• 城市景观中的探索美学现代城市环境线索进行美术教育

    To search aesthetic from"the form"and "the color"of city scenery, and use the color of modern city environment as a clue to carry through the art education;


  • 来自于它们环境反射补充了,就是为什么它们能够如此精确模仿

    The colors from the color sacks are supplemented with colors that are reflected from the environment, and that's how they are able to mimic colors with such precision.


  • 隐私只是一个名词用来各种环境下,为了保护我们名誉时,勉强替代我们形形的道德价值行为准则

    It's just a word that we clumsily use to stand in for a wide array of values and practices that influence how we manage our reputations in various contexts.


  • 舒适的嫩黄咖啡高背沙发营造一个轻松优雅就餐环境

    The comfortable high-backed bright yellow and dark brown sofas create a dining atmosphere that is both lively and refined.


  • 10月初回到牛津,开始出乎意料第二个学年生活环境几乎阿肯州时一样复杂

    When I returned to Oxford in early October for my surprise second year, the circumstances of my life were almost as complicated as they had been in Arkansas.


  • 现代企业处在变化迅速、竞争激烈环境雇佣职业经理人扮演公司经营者一角现代公司经营管理一个重要发展趋势

    That Hired professional managers act as the runners of the companies is an important tendency in the management of the modern companies in the rapid changing and tense competitive environment.


  • 这种蜥蜴属飞龙科,广泛分布亚洲根据环境不同变换不同的体

    The changeable lizard, an agamid lizard found widely in Asia, can be seen in different colours which reflect their moods Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images


  • 这些环境动物保护常常得到特定形状变化本能的协作,这种本能会使动物采取特定姿势

    In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes.


  • 这些环境动物保护常常得到特定形状变化本能的协作,这种本能会使动物采取特定姿势

    In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes.


  • 幼儿园外部环境犹如多样伴随着彩虹跑道变化

    The external environment is like kindergarten diverse color, accompanied by changes in rainbow runway.


  • 房屋外部粉刷巧克力有利于掩映松树岩石环境中。

    Externally, the house is painted in chocolate color, favoring its camouflage in the surrounding landscape of pine trees and rocks.


  • 外部材料单一回应环境玻璃陶器彩绘隔板混凝土花岗岩

    Exterior materials come from a single palette that responds to its context: glass, terra-cotta, painted clapboard, concrete, steel, copper, and granite.


  • 万寿菊抗病性与栽培环境栽植时间、栽植方式有关。

    The resistance of marigold is related to cultivation environment, planting time and planting mode.


  • 赭石墙壁建筑明亮穹顶大理石室内铺地产生了对比,旨在提供一种对于“物质世界严酷环境”的静思。

    The ochre-toned walls offer contrast to the building's bright white dome and marble-lined interior, which is intended to provide a retreat from the "harsh elements of the material world".


  • 我们新型无VOC技术能为任何油漆环境考虑提供保证

    Our new VOC's free colorants technology ensures the respect of the environment with any kind of paints.


  • 采用绿,分别代表科技人文活力环境协调

    The use of blue, orange and green, representing the science and technology, environment, cultural vitality and coordination.


  • 动物的保护使它们环境融成一体而不被发现。

    Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings.


  • 从目前来看,游戏中包括大量环境(户外环境地下城),而且他们看上去都十分

    This time around, a lot more environments (both dungeons and outdoor Settings) were shown and all of them looked very pretty.


  • 两栖类动物避险行为包括遇敌十躲藏,变化体环境相近于是太显眼了。

    Protective behaviors of amphibians include hiding in the presence of danger and having coloration so closely matching the environment that the animal is not obvious.


  • 对放置干湿环境中的木地板进行材蠕变性能研究。

    The color and creep behavior of wood-plastic composite decking boards under the dry and wet environment were tested.


  • 边框设计适合工作环境大多数台式机

    The slim black bezel design fits into most working environments and on most desktops.


  • 因为企业中国运营混合式管理要比清一的外国人管理清楚地了解一特殊环境从而更好地运营。

    Because the venture operates in China, the mixed management can appreciate this special environment better and therefore function better than an all foreigner management.


  • 模型(CAM)主要解决不同观察条件不同背景不同环境的颜真实再现问题

    Color appearance model (CAM) is mainly used to solve color-reproduction problems under different view conditions, backgrounds and environment.


  • 日行性,卵生会随环境不同而改变

    Active in daytime; oviparous; body color changes according to the environment.


  • 这个项目中原始渲染看起来还不错,调整了对比度增加深度环境,进行再次渲染。

    In this case, the raw rendering came pretty good and I adjusted contrast, temperature and added some depth and environment to the rendering.


  • 循环平稳处理方法高斯噪声敏感,对高斯噪声较强的抑制作用,而且比情况下工作良好。应用于低信噪比环境中。

    Cyclostationary method is not sensitive to the Gaussian color noise and can do with non Gaussian color noise as well, which is proved to be effective in low SNR environment.


  • 形形环境问题当中,水资源问题无疑当今乃至今后相当长一段时间内人类面临严峻的一个环境问题社会问题。

    Among the varied environmental problems, the water resource problems is undoubtedly the most severe environmental problem and social concern nowadays and even in the future that the mankind face.


  • 形形环境问题当中,水资源问题无疑当今乃至今后相当长一段时间内人类面临严峻的一个环境问题社会问题。

    Among the varied environmental problems, the water resource problems is undoubtedly the most severe environmental problem and social concern nowadays and even in the future that the mankind face.


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