• 1966年设计了一项著名瓦生选择作业卡片问题。以研究人在解决问题心理过程。通过大量重复施测,瓦生及其同事得出了一些值得商榷的结论。

    In 1966 wason devised a famous wason's selection task or four-card problem to have one's mental process being probed when he is solving problems.


  • 萨尔一年10万精炼铜

    El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.


  • 管理实验室实际上管理一个小型企业,而大多数情况下这些技能研究博士后期间没有传授如是说

    Managing a lab is really managing a small business and these are skills that, for the most part, are not taught in graduate school or during a postdoctoral position, Schwartz says.


  • 斯坦经过长期治疗1999年女儿露西,但从来没有提到孩子的父亲

    When Wasserstein gave birth to a daughter, Lucy, in 1999, after a long bout with fertility treatments, she never named the father.


  • 1936年,歌剧《无事莫斯科赫坦戈夫剧院上演,这个歌剧写了一系列歌曲小夜曲,正是这些乐曲使他一下子广为人知。

    The music thatmade him most popular was the set of songs and serenades he wrote for the 1936production of “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Vakhtangov theatre in Moscow.


  • 爱因斯坦父亲赫尔曼,于1847年布彻的斯比亚,这个犹太人群体刚刚开始享受自由选择工作权利。

    Einstein's father, Hermann, was born in 1847 in the Swabian village of Buchau, whose thriving Jewish community was just beginning to enjoy the right to practice any vocation.


  • 无论如何,日内日内国际研究协会研究理查德·鲍尔温和达里亚·塔格里奥尼最新文章观点

    That, at any rate, is the argument made in a new paper by Richard Baldwin and Daria Taglioni of the Graduate Institute, Geneva.


  • 证明顽强力量绝处逢的神奇,”伯纳德·吉拉德评论道,他是鲁扬镇负责环保工作的镇长

    "It has proved a fantastic testimony to the strength and renewal of life," commented Bernard Giraud, deputy mayor of Royan and head of the town's environmental department.


  • 外界已知卡拉乔的癫狂叛逆危险足以成为引人注目传奇

    That he was so mad, bad and dangerous to know makes his life a compelling story.


  • 大规模的区域气候变化研究,巴所带的研究帕素帕提·乔德哈瑞走访了喜马拉雅山海拔2000至3000米处18村庄的共计250名住户

    In the largest study of its kind, Bawa and his graduate student Pashupati Chaudhary interviewed 250 households in 18 Himalayan villages that are between 2000 and 3000 meters above sea level.


  • 著名美国发明家托马斯·阿尔·爱迪就是设想开发商业成果大师。他度过了富有创造力的漫长时是一位富有有权威的

    Famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison was a master of developing ideas into commercial successes and died a rich and powerful man after a long prolific life.


  • 传说卡萨诺(意大利冒险家、风流浪子)早餐吃掉50牡蛎

    Casanova, the legend goes, would eat 50 raw oysters for breakfast.


  • 日内研究专家组中的经济学家之一理查德•鲍德温表示“与以往以及许多意识到情况相比多哈回合达成协议要近得。”

    Richard Baldwin of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, one of the economists in the group, argues thatDoha is a lot closer to being done than it has ever been, and than a lot of people realise.”


  • 张照片展示了DennisBreitsprecher德国汉诺医学院研究培养皿中组装的纯化微几十微米)。

    The image shows purified-actin filaments (tens of microns long) that Dennis Breitsprecher grew on a dish when he was a biochemistry graduate student at Hannover Medical School in Germany.


  • 吉尼斯委员会认定汀于1896年7月9日出米纳斯吉拉斯州Carangola城市这里度过

    Guinness verified that Valentim was born on July 9, 1896, in the city of Carangola in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, where she lived all her life.


  • 由于不堪目睹自己心血付诸东流,七十四的施本富豪阿道夫·默克周一夜晚严寒中,自己投向飞奔列车

    Crushed by watching his life's work slip through his fingers, Adolf Merckle, the 74-year-old Swabian billionaire, walked out into the bitter cold Monday night and threw himself under a speeding train.


  • 莱里娅:明白了,就是只能支持一个球队,可以改变支持球队吗?

    Valeria: : I see and it should be the same through all your life or can we, or you can change?


  • 现在美国大部分州立大学每年至少选派一半本科参加交换项目。

    Zong says that most state universities in the US now require at least half of their undergraduate students to go on exchange.


  • 巴拉吉•斯里尼桑是斯坦福大学毕业持有电气工程硕士博士学位斯坦福大学获得了化学工程硕士学位。

    Stanford alum, Mr. Srinivasan holds graduate, post-graduate and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering. He also holds a Master's degree in chemical engineering from Stanford.


  • 凯文·维兰毕业与别的毕业家人合影并无差别——如果不是坐在父母墓前的话

    Kevin Villanueva's graduation photo would not have been any different from those of other fresh graduates surrounded by family - had he not had his taken seated next to his parents 'grave.


  • 互联网迅速放大了布·吉吉神话大学毕业这会令受过教育下层社会成员觉得他是自己人,想继承事业

    Internet buzz propagated the myth that Bouazizi had graduated from college, making an educated underclass think of him as one of their own and thus take up his cause.


  • 你们知道,史蒂芬·耶鲁大学毕业,同时也是这个时代的一个传奇

    As you know, Stephen Schwarzman is a graduate of Yale College and he's one of the great stories of our century.


  • 费列德里克·佛·肖邦是波兰作曲家著名钢琴家,他一创作了55部马祖卡舞曲13部波罗涅滋24首序曲27首练习曲19夜曲4首叙事曲以及4部诙谐曲

    Frederic Francois Chopin, Polish-born composer and reed pianist, was the creator of 55 mazurkas. 13 polonaises. 24 preludes, 27 etudes. 19 nocturnes. 4 ballads, and 4 scherzos.


  • 他一诅咒无趣都市日内现在看来也显得漂亮充满奇遇

    Geneva, which he had cursed all his life as the metropolis of boredom, now seemed beautiful and full of adventure.


  • 迪亚1960年研究工作印度迁往美国

    Gowadia moved to the U. S. from India in the 1960s for postgraduate work.


  • 迪亚1960年研究工作印度迁往美国

    Gowadia moved to the U. S. from India in the 1960s for postgraduate work.


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