• 首先地球适宜生命存在气候取决于极其狭窄轨道参数这些参数定义了一个持续可居住地带那里可以液态存在。

    First, a climate conducive to life on Earth depends upon the extraordinarily narrow orbital parameters that define a continuously habitable zone where water can exist in a liquid state.


  • 所以不管原因什么,我们在乎生命整体形状轨道

    So, whatever the explanation is, we care about the overall shape and trajectory of our life.


  • 即使宇宙中还有很多别的恒星系,能够恰好处在足以支持生命轨道行星估计也寥寥无几。

    Even if many other stars have solar systems too, planets that happen to orbit in just the right place to support life could be pretty rare.


  • 其实这样走弯路,因为他们到生命引诱抄近路,你自己目标这些捷径偏离轨道

    These are the detours that come in life that tempt you to try to cut corners as you run toward your goals but these shortcuts will only get you off track.


  • 崎岖生命旅途中幸运的拥有许多为指引正确方向良师益友,时不时的我拉回正确的轨道,为我的成功而喝彩

    Along the curves and bumps in my life journey, I have been fortunate to have mentors to steer me in the right direction, to get me back on track and to cheer me on at the finish line.


  • 意味着那些星球我们家园有着近似的大小,并且一条距离合适轨道上环绕运行,而这个距离要使得能够液态的、能孕育生命形式存在

    That meant they'd have to be about the same size as our home world, orbiting their parent star at about the right distance for water to exist in liquid, life-nurturing form.


  • 轨道飞行器任务火星表面寻找证据而且水量必须足以生命栖息地维持相当时间

    The orbiter was commissioned to search for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a substantial period of time - long enough to provide a habitat for life.


  • 表明轨道(遥感)探测(比如伯龙号”)方法可以用来探测木卫二非冰沉积物化学成分,并可能从中发现地外微生物等生命迹象

    This means that an orbiting sensor like Hyperion could be used to identify chemicals in Europa's non-ice deposits that may be a sign of extraterrestrial microbial life.


  • 我们这个宇宙里出现漫长生命周期恒星具有稳定轨道行星能够实现复杂化学变化分子仿佛它的物理法则被精确校准过

    In our universe the laws of physics seem precisely calibrated to allow the existence of long-lived stars, planets with stable orbits, and molecules that allow complex chemistry.


  • 月球侦查轨道器将微型芯片到了月球肩负探索地生命任务开普勒太空望远镜则搭载了一张致地外智慧生物的光盘,上面存满了人类的名字写给地外生物的信息

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took a microchip to the moon. And the exoplanet-hunting Kepler telescope took a DVD full of names and messages to ET into orbit.


  • 迄今发现系外行星大部分膨胀、高速旋转的由气体构成的庞然大物,人们称之为木星”。“热木星”的轨道它们的恒星非常因此可能适合生命

    The majority of exoplanets discovered so far are bloated, fast-spinning gas giants, known as "hot Jupiters," that orbit extremely close to their stars and are thus probably unsuitable for life.


  • 它的运行轨道近似的圆形,以229为周期,围绕着两个恒星轨道运行,这个行星位于这个系统居住区之外——所谓可居住区,那里液体正像我们所知道的那样,那里可能会生命的存在。

    Traveling on a nearly circular, 229-day orbit around both host stars, the planet lies outside the system's habitable zone—the region where liquid water, and thus life as we know it, could exist.


  • 得益于之前那些漫游车轨道探测器所做工作研究人员已经了解火星远古时代存在一些人们认为生命必需的成分。

    Thanks to the work of previous rovers and orbiting probes, researchers already know that ancient Mars had many of the ingredients thought necessary for life.


  • 访问太阳系时,都从轨道上百万岩块,其中一些飞向地球的方向--几乎摧毁地球生命

    Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit, some hurtle Earthwards--and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth.


  • 生命是以沿着球形辐射轨道存在的,轨道正是意图你聚焦的品质所决定

    Life exists in orbs of flowing spherical radiance and your orb is defined by your intentions and the quality of your focus.


  • 严禁擅自打开警示绳或越过安全黄线,进入轨道交通道床、隧道这种行为不仅严重威胁您的生命安全,也将对运营安全和公共安全造成严重影响。

    Jumping into the tunnel is prohibited. This behavior is very dangerous and will severely disrupt the subway system.


  • 但是那个家伙在干活,站在轨道上的和那个胖子一样,他也没有选择牺牲自己生命不是吗?

    But the guy working, the one on the track off to the side, he didn't choose to sacrifice his life any more than the fat man did, did he?


  • 日本天文学家计划联合细微观察星星因为轨道运行,并生命痕迹。

    Japanese astronomers plan to band together to observe one star in great detail because of hints that it could have an orbiting planet with life.


  • 大堡礁唯一能够地球同步轨道看得见生命有机体自然界大奇观

    The Great Barrier Reef is the only living organic collective visible from Earth's orbit. It's one of the wonders of the natural world.


  • 无穷天际孕育数十亿生命行星仍然沿特定轨道默默地移动,就是双子国星球生活

    Horizon without end, a planet gestate billions of life that still along special orbit peaceful. There's life Star of Double Stars.


  • 其三是,有恒星所拥有行星当中,到底有多少颗行星是运行适宜生命存在轨道(假定生命的存在需要液态水)。

    After that came the number of planets per star that traveled in orbits in the right locations for life to form (assuming life requires liquid water).


  • 换句话说,如果恒星相对较小那么能让生命存活的行星必须在挨着离很近的轨道

    Alternatively, if the star is relatively small, any life-supporting planets would have to adhere to a close orbit.


  • 本周早些时候,中国颗可回收式科研卫星送入轨道,通过卫星帮助科学家研究微重力空间生命

    China put into space a retrievable1 scientific research satellite in the early hours of Wednesday in a fresh bid to aid scientists back on Earth in studying microgravity and space life science.


  • 逐渐厌倦自己生活中充斥那些具有超高能力的人们尽管他们提供可以用来改变当下你的生命运行轨道的、足够令你振奋的各种建议。

    You may be getting tired of all the high-energy people in your life now, even if they are offering you exciting alternatives to your current routines.


  • 同时火星轨道获得照片显示早期星球非常类似地球很很多地方适合生命

    At the same time, images obtained from Mars orbit revealed the early planet to be more Earth-like, with a broad range of surface environments suitable for life.


  • 同时火星轨道获得照片显示早期星球非常类似地球很很多地方适合生命

    At the same time, images obtained from Mars orbit revealed the early planet to be more Earth-like, with a broad range of surface environments suitable for life.


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