• 绿洲荒漠区适宜多种生物共同生息繁衍地域

    Oasis is an optimum geographic section for multi-life-forms to live and propagate together in the desert region.


  • 蒙古高原特殊地理环境使这里成为游牧民族生息繁衍摇篮

    The special geographical conditions in Mongolia plateau made it become the cradle which the nomadic nationality lived and multiplied.


  • “西人”化石出土证明我们祖先5万年前在这里生息繁衍

    "Xichou" tooth fossils unearthed to prove that our ancestors as early as 5 million years ago on the proliferation of home here.


  • 为了日趋恶劣环境里开枝叶、生息繁衍我们需要拥有更新、更加进化技能

    We need some new evolutionary tricks in order to spread out into increasingly hostile environments.


  • 中阳县地处黄河流域中段黄土高原腹部旧石器时代晚期境内就有先民生息繁衍

    In Zhongyang County is located in the middle of the Yellow River Basin, the Loess Plateau abdomen, back in the late Paleolithic, internally, there ancestors have lived.


  • 这个爱因斯坦宇宙中,这个我们生息繁衍的宇宙中,物理学没有了束缚,我们没有了束缚。

    Physics was free, and we too are free, in the Einstein universe which is where we live.


  • 境内门洞立台出土文物见证在5000多年新石器时代就人类生息繁衍

    Niu openings in the territory, nest-li of Taiwan and other places of cultural relics unearthed witness, as early as the Neolithic period 5,000 years ago, there live human reproduction;


  • 南非多种多样栖息环境丰富植被资源生机勃勃、品种多样鸟类提供了一个完美的生息繁衍之地。

    South Africa's diverse habitat and vegetation provides a perfect breeding ground for a lively and varied selection of birdlife.


  • 作为重庆生息繁衍空间,重庆古镇格局体现原始巴渝风情建设内涵更是宝贵的精神财富

    As the multiplication space of Chongqing, the Chongqing old town's pattern can manifest the primitive Bayu style. Its constructional connotation is the precious spiritual wealth.


  • 雪山环绕之间分布有许多大大小小的草甸坝子,它们迪庆各族人民生息繁衍的地方,土地肥沃牛马成群

    Surrounded by mountains and distribution between many greatly small meadows and village, which is diqing breeds ethnic people, fertile land, rodeos groups.


  • 西南地区集镇当地居民世代生息繁衍物质载体同时体现了鄂西南地区独特的地域文化和民族文化

    The ancient market-town of southwest in Hubei is a physical carrier, where the local residents lived for generations and it represents the unique culture in southwest region.


  • 埃塞俄比亚的中阿瓦什(MiddleAwash地球最早人类活动地区,我们祖先的一支曾在生息繁衍深埋于此600万年之久

    The Middle Awash area of Ethiopia is the most persistently occupied place on Earth. Members of our lineage have lived, died, and been buried there for almost six million years.


  • 多年来,我们一直认为中生代丰富植物种类使这些巨型生物得以繁衍生息

    For years, we have assumed it was the abundant plant life of the Mesozoic that allowed these giants to thrive.


  • 动物们来到这里喜欢这里景色,占据它们的栖息地,定居下来繁衍生息

    Animals arrived, liked the look of the place, took up their quarters, settled down, spread, and flourished.


  • 我们认为如果珊瑚礁遭到破坏,几年之后生长最快珊瑚就会重新在地区繁衍生息

    We think that when reefs are damaged, after a few years, the fastest-growing corals repopulate the areas.


  • 自古以来,我们祖先劳动生息繁衍这块土地上。

    From ancient times our forefathers have laboured, lived and multiplied on this land.


  • 如果这个机制彻底弄清楚,那么人们在延年益寿的同时亦可繁衍生息

    They might even, if the mechanism can truly be understood, be able to reproduce, as well.


  • 结果迄今发现完整史前动物标本,但卢芭仍旧未能回答一直困扰着人类的问题 - 猛犸象在地球上繁衍生息数十万年后为什么神秘消失了?

    The frozen carcass turned out to be the most complete specimen of a prehistoric animal discovered.


  • 珩科鸟以及数十鸟在繁衍生息

    Plovers, curlews, and dozens of species of songbirds breed here.


  • 完全黑暗环境、干燥沙漠甚至地下英里的地方,那些所谓“极端微生物”在繁衍生息

    Some of these so-called " extremophiles" have been found thriving in complete darkness, in parched deserts and even miles below ground.


  • 只要足够生存空间猎物濒危物种繁衍生息达就是一个活生生的例子。

    Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey.


  • 它们已经深海热泉区的边缘繁衍生息那里喷涌着有毒化学物质过热海水

    They've adapted to thrive at the edge of hydrothermal vents, which spew superheated water saturated with toxic chemicals.


  • 然而渔夫来说,保持鱼类种群数量最符合其利益,而要做到这点就必须留下一些使繁衍生息,避免将来无鱼

    However, it is also in the fishermen’s best interest to sustain the fish populations, i.e., leaving enough fish to repopulate, so that down the road, there are still fish to be caught.


  • 尤其是,有些物种已经成功适应了大火温度浓烟以及在火灾发生之后那种烧焦环境繁衍生息,但对火灾的全面控制使这些无法自然环境中生存。

    In particular, it has deprived the environment of its share of species that have adapted successfully to heat and smoke, and proliferate in the charred environment that follows a wildfire.


  • 地球表面释放吸收太阳红外辐射温室气体这种能量作为部分地保留下来,使得地球成为可以繁衍生息之地。

    The Earth’s surface emits infrared radiation it has absorbed from the sun. Greenhouse gases partly trap that energy as heat, keeping the planet habitable.


  • 因此看上去这些人类似乎就是最早期传播者、开拓者,在大陆上开枝散叶、繁衍生息成为现代印第安祖先

    So it looks like maybe these are the very first dispersers who filled up the continent and became the ancestors of modern Native Americans.


  • 周一他们回到实验室的时候他们细胞已经开始繁衍生息

    When they returned on Monday, their cells had bloomed into colonies.


  • 二十年来夏季持续朝湿寒冷这种最恶劣气候条件破坏了黑琴鸡的繁衍生息,特别是雄鸟数量1200只减少850只。

    Consecutive cold, wet summers, the worst conditions in almost two decades, have set back recovery, with the number of males dropping from 1, 200 to 850.


  • 一些科学家声称10亿太阳变的太过灼热明亮地球不再适合生命繁衍生息

    About a billion years from now, some scientists say, the sun will be too bright for comfort, and our formerly hospitable planet will no longer be able to support life.


  • 一些科学家声称10亿太阳变的太过灼热明亮地球不再适合生命繁衍生息

    About a billion years from now, some scientists say, the sun will be too bright for comfort, and our formerly hospitable planet will no longer be able to support life.


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