• 第二十字东征中离开时任命苏格摄政掌管政府

    When the king left on the Second Crusade, he appointed Suger as regent and left him in charge of the government.


  • 每天村庄附近灾民都会用水泥砖头垒起来建设他们的新家但是李婉芝办法这个工作

    Each day, all across the village, survivors mix cement and stack bricks atop bricks to build new homes. But Li and Wang are in no condition to do such work.


  • 陈勇只好建筑工地上做泥瓦匠低价从厂里买来了一台针织机,在家里门口摆摊做起了简单的针线活生意。

    Chen had to be a mason in a construction site while Wang Li bought an old knitting machine and set a stand before her gate. She was very skillful in knitting.


  • 看着眼前消瘦憔悴陈勇想到自己付出一切心里一软,同意了陈勇要求

    Seeing the skeletal Chen and thinking of all he had done for her, Wang Li felt guilty and promised his requirement.


  • 陈勇“啊”的一声,鲜血喷涌而出……自己行为吓着了,松开了手中的失魂落魄地跌坐地上

    Chen shouted miserably and was bleeding nonstop. Wang was shocked by her own deed and dropped the knife on the ground, sitting there soullessly.


  • 家里三天一小,五天一大吵,次激烈的争吵之后,索性店里,整整一个没有再回家,陈勇也整日在外面以前工地上的一群朋友借酒消愁

    Because of the frequent conflicts and quarrels, Wang moved to her shops and did not go home for nearly a month. Chen stayed with his friends for the whole day drinking.


  • 亚瑟莫德雷德作战,战斗中杀死莫德雷德,自己也受了致命伤,不久死去

    In a battle between the forces of the two men, Arthur killed Modred but he mimself was seriously wounded and soon died.


  • 于是了三万二千辆战车兵。他们安营在米底巴前。

    So they hired thirty and two thousand chariots, and the king of Maachah and his people; who came and pitched before Medeba.


  • 但是没想到陈勇婚后想到自己受到的种种委屈,加上陈勇的无理取闹,再也忍受不下去了。

    However, she did not imagine Chen would become another person later. Thinking of all the pains she suffered and seeing Chen making conflicts then, she could no longer bear it.


  • 医院的第二来看了,看着走进病房病床上陈勇异常激动。

    The next day after he lived in hospital, Wang came to visit him. Seeing her walk into the room, Chen felt very thrilled lying in bed.


  • 照着丧失兵之数,再招募一马,车补车我们平原与他们打仗,必定得胜。

    You must also raise an army like the one you lost-horse for horse and chariot for chariot-so we can fight Israel on the plains.


  • 坚决要求离婚,陈勇百般恳求都不肯答应回家

    Wang Li insisted on divorcement. No matter how Chen Yong pleaded her, she did not want to go home.


  • 就在和对话时候,位检票员靠了过来我们的谈话分钟之后张光(应该就是检票员)加入了我们的谈话。

    As Wang spoke, a conductor leaned over to hear the conversation.After listening for a few minutes, Zhang Guangjun chimed in.


  • 就在和对话时候,位检票员了过来我们的谈话,分钟之后张光(应该就是检票员)加入了我们的谈话。

    As Wang spoke, a conductor leaned over to hear the conversation. After listening for a few minutes, Zhang Guangjun chimed in.


  • 那时,先拿尼犹大亚撒仰赖没有仰赖耶和华,所以亚兰脱离了你的

    At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: 'Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.


  • 耶和华,我的阿,在祭坛那里麻雀自己房屋燕子为自己找着抱窝。

    Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young - a place near your altar, o Lord Almighty, my King and my God.


  • 陈勇白天工地做工,晚上莉家照顾她。

    He had to work in daytime. At night, he would go to Wang’s home to tend her.


  • 2006年底针织厂破产了,陈勇都失业了。

    At the end of 2006, the factory went bankrupt and both of Chen and Wang were out of work.


  • 听到了其它响声,他当时猜测是石头滚动时撞击的声音。

    Wang also heard other noises, perhaps stones crashing against stones.


  • 看到一副打发神情,陈勇拿起钱咆哮: “出院医生说我需要补养品,拿这点钱打发?”

    Seeing Wa Li’s attitude, Chen shouted at her, “I just go out of the hospital and the doctor said that I need to eat more nourishments. You want to send me away with such peanuts?”


  • 经过这样场磨难,一直陈勇求婚心存犹豫终于意识到这个男人对自己,2007年3月,两结婚了。

    Having undergone such a tough event, Wang li, who once hesitated about Chen's request of marriage, finally realized Chen's love. They got married in March, 2007.


  • 7:14于是差人去追寻,你们窥探窥探。

    They took therefore two chariot horses; and the king sent after the host of the Syrians, saying, Go and see.


  • 那时巴比伦尼布甲尼撒上到耶路撒冷围困城。

    At that time the officers of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon advanced on Jerusalem and laid siege to it.


  • 2009年元旦刚过陈勇来到莉家,要一次他3万过年费,答应

    After the New Year of 2009, Chen came to Wang's home again and asked for 30, 000 yuan for the upcoming Spring Festival. But Wang did not promise.


  • 你好

    Hello, I'm Li Jun. This is Wang Lan.


  • 40岁的是一个生意人半年来一直在外打2回到家里

    Wang, 40, had just returned home two days earlier after traveling around the country for half a year and trying his hand at small businesses.


  • 40岁的是一个生意人半年来一直在外打2回到家里

    Wang, 40, had just returned home two days earlier after traveling around the country for half a year and trying his hand at small businesses.


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