Phelps and Lochte are PALS — they have a Shared interest in music, women, lifebut they never talk about swimming.


  • 最后期限隐约显现生活又越来越烦乱阅读可能第一个被遗忘尤其为了寻找生活乐趣读书

    When deadlines loom and life gets hectic, reading can be one of the first things to fall off the radar. Especially reading for pleasure.


  • 失败悲观者眼里灾难,在乐观者眼里生活乐趣烂漫。

    Failure is a disaster in the eyes of pessimists but a pleasure and romance in the eyes of optimists.


  • 尽管完美减少了乐趣尤其爱情乐趣,经过长时间生活,作为一个丈夫渐渐为她天性中的保守感到骄傲

    Though her perfection discouraged pleasures, especially the pleasures of love, he had learned in time to feel the pride of a husband in her natural frigidity.


  • 虽然拉美有时候我们的感觉消极的,但有耐心美德,每个应该留有充裕的时间慢慢享受生活简单乐趣

    Although Latin America can sometimes be very frustrating and remind us that, indeed, patience is a virtue, one should slow down long enough to enjoy life's simple pleasure.


  • 什么看法?你否也发现现代网络应用不管基于位置手机应用传感器产品或者一些别的依靠数据处理的东西,正在一步步侵蚀你生活乐趣

    What do you think - are you finding that modern web apps, whether location-based mobile apps or products with sensors or something else data-driven, are making you enjoy life just a little less?


  • 人们和睦相处时——不管一个家庭里,或者朋友中间,后者办公室——人们努力感受别人生活乐趣

    When you think of people getting along harmoniously - whether in a family, or among friends, or in an office - people make an effort to enter into the interests of each other's lives.


  • 父母希望得到的,他们一样的孩子,一个他们分享生活乐趣的孩子,一需要通过专门学习如何外星人交往,便可以与之建立亲情的孩子。

    What they expect is a child who will be like them, who will share their world and relate to them without requiring intensive on-the-job training in alien contact.


  • 气候研究人员英国一些国家打赌否会出现传说中的“白色圣诞人们生活中的乐趣博彩公司以后也越来越重视全球变暖影响了。

    Betting on the fabled "white Christmas" is a pastime in some countries, like Britain, and oddsmakers will increasingly have to factor in global warming's impact, climate researchers said.


  • 生机勃勃的。这类人有着幸福自由有着内心平和生活乐趣

    This type of person is alive, This person has happiness, freedom, inner peace and a joy of living.


  • 我们入迷这种简约主义里面,我们可以发现生活真正乐趣

    What gets lost in most considerations of minimalism is the true joy that can be found in the lifestyle.


  • ,我当之无愧生活乐趣他引以自豪人——请相信,我明白这一点——,事实上我又确实那样的。

    I don't mean to say that I deserve to be the pride and delight of his life - you believe me, I know - but I am.


  • 知道谈话生活最大乐趣之一吗?需要闲暇的时间”(达·萨默塞特·莫姆)。

    "Do you know that conversation is one of the greatest pleasures in life? But it wants leisure" (W. Somerset Maugham).


  • 他们教导生活本来充满乐趣的。他们说,不管什么地步都本来想要的。

    They teach that life is supposed to be fun. They say that is what you intended before you got here.


  • 他们教导生活本来充满乐趣的。他们说,不管什么地步都本来想要的。

    They teach that life is supposed to be fun. They say that is what you intended before you got here.


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