• 因此虽然现在吸烟男性数量年前,但女性烟民人数更高了。

    Thus while fewer men are smoking today than two years ago, the number of women smokers remains higher.


  • 研究者发现过去现在吸烟饮酒卵巢癌发病风险关联但是吸烟可以增加一种罕见疾病发病率。

    The researchers found no significant link between current or past smoking or drinking and overall ovarian cancer risk, though cigarettes seemed to raise the likelihood of one rare form of the disease.


  • 结果 中小学生的尝试吸烟为17.02%,现在吸烟率为7.05%,性别间差异均有统计学意义P值均<0.01)。

    Results The attempted smoking rate was 17.02%, current smoking rate was 7.05%, and statistical significance was found between genders(P<0.01).


  • 现在人们更加了解吸烟危害吸烟年轻女性以往了。真让人不懂!

    People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure!


  • 大多数工作场所现在都已禁止吸烟

    Non-smoking is now the norm in most workplaces.


  • 吸烟一样现在来自许多方面声音坚持认为,有关全球变暖科学不完整的,我们确定之前继续空气排放烟雾可以的。

    Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.


  • 现在所有封闭场所都禁止吸烟其中包括传统茶座咖啡屋

    Smoking is now banned in all closed places, and that includes traditional tea and coffee houses.


  • 现在开始,纽约任何公园里或海滩栈道步道吸烟非法的,但是一些纽约人说他们将理睬这部新的法律。

    No butts about it: Beginning today, it is illegal to smoke in any of the city’s public parks, beaches, boardwalks and promenades.


  • 每个人都知道吸烟有害身体健康。想必现在知道了,别人二手自身健康有很大的危害

    Everyone knows smoking is a bad idea. And by now you've probably heard that breathing in someone else's secondhand smoke is also hazardous to your health.


  • 现在确认慢性长期分心吸烟那样有害

    Now he is convinced that chronic, long-term distraction is as dangerous as cigarette smoking.


  • 由于富裕国家居民吸烟历史更长现在已经开始尝到苦果,吸烟引起癌症呼吸疾病常年累积的结果。

    Residents of richer countries are suffering more now because they have been smoking longer: cancers and chronic respiratory diseases caused by tobacco smoke take a long time to develop.


  • 刊登《公共经济学期刊研究报告中,作者发现证据表明:吸烟正在把车开到更远地方,在那里的酒吧现在允许吸烟

    In research published in the Journal of Public Economics, the authors find evidence that smokers are driving farther to places where smoking in bars is allowed.


  • 现在医学研究所报告称,禁止公共场合吸烟地区心脏病患病率已经下降了47%之

    Now theInstitute of Medicine reports that heart attack rates have dropped byas much as 47 percent in areas that prohibit lighting up in public.


  • 不要吸烟——如果确实吸烟那么现在你又有了戒烟理由了。

    Don't smoke - If you do smoke, you now have one more reason to put those cigarettes down.


  • 现在人们得到很多证明吸烟有害的事实,此类事实可以帮助人们避免吸烟引起肺癌而且大家说服当中许多,接受帮助就有收获

    Lots of support is now available for people to stop smoking and avoid smoking related lung cancer, and many of them are persuaded to reap the rewards of such help.


  • 现在由于更好医护Nodari认识到是吸烟引起疾病

    Now, thanks to better care, Nodari realizes that smoking caused the illness.


  • ChrisMurray:“现在更多女性吸烟。”

    CHRIS MURRAY: "Women are now smoking more."


  • 然后都扔了(这里其实应该过去时,因为现在已经不吸烟了。但是我实在是太了,不愿意回去修改时态)。

    Then I'll throw away my pack of cigarettes (this should be in past-tense as I don't smoke anymore, but I'm too lazy to go back and change the tense).


  • 那些吸烟现在不须付出代价,3040年后他们的健康出问题,就要付出代价。

    Those who smoke don't pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails.


  • 现在新的研究证明,在吸烟环绕的环境里生活工作可能遭受心理上伤害

    Now, a new study adds to evidence that non-smokers who live or work around smokers can experience psychological harm as well.


  • 已经戒烟了,但是现在我还是经常咳嗽甚至比我吸烟咳嗽的还要怎么回事

    I quit smoking six weeks ago, but now I'm coughing a lot, which didn't happen when I was smoking. What's going on?


  • 现在研究人员第一可以指出一个可能原因被动吸烟基因实际上正在受到影响

    Now, for the first time, researchers can point to one possible cause: the passive recipient's genes are actually being affected.


  • 公共场所吸烟现在越来越了,可以“每次走上大街能看到各种来源高热量可口廉价食物,”沃尔普

    It's getting hard to smoke in public but "every time you walk down the street, there's lots of sources of high-calorie, tasty, low-cost food," Volpp says.


  • 现在女性吸烟成为趋势这份研究报告关键,未来控烟政策会把女性烟民也考虑在内了。

    Present trends in female smoking, and this report, suggest that inclusion of a female perspective in tobacco-control policies is crucial.


  • 研究小组终生饮酒问题得分较高那些吸烟人,他们的智商往往比较

    The team found that men with higher scores on the lifetime alcohol problems scale (LAPS) and those who reported a higher number of pack-years of smoking both had lower IQ scores.


  • 现在没有一个人知道肥胖会导致II型糖尿病,就像没有一个吸烟知道吸烟有害健康一样。

    By now, there surely cannot be anybody left who does not know that obesity causes Type II diabetes, any more than there are smokers who do not know that smoking is bad for them.


  • 现在没有一个人知道肥胖会导致II型糖尿病,就像没有一个吸烟知道吸烟有害健康一样。

    By now, there surely cannot be anybody left who does not know that obesity causes Type II diabetes, any more than there are smokers who do not know that smoking is bad for them.


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