• 这种证券优先债务形式一种发行者需要用自己现金来偿还,并且要有一定隔离的资产作为保障,比如说抵押贷款,以免发生不能履行责任的情况。

    The instrument is a form of senior debt that is paid back from the issuer's cash flows but is also secured against a ring-fenced pool of assets, such as mortgage loans, in the event of default.


  • 如果抵押贷款,那么应该保留清偿抵押贷款本金余额20%左右现金加上为满足其他需要而保有现金

    If you have a mortgage, he says, keep cash on hand equal to about 20% of your outstanding mortgage principal balance plus whatever you need in the cash Kitty.


  • 保险成本上升时这类保险销售商银行AIG一类的保险商)就必须拿出更多的现金作为抵押保证它们能力作出赔偿

    When the cost rises, sellers of such insurance, including banks and big insurers such as AIG, must put up extra cash as collateral to guarantee they'll be able to make good on their obligations.


  • 大宗的无追索权营运贷款并非个人债务银行会拿公司现金抵押

    The big deal about non-recourse loans is that you are not personally liable. The bank uses your company's cash flow as collateral.


  • 现今地产大王们可以地产价值作为抵押借款利用出租所得现金偿付利息支出

    Today's property barons can borrow against the value of the assets and use the cashflow from rental income to meet the interest payments.


  • 通常回购一家公司总体财务杠杆没有影响因为借来现金资产回购抵押的债务是相互抵消的。

    They normally have no effect on a firm's overall leverage: the borrowed cash and the obligation to repurchase the collateral balance each other out.


  • 评论家计划能否经济产生刺激作用表示怀疑:从借贷者那里增加现金流转,持有抵押贷款投资者那里付出代价

    Critics question the programme's potential to stimulate the economy, when the increased cashflow of borrowers will come at the expense of the investors who own the mortgages.


  • 因为这项交易会记录一项出售于是抵押雷曼的资产负债表消失,雷曼从而可以获取的现金偿还债务

    Because the deal was being recorded as a sale, the collateral disappeared from Lehman's balance-sheet and the bank used the cash it generated to pay down debt.


  • 他们敦促银行依据预测现金而非抵押价值放贷

    They are urging Banks to lend based on cashflow projections, not collateral values.


  • 通过变卖资产获取现金银行鼓励美联储那里借钱这些资产就是抵押

    Banks that might have raised cash by selling assets will be encouraged, instead, to borrow money from the Fed, using the assets as collateral.


  • 光顾当铺的人将物件作为抵押典当,当铺给出现金直到典当偿还本金和利息(偿还后可赎回抵押)。

    Pawnbrokers give customers money in return for an object which is held as security until the customer pays off the loan plus any interest charges.


  • 瑞士银行成为最新一家亚洲中东化缘的金融机构,希望到足够现金填补次级抵押贷款危机留下黑洞。

    UBS became the latest financial firm to go to Asia and the Middle East hat in hand, hoping to raise enough cash to patch the holes in its balance sheet caused by its holdings of subprime mortgages.


  • 银行这类房屋提供抵押贷款,这意味着卖家必须愿意现金买主

    Banks are reluctant to provide mortgages for such properties, meaning sellers have to find buyers willing to pay cash.


  • 担保方式为提供现金或者保证、置抵押或者质押

    The guarantee shall be in form of providing cash or surety, establishing mortgage or pledge.


  • 导致打折几乎是必然在这里,全现金交易要求打折出售,因为需要抵押贷款较少。

    That makes the discount almost self-fulfilling: All-cash transactions command a discount here because of the small number of people who don't need a mortgage.


  • 他们能够支付现金购买商业住宅物业能够极大地帮助陷入困境银行工厂抵押贷款公司

    They can afford to pay cash for commercial and residential property, which can greatly help struggling Banks, factories, and mortgage companies.


  • 什么意思抵押单车虾皮那些至少几百美元的额外现金,在每个月底

    What this means is mortgage cycling works well for those who have at least a few hundred dollars in extra cash at the end of each month.


  • William Jachimek是镇上典当行里具有25年经验老手他说差不多年前现金流中断的抵押代理商就开始典当了,他们是生意总量的10%

    Across town, William Jachimek, a 25-year veteran of the trade, said cash-strapped mortgage brokers started coming in about a year ago and now account for 10 percent of business.


  • 然而现在是非常时期希望各机构贝尔斯登交易时不要提出不合理的资产抵押要求要求额外现金证券贷款提供担保,并诚信原则与贝尔斯登进行交易。

    But these were not normal times. He expected firms not to make unreasonable collateral demands, or calls for extra cash or securities to back up loans, and to trade in good faith with Bear.


  • 上周三,警方德国妇女加油因为现金不够,就把同行的朋友留在加油站抵押

    It is reported a German lady left her companion as mortage last Wednesday in the gas station due to she has not enough cash to pay for the petrolium while refueling.


  • MBS定价的关键准确预测证券各期现金依据住房抵押贷款借款人提前还款行为的研究

    For MBS valuation, it is critical to forecast cash flows based on research into borrowers 'prepayment models.


  • 延迟风险抵押贷款风险因子之一,导致未来现金贴现率发生变化

    Extension risk is one of the risk factors of amortizable loan which can lead to the future cash flow and discount change.


  • 住房抵押贷款提前还款打破银行正常现金规划,不仅减少银行收益增加成本而且阻碍住房抵押贷款证券化运作

    Mortgage prepayment breaks the normal cash flow planning of the bank, which cuts off the profit, improves the cost, and also stops the operation of the MBS.


  • 住房抵押贷款提前还款打破银行正常现金规划,不仅减少银行收益增加成本而且阻碍住房抵押贷款证券化运作

    Mortgage prepayment breaks the normal cash flow planning of the bank, which cuts off the profit, improves the cost, and also stops the operation of the MBS.


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