
  • 那么本周五参加我们的会议吧!我们特邀嘉宾专业培训师王爱将会为揭晓答案。

    Please come and join us this Friday night, our special guest and professional trainer Ailing Wang will tell you all about that.


  • (in Chinese)启发,王爱, 杨元斌,分子生物学技术一起食物中毒检测中的应用[J]。中国食品卫生杂志, 2014,263) : 254–258。

    Song QF, Wang AH, Yang YB, et al. Application of molecular biological technology in a food poisoning incident[J]. Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene, 2014, 26 (3) : 254–258.


  • 2019年大学毕业后,说:“我希望通过教师的工作将和善良传递给更多的盲童。”

    "I wish to pass on the love and kindness to more blind children by working as a teacher," said Wang after she graduated from college in 2019.


  • 请张英定约会不理

    When Wang Ping asked Zhang Ying for a date, she gave him the cold shoulder.


  • 哈他瑜伽便是所有枝桠之一其他五枝是1瑜伽(raja) 2瑜伽(karma)(又称行动瑜伽、卡玛瑜伽) 3 奉瑜伽(bhakti)(又称虔诚瑜伽、虔信瑜伽、善者瑜伽、巴克蒂瑜伽) 4 智慧瑜伽(jnana)(又称智者瑜伽、知识瑜伽、伊纳纳瑜伽) 5密宗瑜伽(tantra)(又称坦崔瑜伽)。

    Hatha yoga is one of six branches; the others include raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, and tantra yoga.


  • 雅各经历翻译者深思熟虑,能够让“慈善这个传达最高形式

    When King James translators contemplated the highest form of love they settled on the word "charity" to convey it.


  • 李尔罗密欧俄狄甫斯,忒瑞西阿斯,他戏剧中走出,他女人是,罗莎琳德埃及艳后,而不会黑影夫人

    He is Lear, Romeo, Oedipus, Tiresias; he has stepped out of a play and even the woman he loves is Rosalind, Cleopatra, never the Dark Lady.


  • 即使强大人物,像超越凡人甘道夫以及凯兰翠儿,英勇的凡人拉贡知道他们无法抗拒魔戒终极力量,也因此必须毁灭

    Even the most powerful of beings that are beyond mortal (Gandalf, Elrond, Galadrial) and even powerful mortals (Aragorn) know they cannot resist the ultimate power of the One Ring and must destroy it.


  • 因为以色列人永远坚立他们,所以立他们的使秉公行义

    Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness.


  • ·希兰写信回答所罗门说,耶和华因为子民所以立他们

    Hiram king of Tyre replied by letter to Solomon: 'Because the Lord loves his people, he has made you their king.'


  • 经过这样场磨难,一直陈勇军求婚心存犹豫终于意识到这个男人对自己,2007年3月,两结婚了。

    Having undergone such a tough event, Wang li, who once hesitated about Chen's request of marriage, finally realized Chen's love. They got married in March, 2007.


  • 因为永远以色列,所以立,使你秉公行

    Because of the Lord 's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness.'


  • 文章扮演都市男人付出越来越如鱼得水,角色可能男人形象上层

    The article plays urban men pay for love, more and more feel just like a fish in water, in the role of Wang Xiaojian could make his little man image more superstratum building.


  • ·希兰写信回答所罗门说,耶和华因为的子民,所以立你他们

    Then Huram the king of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent to Solomon, Because the LORD hath loved his people, he hath made thee king over them.


  • 大量图片壁画讲述脍炙人口的,关于危险恐惧死亡英雄大象婴儿诞生、继位和新的梦想产生的传说。

    Massive paintings and murals telling the common tales, well-known tales of danger, fear, death, heroes, elephants, love, the birth of children and new Kings, new dreams.


  • 主任介绍适应性障碍主要表现为焦虑心情抑郁失眠个别人表现发脾气暴怒做出违反社会公德行为

    Director Wang says, main show is adaptability obstacle angst, mood depressed, insomnia, individual person performance gets angry for love, violent rage, make the act that violates social morals.


  • 作者统照文艺观、文学创作比较理论,挖掘出“统照的灵魂,而这种与美的研究是与比较文学结缘的。

    The author research Wang Tongzhao s view of arts, literature composition and comparative theory, and thinks that love and beauty are his spirit.


  • 龚如心做出回应,出示了另一份遗嘱。 该遗嘱恰好是德辉1990年失踪前所立,带有一张写着一生”字句的标签纸。

    Nina responded with another will, conveniently written just before Teddy disappeared in 1990 and with a title-sheet saying "One life, one love".


  • 公司保存所有有关知识产权,我们开始婚礼所需的工作,说:”30结婚黄浦江别墅上个月

    "The company saved us from all the trips and work needed for the wedding from the very beginning, " said Wang, 30, who married his love last month at the Villa Grandis near the Huangpu River.


  • 就在儿子女儿即将面临走出家庭、走向社会时刻,欧阳正大哥玉京女士都感到了一寂寞和孤独

    To his son and daughter were about to face out of the family, to society the moment, Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing felt a kind of loneliness.


  • 通过一定人际关系大河炮的卫生记者熙衡走。

    He hinted that his Gao Yaojie and their families on the repression and persecution by certain relationships will be the first gun-loving Dahe Bao health reporter Xi Wang value transferred.


  • 据悉,欧阳正大哥玉京女士经过有缘的相碰已经火花终成眷属了!

    It is reported that Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing been destined to collide, sparks have been knocked out to get married!


  • 据悉,欧阳正大哥玉京女士经过有缘的相碰已经火花终成眷属了!

    It is reported that Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing been destined to collide, sparks have been knocked out to get married!


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