• 文学用学理论源泉普通语用学。

    These theories are the foundation of literary pragmatics and function as new perspectives of literary criticism.


  • 然后,论述文科综合课程广泛深刻理论源泉

    Lastly discussing the wide and profound sources of theory on comprehensive courses of arts.


  • 理解型师生关系理论源泉后现代主义解释学理解理论社会学的互动理论

    The theory resource of comprehensive teacher-student relation is the interpretation idea of post-modernization and the interactionism of Sociology.


  • 佛经我国传统译论基石理论源泉,对当代翻译学科建设具有重要意义。

    Translation theory on Budhism is the cornerstone and source of China's traditional translation theory, and is significant in establishing contemporary translation discipline.


  • 这些基本共性问题不仅福多模块论的理论源泉而且也是理解模块论关键所在

    These basic features are not only theoretical origins but also the key to understanding the modularity.


  • 大学公民权力道德学说理论源泉而且义务也即是正确的,权利义务学说教授给公众。

    The universities are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine and have the obligation to teach the correct doctrine of rights and duties.


  • 德里理论动摇整个传统人文科学基础也是整个后现代思潮重要理论源泉之一

    Derrida's theory shaked the foundation of the entire traditional humanities, and was one of the most important theoretical source in the whole of modern thought.


  • 在《利维坦》结尾部分,再次讨论了下这本书受众问题,然后讨论道“,大学公民权力,道德学说理论源泉

    The universities" he says there, where he talks again a little bit about the audience for the book, "the universities," he says, " are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine.


  • 单调效应单调性效应既是归纳推理理论模型具体阐释,也是其理论基础和源泉

    Monotonic effect and non-monotonic effect are both the explanations and theoretical sources of the models of inductive reasoning.


  • 论文首先传统企业竞争优势源泉理论进行了分析,阐述人力资本及其管理企业获得竞争优势的源泉

    At first, the thesis has analyzed about the traditional competition advantage source theory of enterprise, then proposed human capital and its management are the sources of win advantage.


  • 那种剩馀价值源泉归之物化劳动以此作为分配的理论根据不正确的。

    It is wrong to owe the source of surplus value to materialized Labour and regard it as the theoretical base of distribution.


  • 贡献在于文学源泉审美理想创作方法几个方面写实主义创作理论初步奠定基础

    From such aspects as the source of literature, aesthetic ideal and artistic technique, his contributions lay the elementary foundation for the artistic theory of realism.


  • 阐明企业核心能力理论基础上论述了企业核心能力是企业获得持续竞争优势源泉

    On the basis of expounding the theory of enterprises focus ability, this paper discusses that enterprises focus ability is the sources of continuous competitive advantages for enterprises.


  • 分别涉及文艺实质目的功用、文艺表现对象以及文艺和美的源泉重要理论问题

    These were involved in important theoretical issue such as the real art, purpose, function, subjects of art and the source of art and beauty.


  • 对外国小说象征理论介绍贯穿现代小说史30这一艺术源泉滋润了现代小说象征诗艺诞生

    Foreign novel symbol and theory is introduced and run through modern novel story for 30 years, which brings about the birth of symbol poetry art of modern novel.


  • 经济增长理论认为决定经济长期增长源泉知识技术

    New economical theory says that technology and knowledge is the power of developing economy.


  • 科学哲学思想包含了虚假理论认可认为虚假理论科学进步阶梯,是批判传统存在源泉

    His theory of philosophy of science embraces approval to false theory that is stair to the progress of science and source of criticism of the traditional existence.


  • 罗尔斯正义理论我们现阶段确立符合中国实际的社会公正理论提供丰富思想源泉

    The Rawls' justice theory has offered the abundant thought source for today's China to establish a correct justice theory that accords with China's reality.


  • 本文基于企业知识理论解析企业竞争优势源泉

    Based on enterprise knowledge theory, this paper endeavors on the explanation of the origin of enterprises competitive advantage.


  • 框架价值管理层次理论为基础,核心思路包括VBM三个重点研究方面战略规划分析、价值源泉价值驱动因素分析,以及绩效管理分析。

    The core idea of the framework includes three key research areas of VBM, such as strategic planning analysis, the source of value and value-driven factor analysis, and performance management analysis.


  • 论文大部分组成理论探析,山水城市思想源泉基本理念入手,总结营造山水城市基本策略

    This passage contains two parts:the first part is the theory analysis which starts with the source and the ideas of Shan-shui city, and sums up the strategy of Shan-shui city construction;


  • 随着物流管理理论研究深入,现代物流已经企业视作降低物质消耗提高劳动生产率之外第三利润源泉

    With the development of logistic management research, modern logistic has been regarded as "the third source of profit" besides reducing production cost and improving productivity.


  • 探索经济增长源泉采取措施释放生产力理论一直关注的问题。

    Exploring reasons for economic growth and taking some measures to enhance the productivity are always the focus of theoretical attention.


  • 经济增长理论认为决定经济长期增长源泉知识技术

    New economical theory says that technology and knowledge is the power of developing economy. Technology innovation is the motivity of enterprise to develop continuously.


  • 经济增长源泉一直经济学界探索的永恒话题,围绕着这个话题产生经济增长理论早已成为现代经济学的一个重要分支

    The headspring of economic development is an everlasting topic in economic field, and the economic development theory has become an important branch of economics.


  • 海德格尔本质理论马克思有关人的异化理论以及弗洛伊德精神分析学说马尔库塞人学理论重要思想源泉

    Heidegger's theory of human's essence, Marx's theory of human's alienation and Freud's psychoanalytic theory were important source of idea of Marcuse's theory of human.


  • 研究世界一流大学理论战略性实践性创建世界一流大学的行动就越有动力源泉

    The more strategic and practical the research work there is, the stronger the action to construct top universities in the world.


  • 研究世界一流大学理论战略性实践性创建世界一流大学的行动就越有动力源泉

    The more strategic and practical the research work there is, the stronger the action to construct top universities in the world.


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