• 推动纽约现代艺术博物馆MoMA建立

    She was the driving spirit in the founding of New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).


  • 1946年,摩尔纽约现代艺术博物馆举办了第一次国外回顾展

    In 1946 Moore had his first foreign retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.


  • 当然这些城市已经建了摩天大楼现代艺术博物馆不管怎样似乎没什么潜力了。

    Of course, they have built their skyscrapers and museums of modern art, but somehow, the potential seems to be gone.


  • 克拉克查尔莫斯读者想象一下:有名女子名叫印加,印加朋友那里听说现代艺术博物馆正在举办一个展览,她决定去看看。

    Clark and Chalmers asked their readers to imagine a woman named Inga. Inga hears from a friend that there’s an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art.


  • “魔方”英文单词,也年后被收入了牛津英语词典,而且款玩具更是成为纽约现代艺术博物馆的永久展品

    The name entered the Oxford English Dictionary after just two years and the toy is a permanent exhibit in New York's Museum of Modern Art.


  • 成为纽约第一现代艺术博物馆中的摄影导演并且1955年制作著名的“人类一家展览

    He became the first director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and created the famous "Family of Man" exhibition in 1955.


  • 纽约——他们来了约翰尼·德普海伦娜·汉卡特、蒂姆·伯顿丹尼·德维托全部一袭黑色礼服地出现现代艺术博物馆大厅里。

    NEW YORKThere they were: Johnny Depp , Helena Bonham Carter , Tim Burton , and Danny DeVito standing in the lobby of the Museum of Modern Art, all clad in black.


  • 那些设计中的一些杰作现在占据着位于纽约皇后区现代艺术博物馆两个临时展区

    Some of the best examples of that rethinking now fill two large galleries of the Museum of Modern Art’s temporary outpost in Queens, New York.


  • 这时距离现代艺术博物馆纽约揭幕还有整整,这就使得菲利普收藏成为美国一家现代艺术博物馆

    This was a full eight years before the museum of modern art opened in New York, making the Phillips Collection America's first modern-art museum.


  • 那些设计中的一些杰作现在占据着位于纽约皇后区现代艺术博物馆两个临时展区

    Some of the best examples of that rethinking now fill two large galleries of the Museum of Modern Art's temporary outpost in Queens, New York.


  • 印加在大部分时间里也是关于现代艺术博物馆地址信息藏在意识里不管的。

    After all, Inga tucks the memory of MOMA's address out of her conscious awareness most of the time too.


  • 著名法国设计师让·努维尔设计丹麦广播音乐厅著名伏利公园里的蒂伏利音乐厅以及路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆和各种爵士音乐会,极大地提高城市文化品位。

    The Jean Nouvel-designed DR Concert Hall and the Tivoli Concert Hall in the famous Tivoli Gardens, plus the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and great jazz venues, put the city high on the cultural map.


  • 它们已经成为纽约现代艺术博物馆巴黎装饰艺术博物馆以及伦敦·维多利亚艾伯特博物馆收藏品

    They are now part of collections in New York's Museum of Modern art, The Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, and London's Victoria and Albert Museum.


  • 他们复杂数学创造漂亮的艺术有些作品纽约现代艺术博物馆展览

    The men use complex mathematics to create beautiful art, some of which is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.


  • 伯顿是否认为自己艺术或者具体地说,是个“流行界的超现实主义者”,现代艺术博物馆赋予的称号那样。

    I ask Burton if he would consider himself a fine artist, or more specifically, a "Pop Surrealist, " as the MoMA show calls him.


  • 椅子的原型有回收再利用的轮胎内胎制造,外灯心草现在纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏,也令设计者汤姆·狄克逊成为明星设计师。

    The prototype, made from recycled inner tubes and covered with rush, ensured stardom for designer Tom Dixon and is now in New York’s Museum of Modern Art.


  • 这个展览里,提供一个“光线计算”比例复制品,这个纤巧的花瓶形状的造型在去年MOMA纽约现代艺术博物馆的“设计灵动思维”的展览中展出过。

    Here, she has provided a scale reproduction of "Raycounting," the ethereal vase-like structure displayed in MOMA's "Design and the Elastic Mind" exhibit last year.


  • 最新计划推出拥有6000件收藏品卡塔尔阿拉伯现代艺术博物馆

    Her latest project is launching Qatar's Museum of Modern Arab Art, a collection of more than 6, 000 pieces.


  • E给人留下了深刻印象,NewYork现代艺术博物馆收藏辆,并称之为跑车设计最有影响力最值得效仿车型之一”。

    The E-type made such a splash that New York's Museum of Modern Art added one to its collection, calling itone of the most influential and imitated” forms in sports car design.


  • 纽约市艺术Doug Aitken举办公众艺术,一幅画投影现代艺术博物馆墙上

    An image is projected onto the facade of the Museum of Modern art during a public art project by artist Doug Aitken in New York City.


  • Google创始人兼技术总裁Sergey Brin旧金山现代艺术博物馆新闻发布会上说:“我们Google Instant充当大脑第三组成部分。”

    We want to make Google the third half of your brain, ” said Sergey Brin, Google’s co-founder and president of technology, speaking at a Google press event at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.


  • 除了918开幕现代艺术博物馆大展“威廉··库宁回顾展”意外,这里还有另外艺术留意日历哦

    In addition to the Museum of Modern art's blockbuster retrospective on Willem DE Kooning, opening Sept. 18, here are seven more art exhibitions to note on your calendar.


  • 艺术项目阿拉伯现代艺术博物馆授权。它要求Bilal相机所拍摄画面博物馆进行直播

    Bilal was expected to broadcast live images of from the camera to the new Arab museum of modern art as part of the project.


  • 它们随处可见:杂志里商务名片上、以及T恤衫上,甚至海报公告牌上也到处都是它们的身影,更别提现代艺术博物馆(The Museumof Modern Art)里的展览了。

    They're everywhere: tucked away in magazines, adorning business CARDS and t-shirts and splashed across posters and billboards, not to mention on display at The Museum of Modern Art.


  • 约翰·考斯基,纽约现代艺术博物馆摄影展人。

    John Szarkowski, curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Photograph: Eamonn McCabe.


  • 约翰·考斯基,纽约现代艺术博物馆摄影展人。

    John Szarkowski, curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Photograph: Eamonn McCabe.


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