• 清单1显示了大部分应用程序代码(省略了为应用程序生成Visual Studio代码)。

    Listing 1 shows the bulk of the application code (the Visual Studio-generated code for the application is omitted).


  • 它们中的每个可以至少一个程序生成,并且该程序作为创建文件唯一方式

    Each of these can be generated by at least one program that USES it as the only way a file gets created.


  • 本文假设生成应用程序已经一个有效用户模型(该模型工具创建的)中创建了,主要关注这个生成的应用程序组件

    This article assumes that a generated application has already been created from a valid user model that has been created in the tooling and focuses on the components of the generated application.


  • 每个应用程序可能生成大量其他应用程序产生不良影响消息取决于集群大小应用程序本质

    Depending on the size of the cluster and the nature of the applications, each can produce a volume of messages sufficient to negatively impact the other.


  • 3展示了范例程序模型,该程序允许业务所有一个序列用户那里接受付款

    Figure 3 illustrates the model of a sample application that allows a business owner to generate an order and accepts payment from the customer.


  • 程序能够剪切-粘贴他们生成XML将它们包括程序

    Programmers can cut-and-paste the XML they wish to generate and include it in the program.


  • 如果没有打印机驱动程序应用程序生成命令直接打印成文本从而造成纸张浪费。

    Without the printer driver, the commands that the application generates will be printed directly as text, resulting in reams of garbage.


  • 对于通过截取程序各个活动实例,截取程序生成一个度量跟踪

    On each instance of activity that passes through the interceptor, it makes a measurement and traces it.


  • 这种程序式的消费可以程序跳过应用程序代码生成例程,生成代码允许读取注释编码信息

    Such programmatic consumption may also let programmers skip the code generation route for applications where the generated artifacts only allow information encoded in the annotations to be read.


  • 例如如果程序设计人员拥有一个希望调用cobol写的现有应用程序,那么他们可以EGL很容易开发代码并且egl生成调用此应用程序服务

    For example, if programmers have an existing application in COBOL that they want to call, they can develop the code easily in EGL and have EGL generate the service to call this application.


  • 最终称之为文件”的这些数据集得到普遍使用这样程序就可以生成批处理序列中的一个程序读取输出

    These data collections, eventually called "files," were normally used so that a program could generate output that would be read by the next program in a batch sequence.


  • 这个任务中,修改生成驱动程序使恰当调用现有程序并且可以正确构造

    In this task, you modify the generated driver program so that it will invoke the correct existing program and can be built correctly.


  • ACR使用ACR的所有应用程序生成一条警告消息允许应用程序采取其他必要行动

    ACR generates a warning message for any applications using ACR to allow the application to take other actions is needed.


  • 因此除非整个业务交给特定应用程序平台,否则打包应用程序难以使用生成其他应用程序需要的信息

    As a result, packaged applications can have difficultly using and generating information with other applications unless you commit the whole business to a particular application platform.


  • 封闭的环境中,应用程序读取自己生成文档,这种方法可能奏效,但是多个应用程序使用文档的产品环境不大可能。

    This may work in a closed loop where an application reads the document it has produced, but it is unlikely to work in a production environment where several applications work on the document.


  • 有了ECS可以创建一个使用面向对象方法生成这种文档应用程序简化了应用程序的开发维护

    With ECS, you can create an application that generates such documents using an object-oriented approach; this eases application development and maintenance.


  • 看到许多所谓的规范不直接明了,以至于可以这个规范生成几百不同的程序而且所有程序符合这个规范的。

    I've seen many so-called specifications that were so mealymouthed that several hundred distinct programs could be generated from the spec, and all of these programs would be conforming.


  • 意思是不仅应用程序的结构部分还有应用程序的行为方面模型自动生成的。

    It implies that not only structural parts but also behavioral aspects of the application are automatically generated from models.


  • 代理方法调用分配调用处理程序,而调用处理程序在代理类生成时候指定的。

    Method invocations on a proxy class are dispatched to an invocation handler that is specified when the proxy class is generated.


  • 可以使用必要部分生成应用程序然后再添加其他服务无需应用程序模块进行任何较大更改

    You can build your application with exactly the necessary parts, then add additional services later without making any drastic changes to your application or module.


  • 生成代码演示了如何定制应用程序,只需编写很少代码就能够开发出功能丰富应用程序

    Very little coding effort is required to create rich applications, as generated code provides a sufficient idea on how to customize the applications.


  • 因为样式输入预处理程序输出,样式表可以有效地输出预处理程序生成XML文档

    Since the input to the stylesheet is the output of the pre-processor, the stylesheet effectively outputs the XML document generated by the pre-processor.


  • 生成提供程序实现同类工具通常还会一个请求程序版本

    The same tools that generate the provider implementation will typically have a requester version as well.


  • AMDD方法中,通过现有应用程序框架之上模型转换来生成应用程序代码基于技术框架的。

    In the AMDD approach, the application code is generated via model transformations on top of an existing application framework, which is based on a technical framework.


  • 框架可以松散地定义能够不同用途修改应用程序生成部分应用程序(特殊领域中)。

    A framework can be loosely defined as an application generator or partial application that can be modified for different USES (within a particular domain).


  • 消息流程输入消息应用程序生成类似地,消息流程输出消息由应用程序来接收。

    Input messages for a message flow are generated by an application and, similarly, the output messages from the message flow are consumed by an application.


  • 针对选的目标设备生成应用程序代码自定义应用程序

    Generate the application code and customize the application for the selected target devices.


  • Rothemund已经开发了电脑程序程序可以分析形状生成正确折叠方法,然后告诉需要使用哪种短链DNA

    Rothemund has developed a computer program that can analyze a shape, figure out the right folding pattern, and then tell you what DNA staples you need to make that shape.


  • 这些应用程序采用了单独自动化过程(应用程序中的xml裁减器”)每个应用程序生成一个xml子集文件

    Rather, a separate, automated process (the "XML trimmer" in the application) from these applications generates subset XML files for each application.


  • RationalPublishingEngine一种小型程序其他程序数据中提取内容一起生成文件

    Rational Publishing Engine is a small application for generating documents with content that is extracted from the data of other applications.


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