• 但是,人们普遍抱怨法洛法力确立法国教育正当公民权理想正在削弱。

    But running beneath the specific complaint, Refalo said, was a general impression that the ideals of good citizenship in French education as laid down by Ferry were being eroded.


  • 淮南子》之境一种汇融万千、宽宏博大、真善美和谐统一审美理想

    The grand beauty realm of Huainanzi is a magnanimous, generous and great aesthetic ideal view in which harmoniously unified the truth, the good and the beauty.


  • 这些我们价值和我们社会理想顶峰吗?

    Are these the summit of our values, of our aspirations of society?


  • 所以福德文明----物质丰富技术成就通向人类理想生活唯一道路。

    Thus in Mumford’s true concept of civilization, material abundance and technological achievements are the only means towards a more fully humane life.


  • 《国际肝病》:世界中,认为您所努力的领域的理想结果是什么

    Hepatology Digest: in your world view, what do you see as the optimal outcome for what you are doing?


  • 别墅户外空间包括大型露台边缘游泳池,这里休闲放松理想场所,能享受地中海气候带来的好处。

    The outdoor space of the house is dominated by a large scenic terrace with an infinity pool, an ideal place for leisure and relaxation enjoying the benefits of the Mediterranean climate.


  • 结论现代健康一个具有美学价值追求概念体现自然生命社会生命、精神生命健康理想追求。

    Conclusions Modern health view is the concept that has aesthetic value. It mainly expresses the human's ideal pursuit for the natural life, social life and soul life.


  • 学习论语首先可以培养理想人格道德信念铸造一个人生生命社会世界

    Learning "the Analects" First of all a person can develop the ideal personality and moral beliefs, casting ones life, view of life, social values, world view.


  • 早期正义理想》中的正义为代表;晚期的正义以《法律篇》中的正义为代表。

    The early concept of justice is embodied in The Republic ; The late concept of justice is embodied in The Law.


  • 传统本质认为事物本质,本质完全的、理想形式的存在是不容怀疑真实的、确切的,永恒不变的。

    Traditional essentialism consider things all bear its essence, which is a absolute and perfect (ideal) form, which is real and eternal without a doubt.


  • “综合”戏剧则指我国接受西方先进戏剧影响,渴望通过吸收、甄别、借鉴转化后得出中国戏剧的理想模式

    The Theatrical System Comprehension is an ideal model, which combines the advanced Western theater theory with the present situation in China.


  • 所说并非作壁上或是临战退缩一厢情愿理想主义。

    I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight.


  • 这点上,承认提出一个有点理想世界

    At this point I should admit that I have presented a somewhat idealized view of the world.


  • 本文围绕王夫之理想人格理想人生境界追求全面、深入地探讨了他的美育思想与美育

    So centring on his pursuit of ideal personality and the realm of life, I have deeply probed into his aesthetic education thought and aesthetic education view in all aspects.


  • 这不是因为作家技巧贫弱,它显示了路遥人生、世界由来已久的理想主义现实主义深刻矛盾

    This is not because of the author's poor skills, but of the deep contradiction between his idealism and realism in his life and world outlook.


  • 人格涉及理想人格的目标演进培养等问题。

    As for li Gou, his view of personality deals with the aim, evolution and training of human's ideal characters.


  • 小说穿越表象直抵人类生存本质,在世俗生存之痛中向往超越世俗诗性理想,体现一种存在主义哲学

    The novels transcend presentation to the essence of human existence and the poetic idea of yearning for transcending social conventions realizes the philosophy of existentialism.


  • 学者们对邓恩爱情诗中体现现实主义爱情已有深入研究,诗中体现的理想主义特色没有得到充分重视

    Traditional Donnean critics have often celebrated Donne's vivid realism in his idea of love, while traits of idealism have not received adequate critical emphasis.


  • 自然认为法律秩序普遍自然秩序一个组成部分理想的法律效法自然创制

    The concept of "law of Nature" holds that order of law is a component part of general natural order, and an ideal law should model itself on being natural and then creative.


  • 自然人性上,迟子建理想情怀现实感受存在较大的分离矛盾

    On the natural view and human nature view, the ideal aspect and realistic sight are separated and contradicted .


  • 大学毕业生实现理想就业,一树立正确就业转变三个就业,树立四种就业意识

    In order to realize the ideal employment, the college graduates should, firstly, set correct employment viewpoints, change three employment concepts and set four employment consciousness.


  • 公平思想作为建构理想社会一个基本价值取向原则人类思想史上源远流长,基本上可以划分为公平思想萌芽期、发展期、公平流派形成期三个阶段。

    A fairness idea to build an ideal society as one of the fundamental values and principles of thought in human history goes back to ancient times.


  • 每个世界理想各不相同,这些也决定各自事业与生活的不同轨迹

    Every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life.


  • 人们世界理想各不相同,这些也决定各自事业与生活的轨迹

    Every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life.


  • 但由于道家的仁义带有理想化色彩因而现实生活,道家的这一点远远不如儒家的实用

    Such Taoist view does not have any utility purpose. It is idealistic and, therefore, not as practical as Confucianism.


  • 借鉴庄子的自由”,可以帮助大学生提高心理素质完成理想人格塑造

    Profits from his "freedom view", it may help the university students to improve the psychological quality, and complete the molding of their ideal personality.


  • 最后还要说明是,我们反对唯心主义世界出发的理想主义,并不意味着人类可以不要理想

    Finally, we should also note that we oppose to the idealism view of the world, but it does not mean that mankind don't need ideal.


  • 信仰教育极易被理解世界教育、人生教育以及理想教育翻版

    Faith education is very readily understood as such interpretations as educations on viewpoint towards the world, on outlook on life, and on ideals.


  • 信仰教育极易被理解世界教育、人生教育以及理想教育翻版

    Faith education is very readily understood as such interpretations as educations on viewpoint towards the world, on outlook on life, and on ideals.


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